>main character never had a job
Main character never had a job
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how old?
that's ok
Game over
did you at least get a degree?
>had a few odd jobs that i didn't hate
>not a chad but good in social situations bit of a misanthrope
>still can't bring myself to apply for a job, worried i'll get used to the mediocrity instead of killing myself
it's an abstract kind of feel
I really, really, really like this picture. mind if I save it?
literally me
this, but sort of, I kind of see the falseness of a lot of consumer culture
>get job in retail shop
>manager has us in group interview
>told to go around the shop and find something we love and why
>people come back with lots of stuff, cant stop talking about them and why they love it
>I bring back a scarf
>user why do you love that?
>I dont love it, its just getting cold out and I lost my scarf so I think I need a new one
>how can you buy something if you don't love it?
I didn't know how to answer that, I buy things out of necessity, not lust, which is that feeling everyone mistakes for love
these people are sad and you should seek a job in another field
lmao wtf. your manager is a retard.
that's retarded, don't work there
I am, just I was unemployed for a year and took it out of necessity rather than pace around worrying about money and what I'm doing in life. The field I want to work in takes about a year for the interview and review process to complete so I'm waiting to hear back from them in about a few months.
I guess I'm a bit too cynical to fake happiness; another manager gem
>hey user are you happy today?
>why only relatively?
>thats just the way I am, not really a happy go-lucky person
>thats unfortunate! smile more! you'll always be much happier!
How to get a job at 26 without any experience?
do you have any certificates/skills? its really difficult getting good paying and satisfying jobs for millennials. Most people I know work in either the restaurant or military.
>tfw 24 and starting my first job in 2 days
>tfw I can't post comfy pepes and make fun of wagecucks anymore
get some skill or join military
Go work at one of those pet stores.
How does it feel being a wagecuck slave, goy?
heh if you're over 25 and you're still a pleb you will never make it outside of plebhood. You're basically stuck in the pleb swamp for the rest of your life. Middle class corporate entry jobs have a strict culture everyone mimics what everyone does and get attention from the managment to move you up in the ladder. If you're in your 30's you will jsut enver be hired and if you don't get promoted because you don't fit in you will find that one day you will be 30 and everyone around you is in their 20's and you will be fired just for that in the next round of restructuring ofc they will find a million reasons, that's why everyone in major corporations looks behaves and acts the same not that they necessarily it's just a requirment prisitne looks, prisitine clothes, haircuts manicures every week, eat at the same restaurants, have the same exact political beliefs wear skinny jeans and numale beards on entry level these are requirements for entry level in an urban office environment you only begin to break free when you reach upper management but even then you can begin to have your own opinions but there are now dozens of other conditions you need to fill.
*slow claps* *steps out of the shadows* Heh… not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It’s not bad. A good first attempt. It’s plenty dank… I can tell it’s got some thought behind it… lots of quotable material… But memeing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You’re skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - they’re out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it’s “tryhard,” or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don’t just mean the one you just lost :). It’s a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a million different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don’t get all mopey on me. You’ve got skill. You’ve got talent. You just need to show your drive.See you on the boards….
*slow claps* *steps out of the shadows* Heh… not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It’s not bad. A good first attempt. It’s plenty dank… I can tell it’s got some thought behind it… lots of quotable material… But memeing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You’re skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - they’re out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it’s “tryhard,” or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don’t just mean the one you just lost :). It’s a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a million different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don’t get all mopey on me. You’ve got skill. You’ve got talent. You just need to show your drive.See you on the boards….
>main character applies for job after job
>constant rejection
>he goes to a training class to help him improve
>the teacher tells him to wait while everyone leaves
>says he's not cut for it, too quiet and not to come in tomorrow
>got my first job since 2008 earlier this year
>been sticking with it for 8 months and make $15 an hour
Things are going kinda right for once
All you have to do is to just act like you're better than everyone else all the time.
Accurate breakdown.
Doesn't really matter. All jobs will be automated within 20 years. We'll have to have some kind of socialism by then.
>tfw totally incapable of suffering customers and clients
>tfw have sworn on the phone with supervisors without thinking and they complained
>tfw can’t bantz because too aggressive and dead pan, people think im actually upset or disinterested
>tfw can’t get puss because hate drinking and don’t have any social circles to find women in
>tfw decent looking but its slowly wasting away every year
>haven’t had sex in 3 years
>want to disappear multiple times a week, not die just vanish from history
No one is going to employ you at this point. The more you stay unemployed the less likely you will have a job. It's over.
