new episode is about to start. Anyone have a stream with chat?
new episode is about to start. Anyone have a stream with chat?
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Why get a jungle Asian if they are going to be cunts?
>You 48 why you no rich?
>I was, my wife too all my money in the divorce
>Why you talk about past?
>tfw this spaniard goes on about a "European Dream"
He should have gotten a European from the jungles of Brazil
>have the European dream
>Can't afford to rent a tux
Is it normal in America to have your guests paraded in matching formal wear? Why can't they use their own tux?
Yes, its normal for people to dress up for weddings in America. It's a wedding, not a cock fight.
Groomsmen don't need to match, but they should wear a tux, or a suit.
Women usually force their bridesmaids to wear matching outfits.
Least they can do considering that the typical wedding runs $100,000+
Don't you give money to the couple? 95% of the weddings I've been end up earning some cash or at least breaking even,
Nope not at all. Groom's family pays for the honey moon and rehearsal party. Brides family pays for the wedding. Wedding party usually does the shower and other get together.
Sup Forumsis too plebeian to enjoy 90day kino.
Threads about this show always die fast
Late sunday night is the only night a good thread gets going. Takes forever to pick up steam and there are only like 5 of us that can enjoy this pure reality JUST kino.
Presented without comment
>tfw to get a marriage visa they'll have to live together, file taxes together, document trips, and generally be miserable all for the next 5 years until she applies for citizenship
They'll probably just stay with the loser until everything is paid for then remarry, realize you have to start the process over, and just go home
This guy got the best wife of the whole series so far.
She seems fucking crazy.
The dude is just cock crazed about slapping that 18 year old cooze.
Crazy? Kirlyam was the most normal one. She is the anti-thot
Is Brazil white???
In the southern Jungles they have all white villages that have little electricity and no running water thats where the mormorm missionary found her.
Agreed. She got THIICCCC after she got pregnant and she's even hotter now.
Why has nobody told me this before? Sounds incredible
Go user. Go find your white 3d qt pure chrsitian waifu before the hues or (((they))) come after her. Only you can save her
Whats his endgame?
How did the guy on the show know about these villages?
Dudes a marriage counselor, so my guess is that he either
>Is a genuinely great person who saw one of the most dysfunctional marriages ever and decided to step in
>Wanted free advertising for his counseling services
>Was simply pulled in by Mohammads unnatural charisma
He was a Mormon missionary.
So they didn't do the sex until after marriage?
>goes to welcome party
>is concered for her friends well being
>gets shit on by all her closes friends
>gets shit on by her best friends fiance she just met
>goes home
>contemplates suicide
Life... life is hard for fat ugly women.
tbf she was shitting on them too
Why does Josh want Aika to be a model so bad?
Beta wants status symbol. It's wierd
Yep. She's not prettt enough to have a attitude.
>Imagine being Mohamed in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Danielle, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your sagging body and horrific fetal alcohol syndrome monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my tv persona and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another friend of his in Florida. Like seriously imagine having to be Mohamed and not only stand on that altar while Danielle flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and extra chromosome, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she lurched down the aisle. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DANIELLE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of bimbos and Europeans and later allegedly Danielle for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Tunisia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her hanging stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "acceptablesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with TLC makeup artists in the previous hours. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could cross every state in this country before immigration could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Mohamed. You're not going to lose your future citizenship over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Shoop Pablo'sface on to the black guys face in the background and its perfect
Pretty much everyone in the first season was relatively normal.
Then everything changed in season 2 when and TLC realized how dysfunction could improve their ratings like 90fold. They slowly started incorporating a mix of relatively normal couples and not (gold diggers, crazies, 20+ year age difference,) until we got to the shitshow we have today.
I fucking love it
Who was in the wrong here?
Is she pre or post-op?
Crazy how when she's 40, he's gonna be 80
This show taught be Russians and Philipinas are nuts and can't be trusted.
That being said, pic related is what of the cutest and legitimately functional couples in the show.
Yes, what's shitty is her forcing them to buy the same tux (an added expense) on top of them having to pay a lot of money to fly from Spain and stay in hotels (plus any extra costs). A nice gesture would be to offer to pay for their clothes but she didn't seem the type to do that.
>tfw no crazy Christian 18yr old gf
>and later allegedly Danielle
My fucking sides
Shit like this gives a bad reputation to those kinds of relationships but if you are not a complete retard you're probably better off with a third world waifu and can easily find a non crazy non drama one.
Can you not do math?
She'll kill him well before that. If not directly with rat poison or something then through her constant nagging and wanting more gold which will drive him to a heart attack.
