Is it even possible to rate Pixar films from best to worst?
Is there even a single poor Pixar movie?
Is it even possible to rate Pixar films from best to worst?
Is there even a single poor Pixar movie?
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>Is there even a single poor Pixar movie?
>Cars 2
>Cars 3
>Finding Dory
Cars 2 is right there bruh
Brave was fine. I haven't seen Finding Dory.
"fine" is far below the standard for Pixar.
poor pixar movie?
>Cars 2
>Cars 3
>The Good Dinosaur
>Monsters University
>Finding Dory
TS1&2, Wall-E, Nemo, Monsters inc, Incredibles> the rest>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brave
Okay you both have a point.
What about Ratatouille? It seems to be loved by the critics but to me it doesn't seem as amazing as many of the other Pixar movies.
Never seen Brave cause it gets so much shit, but great taste, friendo.
finding nemo was the last good non-brad bird pixar film
TS3 was manchild crybait
Everything after Up (which itself doesn't hold up after the intro) is a poor Pixar movie.
I think Ratatouille is good, but it's too adult, in the sense I don't think there's as much for kids to relate to.
>Is there even a single poor Pixar movie
Cars 2
Cars 3
Finding Dory
Good Dinosaur
Monster's University
Inside Out
Never did much for me either but there are people here that swear by it being better than stuff like WALL-E for example
Toy Story (the whole trilogy) > Up!, Wall-E, The Incredibles, Inside Out > A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille > Cars, Brave
Haven't seen: Cars 2&3, Finding Dory, Monsters University, The Good Dinosaur
inside out SUCKED
I dont get the hate for monsters university, sure it wasnt as good as the first but it was decent
I really like it, I think it's one of the best simply cause it's so adult oriented, but I can see not everyone loving it. You gotta love food and Paris.
Ratatouille is one of their finest works and it sickens me about how overlooked it is. No other animated film has gotten food as perfectly right as they did, and the story was a completely unique masterpiece.
I don't know the full ranking but Cars, Cars 2 and Cars 3 are all at the fucking bottom.
Ratapooie is for Sup Forumstards. So is The Incredibles for that matter.
Toy Story 3 is boring.
Up is emotionally maniuplative garbage. Oh noes, you mean a montage of a cancer terminal person's life is moving? Let's start a movie that way!!! Kek, and some butthurt disneyjew will disagree with all this.
>Is there even a single poor Pixar movie?
Coco and Inside out
It was completely unmemorable. Felt like a Dreamworks movie.
pic related
>he unironically thinks Brave and Finding Dory are worse than the first Cars Movie
>he thinks Finding Dory is bad
The dinosaur one was only made to cash in on toys, it flew under the radar for most people
Didn't click, but I'm guessing you're a Disneyfag based on your worship of Donald Duck. I'm 50% sure you're a furry
Why didn't the dinosaur just kill the pest?
>gets his dad killed
>threatened to ruin the harvest and cause his family to starve
>makes him fall into the river and get lost for years
So everything in the past 5 years almost?
Sounds about right.
Christ these dinosaurs looked so gay.
>not Ratatoing
So boring my kids fell asleep watching it and so did I.
Good Dinosaur is better than Ratacucky. Patton Oswalt? Really?
I saw people leave Ratatouille during the 10 minute art criticism lecture at the end. Yeah, that's children's favorite thing, bro.
Guess the nascar started early that night.
You're a fucking jew Soyboy if you like art criticism. It's literally cultural marxism.
pixar fans are generally children to begin with
It's a movie about a mouse and a kid learning how to become good chefs. What where you expecting?
Go back to
I expected less Judaism. I've since wised up. I know why Justice League does so poorly. It's the Disney Jewish conspiracy. I will never support another Pixar film. Because I'm not a Soyboy
Butthurt soyboy detected. Get this hothead out of here.
Wall-E is their best.
Brave is just a pointless long short imo. I guess they were after the girl power vibe but i dunno, it does absolutely nothing for me. It's not even dreamworks tier, it's just bland.
Toy story is lame , i was too poor to have toys
>I love the environmentalism meme
>I know why Justice League does so poorly
Maybe because it sucks? What were you expecting? They shifted from a pretentious edgy snob cuck to a bland illiterate moron as directors, the movie had only one fate and it was becoming a shit film.
So was Sid, he made do. You need to grow up, faggot.
You are just too blue pilled to know the truth, Soyboy. Can't wait to cuck your mom
Oh vey, the goy has found my real identity, damn Sup Forums is training the goy pretty good.
