Mummy on Orient Express edition
Last shit
Mummy on Orient Express edition
Last shit
First for Pertwednesday!
>new mattress is wearing shades and leather
Post the worst of Gallifrey Base
Damn, that's a nice TARDIS
I liked Clara, I like Capaldi-Doc. I hate how they were written to always be at each others throats. It was bullshit forced drama that dragged on and on and on.
Eight's TARDIS is ultimate comfy.
Doctor Who is dead.
Did anyone save "implying thirteen will even have companions"
That was the absolute peak of GB contrarianism.
>the matress trying to corrupt this kid
Why am I not surprised
One of the best NuWho debuts any writer has pulled off in recent years, it's not perfect but it's stylish, inventive, well-paced, and beautifully structured.
>casualty is a real show
Yeah okay. Literally a medical drama with a single set and 1 camera
That all stopped after Danny got splinked.
>the doctor is half-human
More like MOMMY on the Orient Express, amirite?
But she doesn't:
best edition
my favorite was
>implying its even the doctor
okay mate
What are the chances we'll EVER see 8 on screen again? should it even happen?
How is that a surprise? They address that in hell bent!
I still remember the "Sheehan will play the Monk" rumor when S10 speculation was out, and frankly I still think he'd do well in that role.
Amy's Choice is going to be on the stream after Love and Monsters finishes
I hope you're enjoying getting moviepilled user
Kino in the stream
No they don't. Fuck off
60th anniversary in 2023?
or 65th anniversary in 2028
Yes. Next anniversary, bring him on board to meet 12, 13, and whoever's incumbent at that point.
You mean Moffat needlessly brings it up purely to annoy fans
Fans without a sense of humour deserve to be annoyed.
The fuck are you talking about? They spend a 2 minute scene addressing this you fuckin idiot. Theyre at the end of the universe and ashildr accuses him of being the hybrid as a half human and they talk about it
how in fucks name do you not rememeber this? Its one of the most important parts of it.
HAHAHA! The writer is intentionally trying to aggravate his audience! What a great guy!
Technically the Doctor doesn't really address the accusation, he pointedly changes the topic.
Unfortunately i can't see it happening, as much as i'd love to see McGann reprise the role onscreen with new stories and companions, NOTD is probably all we'll ever get, but at least their is earstories
Jodie and McGann, YES PLEASE
The doctor doesn't, but the episode does which spoils that line from the telemovie
It was a fucking joke. I know this is Sup Forums but you can't be this autistic
Who was joking - you or Moffat?
Are you trying to confuse me?
>grace just understands how the TARDIS works
>tfw the movie isn't called Grace: 1999
i heard even matt is coming back for the 55th or 60th anniversary
>I always DREZZ for the occasion
God blogs like these are so fun to read through.
Did Lee just fucking die
oh shit that should be cytu.
That chick on the right looks like Lena Headey.
What the fuck is happening
How does the mattress come back from being succed into the eye
Like many of his escapes from death, it's never explained. The Shalka version sort of made sense, since the Master is effectively part of the TARDIS in that... but some of the lines in the webcast don't really add up with it being a continuation from the TVM.
Ah, you're enjoying the wonderful editing.
What's gonna cook your noodle later is when you remember that this was supposed to be for new audiences.
>some of the lines in the webcast don't really add up with it being a continuation from the TVM
I believe the backstory explains there has been a lot of time since the TVM.
Fuck off keep that shit in the last thread.
Ah, so the Doctor being romantic didn't start in NuWHo
I hope 13 has more violent moments like 6 killing his enemy by suffocating him or 4 snapping someones neck.
Comfy ending desu
I need more 8 in my life now, is there a list of all his audios in order?
What was Amy like in bed? What was Clara like in bed?
One last question though, is the Doctor claiming to be half-human actually true?
I sort of feel a direwctly violent Doctor goes against their spirit. Even Twelve punching Sir Ray Sist in Thin Ice was close to being un-Doctorly in my view, though it was a sudden moment of outrage, so it worked.
Maybe. The point of the mention in Hell Bent is to keep it ambiguous.
