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I don't see race; I only see people
fuck trump and fuck white """"people""""
top pic is only 10 years old
I’d fuck literally everyone in both pictures
What's the problem here
>its another "alt white butthurt" episode
these are my favorite. keep the tears coming losers.
pic related. your average "white uberhuman"
umm, it's pretty obviously a sign of white genocide
stay mad faggot. its soooo hilarious to me when i see Sup Forumstears about made up bullshit. i hope your waifu gets BLACKED
then why is the white percentage dropping?
Why are men so fucking short nowadays?
because you're an incel loser who will never get laid in the first place.
Inferior brown genetics
because of feminist brainwashing
Stay away from May, you punk.
>bitching about racists
>posts a leftist who supported Sanders
Really makes me think
Nothing breaks immersion faster than a diversity hire
ya Sup Forums logic is always amusing. k, you can go kill yourself now, i'm going out shopping with friends because i'm not a basement dwelling alt white loser neet incel like you. stay mad.
must be an american thing, im 6ft and britbong ,most 15-16 year olds here are taller than me now.
>calling him a leftist who supported sanders
intellectual honesty is dank memes
pic related is a fucking cuckold loser who got brainwashed to falseflag a white supremacist attack.
oh nonono
holy shit for people obsessed with politics and current events you Sup Forumstards really are clueless. thats a white nationalist terrorist you dumb fuck. he killed a shit ton of people at charlottesville with his car
>im going out with friends!
>keeps posting
Eh, people are people, race doesn't mean anything other than aesthetics. We'll all be dark skinned in a few centuries so who cares
The new, younger cast reminds me of my own fleeting mortality
Sup Forums bait is just too good my senpai, but forreal, i'm out now. stay mad
>plays a bunch of hardened criminals
>is a liberal pussy in real life
Fuck you Bobby.
I loved the casting choices in Homecoming but some of the dialogue was so badly cringeworthy and they were planting in social commentary that felt way too forced.
no, we won't
>but for real doe
Die nigger
>le white genocide maymay
grandpa, we told you that every time you say a racism, we won't change your diaper for the rest of the night, don't test us!
Meanwhile, the liberal he ran over...
>he killed a shit ton of people
*ton of person
i'm surprised Spider-man hasn't been made into a TV show, not like the new movies are setting a high standard for CG
>ugly heroin white trash will always choose niggers
Wow really? Next you'll tell me white guys hook in all the hot asian women too.
Jesus Christ
I miss prime Kirsten Dunst
>people keep responding seriously to my white genocide comment
see Sup Forums? this is how much of a laughing stock you are. when people pose as you and post dumb shit to make fun of you, nobody even notices the difference
american 56%ers are. Sam Hyde is 6'4", look at his he will not divide us footage, he towers over everyone else
Fuck Disney.
>Implying Americans are white
prime dunst was fargo mommy dunst
there's this important thing called context, that makes you perceive things differently. look it up, buddy.
Absolute patrician taste.
it's funny because it's obviously a reaction to the term "alt-right"... almost as if it was coined by stupid reactionaries
Because white ppl refuse to have children, and its going to get worse considering how many white incels like yourself there are. It's amusing how the same ppl that complain the most about "white genocide" are literally the ones contributing to it by being permavirgins.
At least they arent gay retarded niggers
start killing white babies
White women don't want to have children, because they were brainwashed by the Sex & The City lifestyle
oh man, those words are shocking! why, THAT'S not how you go with the grain of modern sensibilities!!
not true, they just want to slut around right now
Quick question, before we proceed. Do you believe in free will?
>white peepl are teh master race, but they stopped having kids because of a tv show
there is no better parody of you people than just letting you voice your opinions lmao
Thats what the shows about dummy.
Yup, it is definitely the Jews fault these fine young gentlemen can't get laid
I watched TASM2 today. Honestly there were the makings of a good movie in there if not for clear studio interference. Garfield and Stone were both great and the spider-sense scenes were very high quality. If they just streamlined the story significantly and brought it down to one villain I feel like it would have been very good.
I know two guys from this photo and can vouch that they are not virgins,
You're denying theres been a radical shift in today's culture regarding sex and marriage since the 1950s?
The ones on the bottom picture look like teenagers in a New York high school
The top ones look like founders of San Francisco start up. Too old, too white.
who is the prettiest girl from these pics Sup Forums?
I'm working on an edit which can cut out Electro and focus on Peter, Gwen and Harry
Well they're not high schoolers in the 2007 movie
why is that paki wearing the red cap?
They're not teens. They are all 21 & the girl who played Liz is 28.
They made the same mistake that SM3 did - tried to cram in too many villains
I fucked your mom
His son is a manlet
in spiderman 1 peter parker is in highschool. There's a fucking cafeteria scene and everything
Stop trying so hard to sound smart nigger
Liz Allan, she is 8/10
They look like teens though. More than in the original picture
Maybe it's casting or make-up, I don't know
>these are the saviors of the white race
Oh fuck I thought Peter's crush in Homecoming was an OC. So they changed three character's ethnicities then. Also
>not Kirsten
They merged some characters together so she is basically a new character
Kirsten is ugly. But so is Zendaya. (who was barely in the movie.)
They look young in the movie but not so much in real life so it's make up.
Looks like a gay retarded nigger to me
She got killed by her own fucking mass.
Aunt May on the top
Yeah and that was shot seven years before that photo. They didn't convincing, but they weren't as old as in op's pic
The fat brown guy was funny.
He has glasses he must be smart
He is Filipino (the actor, not the character)
>I don't see race; I only see people
I wonder which movie hired actors based on merit and which on diversity and which movie is better?
Maybe there is some correlation there..
What is the character supposed to be? Korean?
>Sup Forums is defending niggers now
Looks like readit isn’t just ruining Sup Forums
Eh, I feel like Electro was necessary to get Harry back into Oscorp. I would have probably just cut out everything with Harry after he takes the spider venom and left it for the next movie. He learns the glider far too fast and just the speed of him becoming the goblin is absurd.
Then adjust Gwen's death to be because of Electro, cut out all of the sequel baiting afterwards and be done.
>third from the right is supposed to be the high school jock who becomes an astronaut and war hero
So? What's wrong with him?
How do celebrity heights work? Are they all liars? Scott Eastwood is listed at 180cm and Clint is 193cm, yet I can't find any picture of them where the difference is that large. In most of them, Clint looks maybe an inch taller at most. Or maybe Clint just shrunk from old age?
>born in 1985
>last white majority generation of the USA
>got to see the last white-majority culture first hand (80s-90s)
feels strange man
reminder that peter parker is jewish
reminder that tobey and tom playing peter is basically whitewashing the character. Reminder, that Andrew Garfield is the only true peter parker, the fucking spider-man
Isn't he catholic in the books, even when it's very rarely referenced?
>cant detect meme
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