>main character applies for job after job
>constant rejection
>he goes to training class to help him improve
>it actually works
>get hired
>hate the job
>realize this meme of working 40 hours a week is normal
>realize when people say 'just work somewhere you like' that you're a lazy fuck who dislikes everything
>realize you're living office space, except you hate construction too
>realize success is far more terrifying than failure
>tfw want to do something meaningful and worthwhile, but get no chances
Well unless it's Mcdonalds or the military. He's fucked when it comes to office jobs. I work in an investment firm and I've seen people who are 25 with several years of practical experience, master degrees, know 4 languages etc and that is just what you need to be looked at and considered in fact practical experience is even sometimes considered bad because if you worked at a bank and where fired and now you come here then there's something wrong with you otherwise the bank would have kept you then they show up and in 90% of cases they leave within a month after failing the trial run period not that they didn't do the job they were just average
i feel like this regularyly...
then i post bane threads to forget my misery
> tfw not able to laugh at bane threads anymore
>because heeeeeeee never wanted one
all jokes aside mate, if you feel likes theres no chances, then maybe you need to reevaluate what is meaningful and worthwhile. everyone can contribute something meaningful and worthwhile, even if you dont realize it.
maybe some of your posts made an user laugh somewhere who was having a bad day, or maybe you do other small things.
meaningful and important contributions shouldnt graded vs an objective scale. but rather based on the opportunities you DO have user, that every now and then you do something that affects the world positively.
40 hours is normal, eight a day monday through friday. The bigger meme is always having to work overtime and then coming on saturdays because work work work. Everyone but you is a fucking workaholic and spends their free time drinking.
Thank you for your lovely post user. What I mean is I want to create something of meaning that maybe someone else can related or appreciate, not for celebrity but be able to create something of worth.
As well I'd like a career that has meaning, rather than just showing up and selling stuff I myself wouldnt buy
Dude not even close.
This part fucking hurts me.
The Smiths always remind when I'm feeling empty how much my emotions ruin me
The brutal truth is that to do what you want, you probably have to do something you don't want until you get there.
My career does not give me meaning, but I am working towards objectives in my spare time that I hope will get me there.
My mentality has shifted from a nihilistic, time is a flat circle meme to a way more positive, self-nurturing system.
Wallowing in misery and waiting for the end times gets old
i think thats totally reasonable, and a very human thing. i know jordan peterson is a meme, but he talks about that, how we can gain a feeling of meaning and satisfaction often times, merely in the pursuit of meaning.
in such a way often times the pursuit of meaning is as great as the product of that pursuit. which is to say, if you just start, even if its small, but if you just start on a path towards that goal of creating something of worth.... that pursuit in of itself will start to create a feeling of worth in you.
so if you can find some kind of path towards that, that might help you a lot -- but one trick is, i think you might get tripped up and think that thinking of the path itself isnt progress...
when the reality is, just dedicating time in your day, or even just in your week, to think about it, how to create that path, in a very real way that is working towards your goal and will hope to instill satisfaction and happiness in your life, because you know you are trying to do the things that have meaning to you.
Learn a programming language
no job, no degree, got my driver licence at 24
>>main character never had a job
literally me
It SUCKS!!! I hate how this will be my life now, forever. The pay is not worth being a slave to the system. I'm scared that I will end up buying a bunch of Porg plushies just because I will have some moneys to spend on shit I don't need and I will be too tired to consciously decide on what to buy.
Tomorrow is my last day as a non-wagecuck. I hope it's a good day.
Jordan B Peterson is truly a gem. There are few who actually listen to what he has to say without ascending him to memedom, and it's a shame.
Save your money and spend it on travelling. Trust me.
desu i think start by applying or gearing towards the job you want.
two scenarios: a., you arent qualified enough and they wont let you in
or b. they let you in.
if its b, awesome. if its a, then i think the best course is to do that field, yourself. like, if you like cooking and no ones hiring you, start trying to find a way to employ yourself in this field.
the reason being, if no ones going to employ you, you have to basically self-employ yourself in todays world. and, even if youre attempts to self-employ dont give you the financial stability, what you're getting is experience that will help you to eventually find entry into that field.
but, obviously depending on the profession, like being a doctor or whatever, things are different, but in things that are REALLY degree heavy like being a doctor theres usually enough demand to get a foot in, somewhere, if you get that degree.
