I just watched the finale of American Horror Story. It was absolutely fucking terrible.
I just watched the finale of American Horror Story. It was absolutely fucking terrible
Yet another season where they have clearly run out of any intelligent plot arc half way through and it stumbles home to fall flat on itself the last episode.
lol bahahahaha its real omg
Sarah Paulson’s character however is probably the leader of a feminazi cult and has political power. So, basically, she did what Evan Peters couldn’t. It’s not that nice for Sarah Paulson annoying bitch character. A whore hungry for power, just like the lunatic in blue hair.
That faggot Ryan Murphy is literally incapable of writing a full, decent season.
wow you probably voted for trump, white bitch
I feel bad for him, he's the only good thing about this shitshow.
He was really good this season and in season 1. His other characters were mostly shit.
jesus christ
He made the hotel season, was pretty fucking amazing.
He's underused or his character is poorly written in other seasons.
Is this what Sup Forums has been going on about all this time? What the fuck happened?
I couldn't even make it through the tedium of season 1 but this actually looks entertainingly terrible.
Has it been this bad for a while?
And are later seasons hilariously shite enough to be worth a shot?
The Hotel is worth watching cause it's so campy and over the top it's actually great.
wow Sup Forums fucking BTFO
That's the just the tip of the iceberg.
is this satire
nope this actually happened
viral marketing pls leave
>still the same cast since the very first season whic is the only decent one.
please someone post that gif where they are dancing like a musical on season 3 i believe.
holy fucking shit I had no idea this was the story of AHS. Why is this show not memed more?
wow i'm glad i didn't watch this crap
>Why is this show not memed more?
literally no one watches it anymore
>stronk black womyn meme
So I guess the writers are Sup Forumsacks making very over the top SJW satire
At this point the only people who still watch this show are tumblrinas and black twitter. The shows is just preaching to the choir.
>(((American Horror Story))) sucked
A real shocker.
Gay jew Flash interviews jew Wonder Woman and talks about evil whites at 2:05
It hasn't been good since Asylum
Jessica Lange was the glue that held the show together, even with how silly her plot line was in Freak Show
Isn't this a show about like ghosts and witches and shit?
yes but the Drumpf supporting white male is far scarier that's the point
>they blacklisted Sam because of his beliefs
>this is the result
That could describe any season of AHS after the second one.
Coven was buzzword.
yasss queen slay
then she's off to kill some women for having sex lol
My God.
>this thread
Except it's not. The more hyperbolic the shitlib response is to reasonable politics the more the average person shifts over.
Either the writers are Sup Forumsack shitposters, or Sup Forums has really has literally triggered them
I still can't believe this is the timeline we live in.
The only thing that could have saved Coven was a torrent of lesbianism between Best Emma and Taissa Farmiga and it lacked that.
das rite
>The more hyperbolic the shitlib response is to reasonable politics the more the average person abandons politics altogether and stops paying attention
more like that
>mfw don't even know what this show is about but can't stop laughing at how retarded it is
This is all self-aware, right? It's too over the top and flat out funny not to be.
Did someone on the show have to actually study Sup Forums for this season?