I sincerely don't understand these guys who go after third world gold diggers and then have the audacity to be shocked when they just want money from them. I don't want to believe they are delusional enough to think a girl half his age is actually going to love some ugly old man for who he is rather than just his wallet. It actually makes me side with the gold digging third worlders, which is quite the feat.
Rank this season's couples and say which relationships might last
Very cute girls
>how about a massage by the pool?
>that's ok
Such a fucking weird question. Can't believe he would ask that on camera
Over under on azam being gay?
It'll be the other way around with him killing her and possibly any children the have. It's a pretty disturbing trend with all the middle-aged white losers who have to go to asia to find brides.
They already had a bad reputation, the show just fits into the stereotypes that already existed for this type of thing. It's nothing new and there's a reason most people are repulsed by this sort of thing. TLC turns that natural repulsion into ratings.
Never watched the show before but has it ever went well for the dude?
This guy is awesome. His girl face gives me a uncanny valley feel though.
Well Evelyn and David aren't gonna last because once he comes to his senses I'm moving in on her
Shes the kind of girl who would cut your dick off in the middle of the night if you ever cheat on her
I don't like how she pronounces his name, also if they had kids they would look like ayy lmaos
She needs an alpha and she will turn into that submissive religious wife she was bred to be
That bitch is 100% in love with her.
Yeah, that does happen a lot too, men who go after poor Asians are always a mess. But I have heard that there is a phenomenon in Thailand specifically of Western men dying under mysterious circumstances, the idea being his Thai wife killed him off for the money and then bribed the cops. Or if she doesn't kill him she makes him buy a house (and/or make investments, start a business, whatever) in her name because foreigners can't do that and then dump him and keep it all for herself.
So I searching for pics of Mommy Mollys big Momma milkers and it turns out she used to be on some other reality tv show called Double Divas, and also she has been arrested for DUI several times hmmmm interesting
No need to cheat when you get to wake up to this every morning.
Picket a few abortion clinics with her and her dad and you've found the way to her heart
Cuck tendencies
California maybe, but everything is more expensive there no? A subway sandwich is like 500 bucks
Yes but how is her foot game?
more importantly how is her butthole game? is it perfectly clean and pink and hairless or is it caked with poo crusties because shes psycho ?
Has Paola left that homosexual yet, or is there still some kind of restriction on her citizenship if she separates?
Last wedding I went to all the groomsmen and bridesmaids had to wear matching tuxes/dresses and the bridesmaids were stuck in high heels. In a wedding that was being hosted in a field. A field that got rained on the previous day so the ground was damp enough that all the women were in absolute hell with heels sinking in.
What a horrible fucking pain in the ass I HATE WEDDINGS SO FUCKING MUCH REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
If I was more of a lech I probably could've used the opportunity to play grabass with the bridesmaids, but fortunately all I wanted was to get the fuck out of there as soon as socially acceptable. It probably still wasn't socially acceptable since I was the best man but fuck 'em.
Only aspect I'm unsure of, I'm too scared to ask her for foot pics. She did tell me her favourite movie's Somewhere In Time though
This is a good Christian imageboard
>leaving the wedding early when you are the best man
No one could possibly love her more than she loves herself. What an absolute nightmare she'd be.
>She did tell me her favourite movie's Somewhere In Time though
How did you get in contact with her?
I'm a close second man, believe me
Instagram, I'm pretty sure she met David on there so there's a precedent. Just don't ask her for bob and vagene pics
Her bob game is lacking anyways
my wife is asian
Any swimsuit pics?
She's a good Christian girl, so of course she does
this guy knows
that is one sad white girl ass
wtf gonna start watching now to see her
>TFW you found a third world waifu
>TFW she's massively more successful than you
>TFW she's made noises about how she would love to have you as a house-husband because the two of you became friends online before learning more about eachother and she knows you're not just after her shekels
It's fucking terrifying. Sounds like a dream come true on paper but I'm just too paranoid. Maybe if we're still in touch after 30 more years online.
Back up homeboy
I'm glad you see the light, my friend
It's better when you can't hear her be crazy
>still 2D even in video form
That poor Spainish cuck.
Nigga go for it. Live the dream
Do it user
Snow carefully placed in her and pet rats hair for the "perfect" picture.
He's gonna get harvested for organs
why does she want to marry david even though they clearly dont get along
the dude, obviously.
eat the pig, its a no brainer.
Do it user!!! you only get one chance. Make sure she's not a gang tho
No Evelyn hate pls
Well it worked
Because she's 18 and in her parents eyes another year and she'll be a fucking spinster. David's the weird one, he was hitting her up when she was 17 and he was 26 lmao
She just wants her dream wedding. She doesn't care about David
Why doesn't she get a Chadvid then?