I'm 23 and I also never had a job, but I'm on the last year of a somewhat decent college. There is hope for me, right?
That sounds like good advice, thanks!
do some volunteer work, lot of employers like that
i think for whats it worth he really does care about the neets, and he is probably the closest thing to a neet specialist psychologist there is, whether he knows it or not.
Normies explain this traveling meme to me. Why do you fucks like leaving your country/city so much? What do you even do?
Kek Same here. Two bachelors, one masters, and I literally did fuck all with em :)
like other user said volunteer work is great, especially if its related and it really only has to be like tangentially related a lot of the time.
if you dont have experience as a recent grad they will probably look at your gpa, if its halfway decent it helps a lot. but also you should go to your college and ask them for advice or internships and stuff pretty much every college has programs and things to help you transition, and usually the most successful people immediately after college are ones that use them.
Peterson is great, I just wish the whole political nonsense would stop, because its evident that people ignore him because of his pronoun stance and equate it with bigotry. Then again in these age of click-bait, no one pays attention to anything.
I just have trouble finishing what I started, which seems to be a common trait for children of alcoholics. Or I get a new idea when working on a story and follow that and never finish the previous.
I'm not a normie but I want to visit Hong Kong just to walk under the lights pretending I'm a cyberpunk detective. I do that every saturday in the evening in a street in my town that's a bit Blade Runner ish but that's it.
And I want to go to Spain to visit my mom's cousin. She's a 40 year old NEET and she's really cool and fun, I've only met her once, years ago. I want to hang out over there. I also want to do that Santiago spiritual walk.
And I want to go to Times Square too, I saw a video where it was like 3 AM over there and there was like zero traffic. Standing over there with the whole place empty must be a cool feeling.
I also really like watching TV on different countries (as long as it's in English or Spanish). Idk why, it's comfy I guess.
Also they have like only 3 brands of soda where I live. I need foreign soda like Dr. Pepper and Mtn Dew.
So I'm really into my friend and I want our relationship to become romantic/intimate. I feel it's close to that, but I think she often feels empty because she's a bit directionless right now in terms of a career and in her life.
On the one hand I'm successful, have degrees under my belt, employed, etc. While she's a bartender and is in somewhat of a limbo state. She is ambitious and I know she wants more out of life.
My question is how do I go about providing that to her. Honestly what is there to do besides convincing her to go back to school? I think that this phase she's going through is an obstacle.
Any anons know this feel?
Its great going to places that you don't know, that sense of vulnerability is a bit of a rush, I mean that if you go to place outside of like designated tourist locals (providing that its somewhat safe, and locals are cool). Meeting different people, and falling into the culture and appreciating it at an arms length is really memorable. And seeing places up close that you thought youve never see.
I went to Berlin a few years ago, I was born a year after the wall was torn down, but seeing the remnants of that age, and what my dad told me when he was there as a teenager, tripped me out
The manager wanted to see you bullshit about WOW THIS SCARF IS AMAZING AND YOU SHOULD BUY BUY BUY! But I'd probably do the same thing, I'm shit at reading people.
This thread made me feel a lot better about myself thanks :)
that's false
It could be worse. I'm 27 and only ever had one job that I was fired from for being an alcoholic. Ever year that goes by I know it's going to be harder and harder to get ANY job and due to that it will take me even longer to get any meaningful experience, pay, or even move onto something I actually want to do. Because of this I will always be behind.
That sounds great, where you from. Also my favorite sodas are dr pepper and mountain dew. Is your mom's cousin hot?
I see, I guess I just don't get the appeal. I fully acknowledge that makes me weird. I also live in southern california so theres shit to do here.
That's what I do. I'm pretty sure arrogance and confidence are interchangeable.
Yea, I figured as much, but in the interview I said I am an honest person and don't like to bullshit people
I've been denied work for being "too confident" no joke.
Pic related is a friend of mine that got a part in Aquaman as a soldier, he has zero acting experience but knows someone high up in the production team. Networking through your friends is important, word of mouth that you're reliable and efficient can clearly get you quite far
Then they aren't worth your time. They are missing out on not hiring you.