What if the Cartmel Masterplan becomes canon?
Imagine the furore from certain people if 13 was hit or locked in a birdcage, like previous Doctors. There will be no violence against a woman Doctor,
The guy who played Qyburn is playing the new kate AKA unit scientific head.
I seem to remember that the audio Mastermind covers his escape from the Eye and his exploits immediately thereafter. It's a great little one too
Since you keep asking. Amy likes deepthroating. Clara likes anal.
Valeyard when?
start with the main range on spotify, 8s first story is called "storm warning" and then listen to all of his audios up until and including zagreus
but i would too like a list if anyone has it because i get confused with the ordering too
Thanks! For some reason, slashfics do nothing for me, but I like a more democratic process of getting as many responses as possible and then composting a mental image from there.
I'm not sure you understand the connotations of that term
It would piss off some fans, but wouldn't actually change much about the Doctor. Her origin matters very little to who she is.
I think it might be interesting to have a more "biological" version of Gallifrey. Maybe something with organic technology, or a more Giger-inspired design for the architecture.
>Amy likes deepthroating
T-that's a very lewd image.
I meant a direct continuation, in relation to the Master's circumstances alone. Theoretically, the Master's consciousness could've been kicking about in the TARDIS for ages before the Doctor built the android body, so Shalka taking place long after the TVM is irrelevant.
However, the Master's conversation with Alison at one point suggests that he was physically present to help the Doctor before losing his corporeal form and being rebuilt, so who knows? Also, unless the Doctor and the Master were in communication during the time the latter was stuck inside the TARDIS, their amicability in Shalka doesn't quite line up with how things left off in the TVM.
Anyways, none of this actually matters seeing as Shalka isn't even considered canon by the Data Core's normally lenient standards. ):
If nobody else steps forward, I can write you a list, but seeing as I'm not all the way through his audios myself just yet, someone else might be better suited to help you out. My area of expertise currently lies in Eight's novel range, the Eighth Doctor Adventures, and if you like reading, I highly recommend it.
It's a bit complicated, and ultimately up to you. Lots of writers throughout the years have tried to explain the situation, and that can be pretty interesting in itself, but it's a controversial subject.
Amy snores and hogs the sheets
Clara is cuddly but you end up getting one arm trapped underneath her all night
>Master's conversation with Alison at one point suggests that he was physically present to help the Doctor before losing his corporeal form and being rebuilt, so who knows?
Yeah, I think the background specifies that the Master physically were involved in a conflict before Shalka, and that the Doctor saved the Master's life.
>Lots of writers throughout the years have tried to explain the situation, and that can be pretty interesting in itself, but it's a controversial subject.
Unnatural History's explanation was awesome.
Also, McGanon, Shit Trips 2.5 submissions will be starting in midto-end December, and the theme will be "alternate Doctors, spin-off characters, and companion-focused stories." Just letting you know, so you can start thinking on ideas.
>Clara likes anal
I've known about ST2.5 since it was first suggested, worry not. I've got two stories planned already, and after getting some useful info from n8, I'm ready to write as soon as I've gotten uni work out of the way.
They'll be based on EDA stuff—albeit written so as to be accessible to everyone—so I don't expect many people to read them, but I'm pretty excited for the ideas I've got all the same.
Cool. I've got my own ideas, including a story involving the Shalka Doctor, as well as involving a Doctor mentioned in a past Shit Trips.
I can also say we're probably going to get an Erimem story in ST2.5.
Also, how are you, McGanon? How's uni treating you? (By the way, according to the trip shipping pic, you're my mortal enemy or something. It's a bit weird.)
How many incarnations of the Master are there?
Reckon Amy would be into femdom stuff?
Oh, I'll be interested to read the Shalka story. I've been meaning to find the charity anthology for him, he's a pretty interesting incarnation... just a shame he was relegated to obscurity. Still, at this point I'm pretty used to liking things few others care for. Shalka!Doctor's a bit more well-known than some of my other favourite characters, at least.
