Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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its 2017
>Punching socialists
I dont see any wrong here
What you don't seem to get is that fascism is morally equivalent to pedophilia. Like yeah you aren't hurting anyone by just being one but you should probably be put down anyways for everyone else's safety and peace of mind.
You're a menace to civilized society and are justly viewed as such.
explain how fascism is harmful
Oh idk, the wholesale slaughter of anyone who doesn't fit in your autistically rigid ethnic/religious/moral framework that makes everyone repressed and miserable?
>all fascists are nazis
>explain how fascism is harmful
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
>makes everyone repressed and miserable
So Communism? Germany had the highest standard of living in the world during a worldwide depression as well as the lowest effective tax rate and the shortest work week.
He was describing fascists, not nazis. You dumb faggot.
>he thinks national socialism is the only type of fascism
how many people did mosley and his blackshirts slaughter?
Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen
Tell me about the genocides committed in Italy and Spain plz
>you want me to explain my opinions?! ugh what is wrong with you???
>not killing nazis
>not killing commies
same germanic cancer
>kicking the shit out of someone for their political beliefs
Apparently they believe this is both a deeply repulsive and a joyously empowering act.
This. As a separatist, I'd rank Socialists of any kind a greater threat than any man of color.
>karl marx
It was already explained by another poster so I just decided to ridicule you.
How about you explain why fascism is a good thing.
Looks like /leftypol/ proves yet again they can't handle the
>prove it
>are you retarded?
>hey check out this guy who can't prove 2+2 is 4, haha
why is beating up an animal abuser allowed? why is beating up a bully allowed? why is beating up an intolerant religious nut allowed?
they all have the same answer. they're bad people and they deserve it.
what are you some kind of fascist nazi republican racist misogynistic homophobic transphobic creepy weirdo who likes to masturbate to anime pedophilia while wearing a drumpf hat and a kekistan shirt and standing up for the national anthem while humming the confederate national anthem and simultaneously cyberbullying innocent girls into rape scenarios by gaslighting them and recruiting them for the alt right (neo nazi) hitler brigade? huh shitlord?
>a kid punches another kid
>two fully grown adults punch a kid
Yep, eye for an eye
Surely you see the irony in your 2 posts.
Those characters are Reddit, so it makes sense they would do that the moment they adquire some kind of power.
Funny enough USSR was socialist and not communist because comminism is a retarded utopia just like ancap and other shit. Germany had private business even under Hitler. Germens also promoted working programs and encouraged private business for Soviets in the occupated area. Although they lied and just treated them as slaves.
Yeah, but us national socialists are good people.
Niggers, spics, roasties and especially kikes aren't people by the way and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
So you agree all Muslims should be taken down.
where is the irony?
>politics is just like math morty *burp* its empirical and objective WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB
1st amendment?
>why is beating up an animal abuser allowed? why is beating up a bully allowed? why is beating up an intolerant religious nut allowed?
None of these things are allowed.
>people ignore the fact the whole point of the episode was 'If you're strong, you can pick on anybody weaker than you because wtf they gonna do about it?'. It's literally showing 'Might makes right'. It's not a positive thing.
You are aware that Singapore is a fascist state, right?
You still haven't elaborated on your opinion. Why is fascism not a bad thing? Lets hear a counterpoint rather than an ebin reaction image.
epin post!!
Have any of you faggots who like to post this GIF actually WATCHED the episode in its entirety? Or do you just like to feel victimized by a silly cartoon?
>a kid punches another kid
>unaware of how the real world works, he gets consequences for his actions.
>>people ignore the fact the whole point of the episode was 'If you're strong, you can pick on anybody weaker than you because wtf they gonna do about it?'.
You're right.
>It's literally showing 'Might makes right'. It's not a positive thing.
Except for this part. This part is your own projection.
Well, I have mixed feelings about this gif.
It shows people beating a retard which may seem alright.
But he just dresses like a retard so no big deal. But beating people for no reason is a crime. Should not be encouraged. American left or whatever they're called have a wish for opression or so it seems to me. They think their ideas should be forced on anyone. No free thinking allowed, only the way approved by comrades.
Socialism can only last if it's supported by terror like in USSR. So socialists are harmless if they don't have the status of absolute monarchs.
>being this stupid
How do you even tie your shoelaces in the morning without strangling yourself? or do you just use safety-Velcro?
Bullshit. Most Fascist states only really exterminated the Communists and their sympathizers, everyone else was pretty well off.