Yeah, it was my brother's work and he suggested I apply because I didn't like my current job. The manager straight up told him I was "overconfident" or some bullshit. My bro still works there and his boss is a total worm, he hates working there now.
>main character has never had a girlfriend
>main character has been unemployed for a month
>main character hates himself
Get back in the fray, it's coming up to Christmas. Jobs are super easy to get.
yeah, im trying but damn
even being off the job for a bit makes me feel like a bum
gives me anxiety knowing i only have so much money for bills
>unemployed for a month
wouldn't even be questioned in an interview at that point.
So if I'm 26 and have never had a job I may as well give up on ever having a good future? My degree is probably depreciated by now.
why haven't you gotten a job with your degree?
I joined the Air Force at 19 and will probably be here until I can retire at the age 45. Pay and benefits are pretty good
Because I spent collage a shut in and never got experience or references
>tfw almost 23 and never had a job.
>Full NEET shut-in since 17.
>live with rich parents and have zero expenses/debt.
>pic related is my savings account.
>have over 500k USD worth of BTC/STOCKS/BONDS
>don't even spend my money.
>just stay in my room jerking off, playing video games, watching anime, and movies.
>KHV dateless.
>Will never have to work.
Reeee why am I so depressed? I'm thinking about moving out and getting a Russian wife or buying a whore to loose my virginity. What should I do anons?
did your parents keep giving you money for doing nothing since you were 17?
Only trustfund babies travel, most normies go only as far as the nearest starbucks. Travelling is patrician.
I legitimately envy you
ethnicity of the men behind these posts - white
>none of those posts are (Me)
Fuck yeah!
You're depressed because despite having all this money, you have no motivation and no activity.
You don't have to stop being a NEET, but stop being a complete shut-in. Try to set aside one day a week at least where you go exploring outside. Just set off at random, have lunch somewhere new. Get lost (safely) and discover something about the town that you live in. I guarantee you won't be as depressed.
literally me. 25 unironically make 20k a month from rent alone plus investments and bonds. I at least attempt to be useful and work at my family enterprise which basically just manages our real estate and investment holdings but there's no fucking reason to do anything at all. I'm thinking of going to law school and then start a law firm just to fucking do something.
lol, yeah she was attractive enough I guess, but it was hard to tell because she never wore makeup and always dressed like a hippie. She spent 1 week or so with my family in my country. I live in Argentina, about half an hour away from the capital in some suburban area.
>Last 3 jobs have been on a computer
>Still shitpost on Sup Forums no matter what
>Getting paid to work a little while doing the previous stated task
Life is good desu
Kek I see so many of these "I basically get paid to shitpost" it's always people working in IT akso.
Meh, fuck it, lawyering is a lot of work and the pay is good but a hassle compared to making 20k a month shitposting.
If you want something to do find more properties or start daytrading and investing in crypto with your play money.
Just take an arts class? I play guitar and I'm starting drawing lessons. Feels genuinely good, man.
>invite friends over
>they bring beer and meat and I play
comfy weekends
I travel between states and feels great to know how big my country is and it's comforting not to see anyone you know. It assures me that if I ever fuck up big time I can just relocate myself. It's also nice to meet different cultures.
I already day trade. Day trading is a meme btw since I just about break even on day trading after a year of experience investing short-medium term is far superior to meme trading and I'ts too late for entry into BTC and the rest of the memcoins are a scam. I need to do something with my liberal arts meme degree and lawschool is easy to get into
security and secretary
First sort yourself out. Help her out of good will, if you will. Otherwise you risk being a frustrated nice guy who did everything for her expecting to buy her love. If I were you, I'd make a move BEFORE trying to leverage her career, if you still feel like helping her after she accepts/rejects you, then go for it.
As to how, it depends on what she wants for her life.
>exercise (lifting, running and swimming are great because you don't have to talk to anyone)
>stay out in the sun for thirty minutes a day
>start taking any class just to have something to do with your mind. I'd recommend something creative like cooking (you can also impress girls with the chef + rich combo)
As a guy who lost his virginity at the age of 23 to a hooker, it's quite meh. I legit got bored half way through, but maybe it's just me. I think I need a gf in the emotional sense more than a pussy.
>It assures me that if I ever fuck up big time I can just relocate myself.
This is great