And I'm good, but I've been pretty tired and stressed out recently. I'd like to say I soon won't be, but there's a lot of work I need to get through before this semester ends, and stuff I need to plan for next year. It's not very fun. I hope life is going better for you at the moment. Also, speaking of uni, it's 2am here and I have to get up early, so... sleep time for me.
(No idea why, really. There's probably a fair few inaccuracies on there, but I can't say I looked over it in any great detail.)
Have a good night, McGanon. Dream of McGann, preferably as Eight, and not as his role in Holby City.
>Anyways, none of this actually matters seeing as Shalka isn't even considered canon by the Data Core's normally lenient standards.
Peeves me to no end. Especially since you can't talk about how "valid" stories on the wiki reference "invalid" ones, even when it's perfectly clear -- eg Slarvians first being mentioned in Shalka, Panda quoting Shalka verbatim in "Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme" (iirc), "Brief History of Time Lords" mentioning the android Master, everything in the later EDAs that teases "ghost in the machine" Master. Shalka is the real spiritual continuation of the EDAs, and it bugs me that that can't be recognized because of stupid policies.
If and when I get my wiki-spiting ebook spinoff up and running, I'm gonna try really hard to get Paul Cornell to let me use the Shalka, just so the wiki will have to grapple with that.
If we just count TV incarnations, 7. That's including Delgado, Pratt/Beavers, Ainley, Roberts, Jacobi, Simm, and Gomez.
Actually 8 if you count Tipple too.
>Pratt/Beavers, Ainley, Roberts
These are all the same incarnation though. Arguably the same as Delgado's too.
N8, tak to me about that spin-off on Discord.
Technically yeah, although I'm pretty sure Delgado is meant to be separate from the others.
Yeah, it's ridiculous, honestly. Over there, they even consider the Mr. Men books canon, yet Shalka isn't even considered to be some sort of alternate timeline or whatever—they just slapped it with a big ol' "not valid" and called it a day. I mean, the whole concept of canon is ridiculous in the first place when it comes to Doctor Who... and sometimes it seems as though the Data Core is aware of that, seeing as the editors try their best to slot everything into some sort of coherent universe, but with Shalka, they just gave up and didn't even try. It's confusing that they'd be so lenient with some things and not with others.
Also, that'd be bloody excellent.
I'll do my best, but Holby haunts me.
Rank NuWho Series!
1. Series 5
>The definition of a fun season. New Doctor. Better production values. New showrunner. Shit was cash.
2. Series 1
>Davies knocked it out of the goddamn park with this opening series. Nine may have only had one season but he made it count and now that we know what came before, it's completely understandable why he turned out the way he did. Eccelston is unparalleled.
3. Series 8
>Capaldi's first outing and probably one of the darkest seasons in the new series. I think Moffat was going out of his way to make this series distinctly different from 5 and it shows. Capaldi was old and pompous compared to the prior Doctor and his lack of sensitivity make him a much more questionable Doctor in that you don't know if he's saving your life or deciding how your death will benefit him.
4. Series 9
>I initially wasn't set with Clara as a companion but she has grown over her time with the Doctor. Also having mostly two parters was genius. There is one sore spot of the series that keeps this from being true perfection
5. Series 2
>Ten's first outing and easily one of the comfier series. Ten and Rose was the ultimate power couple.
6. Series 7
>Not a popular choice but all of the episodes can be watched on their own makes this one of the few series that is easy to show off to others.
7. Series 6
>The mystery of River Song should not have been a season long arc but here we are. It did have some stellar episodes though.
8. Series 10
>Capaldi's most lighthearted season. Bill was a fun departure from Clara, and the finale is absolutely god tier. Also, having Simms return was a delight and showing the events up to his regeneration was icing on the cake.
9. Series 3
>I didn't intend for this series to be this low. Martha was an interesting companion and the Master's intro to this new mythology was great.
10. Series 4
>Still a great season. Donna was a fantastic companion that could stand with the Doctor and not many companions could do that.
>Richard E. Grant played the Doctor twice
If you had to recast an older regeneration of the General, which actress would you use? Let's assume she's still British.