Finding Dory was so fucking bad it shocked me. It was like a punch in the nostalgia.
That's why I'm preparing myself for Toy Story 4
We can all agree Toy Story 1 is the pinnicle of excellence right?
Can't beat us, soyboy.
Sid was not poor , you stupid woman
Oh yeah goyboy? Then tell me why justice league is a actually a good movie.
No. Bug's Life is actually the best Pixar, withotu a doubt.
Finding Dory had no redeemable qualities. They kept recycling the idea of "oops, we got separated, gotta find them". And I don't mean "this movie had the same plot as the first movie", but that within the movie, they kept switching places and characters in the hunt to find others.
You would never understand the Kino of Snyder's vision. It's pearls before swine with you. Snyder is too perfect for this world, just like the Jesus that he loves. You are a scummy old Testament pig fucker. Sorry.
You uncultered swine
>What about Ratatouille?
Anecdotal pov here, I was born and raised in Paris, and lived there a couple decades. Ratatouille violently triggers me because it's the American idea of Paris and french cooking culture. It's cliché to death with a pretense of poetic naivety.
And I adore Wall-E and TS2&1 and all of these early Pixar, but Ratatouille is Disney level of cringe. I absolutely hate it.
>Any movie that doesn't fit my autistic ideals is bad maymay
That doesn't have Randy Newman tho
Just say that you're butthurt and got own'd, faggot.
rate my taste
Literally this. Shave all of those off of the picture
I rate you as a homesexual faggot Soyboy.
I hate Ratatouille and The Incredibles. I basically have an almost irrational hatred of Brad Bird and think he doesn't have any talent at all. I was proven right after he made the worst M:I movie and that garbage Tomorrowland. This is a guy that slipped through the cracks by fooling everyone he was a good director.
Incredibles and ratatouille are at least a 9. Brave is accurately dogshit. Cars isnt that bad
>Still believing the "Snyder is a genius" meme
>Not knowing that Joss Whedon took over the film months ago
Once you stop playing your snobbish and pretentious facade, you'll realize how pretentious are Snyder's films.
>bug's life above TS2
not even gonna look at the rest
I don't expect a Jew to understand Snyder's Christian vision.
Cars 2 and 3 are pretty bad but Brave is fucking awful
The Incredibles is arguably the best superhero film of all time. I don't think I can bear to watch the hatchet job I know the sequel will turn out to be.
>Any argument that shatters my autistic world is a butthurt faggot maymay
Toy Story 2 is a 9, you got it right though
>god tier
Toy Story
The Incredibles
Inside Out
>great tier
Monsters, Inc.
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 3
>good tier
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
>meh tier
A Bug's Life
Cars 3
Monsters University
Finding Dory
>shit tier
Cars 2
The Good Dinosaur
All Cars movies, Brave and Findin Dory. I also think Wall-E is overrated, its only rated as highly because of its message and the fact that movies like that with very little dialogue are hard to do as well as Wall-E.
I gave up at finding nemo
Switch Wall-E with finding nemo and you'd be right.
Meme magic kills Jews.
Mah nigga. Wall E is my go to feel good movie.
Your list is complete shit
>Believing that cuckhristiany isn't a jewish creation to manipulate the dumb goy
Wall-E and TS3 too high. Ratatouille too low.
>he fell for the Toy Story 3 meme
I'll agree with you
ffs, even in a pixar thread there's a goddamn asshole invoking Snyder
KYS you degenerate nigger, even Brave fans have more integrity than you
>Believing in the meme magic maymay
>God Tier
Toy Story 1 & 2
The Incredibles
Finding Kino
>Great Tier
Monster's Inc.
>Good Tier
Bug's Life
Inside Out
Monster's University
>Meh Tier
Toy Story 3
Finding Dory
Good Dino
>Shit Tier
Cars 2
Cars 3
>liking anything by the Jewish corporation
Inside Out is overrated as fuck.
>Is there even a single poor Pixar movie?
>bugs life
>monsters inc
>toy story 3
>cars 2
>monsters university
>the good dinosaur
>inside out
>cars 3
>finding dory
that's most of their movies
Who's president? that's right, faggot. SHADILAY AND ONWARD TO KEKISTAN
I won. You lost. Get over it.
finding dory IS bad
Who's gonna voice him now in TS4 now that rickles is dead
except dreamworks is 100x better than pixar
back up your claim
name a good movie that isnt shrek