ITT: garbage Sup Forums recommended to you
It was pretty tough.
el topo
Synecdoche New York
ITT: shit taste
Specifically, A Field In England.
What’s bad about A Field in England, lads?
Upstream Color
I didn't like A Field in England, either.
Yes, I agree that it's garbage, just like everything Ben Wheatley has done, but come on, you never take recommendations from Sup Forums, ever. This is common knowledge.
state of the taste in this thread
fuck outta here pleb
it was in a rare serious thread a couple of weeks ago about the best movies of the 10s that didn't get attention. user who mentioned a field in england got a bunch of replies all saying that the movie is really good.
pointless and pretentiously bizarre for the most part. the ending was cool, I'll give them that.
It looked like a made for tv movie.
Doesn't say anything about anything, no obvious themes
Historical setting seems arbitrary.
Choice of black and white colour scheme is poorly utilised. Would've been a much better film if they used colour. Why the fuck would you make a film that mostly takes place outside on a sunny day black and white? It doesn't exactly convey a atmosphere of darkness or depression since the plot and characters are already pretty zany.
Honestly I can't even remember what happened in the movie. Some men escape a battle during the English civil war, they get roped into taking psychedelics and they look for a treasure chest.
That's a great film, though.
Same here on both. UC is particularly grating to me.
Ben Wheatley's gimmick with film is to blend so many genres together that the film you're watching becomes a schizophrenic kaleidoscope of tropes that are a complete detriment to any form of artistic statement he tries to make.
Kill List is a perfect example of this, 3/4 of a movie with perfect tone, tension and build up, and its wasted of a fucking retarded ending and twist for the sake of 'lol I wanted to make a horror movie'
This. Absolute trainwreck of a movie. Why the fuck it recieves such praise I'll never know.
nigga get dafuckottahere