>this is a $38 million Chinese movie in 2017
Seriously, why can't chinks into CG?
This is a $38 million Chinese movie in 2017
chinks barely qualify as human beings, thats why
still better than JUST league and civil war
muh IQ
Still looks better than Justice League
Smaller, younger, less experienced talent pool, plus a smaller literature on animation due to still being a poor country.
IQ doesn't necessarily equal artistic ability
Jews have higher IQ than whites but they are far worse artists
Looks kino imo
>t. Proust and Kafka and the authors of the Bible
True, but it should lead to better software engineers. Maybe chinese structured lifestyle isn't all its cracked up to be
>t. faggot who thinks Harold Bloom is unbiased about Jews
Looks fine, and 38 ain't much at all
its not great but its no worse than 200-300 million dollar capeshit also looks shit just in slightly different ways.
>if you think the Bible and the works of Kafka and Proust are God-tier art, then you must love Harold Bloom
makes me think
38 million is not a lot, you can't expect Pixar level work with that kind of cash. 38 million is CGI TV show level cash.
The Bible's only ironically God tier.
It's great literature, you thick piece of shit
Nah, you've just been conditioned to think so because our culture is saturated in biblical mythology. Kind of like how you can't help but like your family because they're the only one you know.
Majority of these movies are just elaborate money laundering schemes. No different than what Adam Sandler does.
still, you can see their industry getting up to speed quick in the past decade
Yeah. After Wanda Group bought Legendary Studios and a bunch of other shit. Buy, Steal and Copy. THE Chinese way.
Not bad desu