Isn't the point of this episode that the Devil uses his power and evil to pick on people weaker than him, then when Rick got involved, he picked on the Devil as he was stronger. Then when the Devil got back on his feet, picked on Summer because she was weaker. But, since Roiland comes to fucking Sup Forums, he knew autistic spergs here wouldn't understand something some horribly complex that makes them go
So he literally explains it with a literal montage of 'Summer and Rick get super strong to pick on people who are weaker than them to get kicks'. Why is Sup Forums so fucking autistic? THIS IS NOT A POSITIVE THING. IT'S SAYING HOW PEOPLE WHO ARE STRONG BUT PICK ON THE WEAK FOR KICKS ARE FUCKING SCUMBAGS. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE ROOTING FOR SUMMER AND RICK. THAT'S WHY THEY BEAT UP FUCKING KIDS. HOW FUCKING OBVIOUS DOES IT NEED TO BE?
It wasn't but they did it anyway.
Stop with the all-caps autism
i actually think fascism is a bad thing but that doesnt mean fascists should be physically assaulted for their political opinions
>I'm a nihilist morty life doesn't matter
>except jewish lives fuck nazis am i rit?
You've got to understand something.
One side will pretend that they're the party of peace and love. That they support tolerance and free speech. But when given the chance to become violent they gladly murder anyone who opposes them. That the so called "good guys" as they see themselves are nothing but violent, evil hypocrites. The above gif is presented without parody or irony. It's literally saying that violence is ok as long as you can demonize your victim in some way. In this case the victim is a nazi. So that means that killing him is perfectly acceptable.
Do you know what projection is? Protip, it's nothing I mentioned there. Projection is a defensive mechanism (a mechanism which has been argued against, countered and in some cases outright defeated) where you repeat something you consider a weakness or negative aspect (for example, I might think being gay is wrong and bad and makes you weak and so on). The 'projection' here could be that I am gay and I'm projecting my gayness because I think it's a negative trait, or my projection is that I think being weak is bad, I am weak therefore I project my weakness onto others where there is none (in this case, gay people).
Nothing I stated there was projection. Please learn words because you use them incorrectly, don't feel bad, you're not the only one, 99% of the time people on Sup Forums use the word incorrectly. Just learn from your mistakes, mate.
I laughed pretty good at this whole episode and in particular that scene. I didn't give a fuck about that neo-nazi guy because in all likelihood he was out for trouble and attacking people because of their race is a scummy as fuck thing to do.
Nowadays however, that I'm called a nazi rascist proto-genocider on a daily basis simply for wanting tighter border control and less socialist welfare, the idea of "all nazis must die" concerns my own safety directly, and I'm forced to choose a side. That's all there's to it.
Americans are only people who think that WWII was Germans killing mostly Jews.
>Social outcasts now sympathise with nazis
>fascists should all be killed for not fitting a framework
>fascists are bad for killing people who don't fit their framework
And the show is created by Americans who are obsessed with nazis.
I think you're putting more thought into it than the writers did. It's just a silly post-credits sequence. It's just Roiland/etc thinking "hey what if we took this buff Rick and Summer and had them beat up people who are universally reviled to rap music"? You might as well overanalyze the "Morty turns into a car" scene.
Fucking what? The scene also shows them kicking the shit out of a religious extremist, kicking the shit out of a guy who yanked too hard on a dog leash and a fucking kid. There is nothing here about it being 'perfectly acceptable in you demonise them'. You're right that people who become powerful will use their power to get what they want, but nothing to do with demonising. Just that people will be 'good guys' until they get strong and or powerful and then they'll abuse anybody they don't like, or weaker guys, because they can.
>less socialist welfare
So you like sucking kike corporate cock?
acceptance of obscene ideas is itself obscene
you're not allowed to be a nazi
there is no "tolerant" left
fuck off and die
Isn't it implied Rick rants about Israel and defense spending when he gets drunk in the 3rd season? Why would he be beating up a skinhead if he hates Israel?
You realize that the episode in question came out in 2014, right? And the meaning of the episode doesn't suddenly change because of your retarded reactionary politics? You're never "forced" to choose a side, think for yourself you partisan hack.
>thinking this is something new
do you know what fascism is?
Media is run by Jews and they are determined to pretend that Nazis are everywhere and that the holocaust was real.
>they're bad people because i disagree with them
I choose the side that wants border control. Which happens to be the """""""fascist""""""" side.
do YOU??
No. I've started my own small business and I struggle a lot keeping up with the amount of taxes which I feel are unfair, to help people who I don't think deserve it. I still think we need to help those in need, but the current welfare state is out of control in my opinion.
>retarded reactionary politics
Yeah, see, this is exactly why I can't just abide. If you want to hold the horses on governmental overreach, you're labeled a "reactionary". Fuck you, this is why now I fully support anyone who wants to forcefully remove Socialists, even though I have voted for them in the past.
Again, think for yourself. I can only say it so many times before accepting that it just won't sink in. Ideology is poison.
I thought the point was that even the universe hopping demigod feels unsafe criticizing Israel.
Yeah I disagree with genocidal racist sociopaths like all well-adjusted adults do
>Again, think for yourself.
I have. And I want border control.
I love Donald Trump and I think he's a wonderful president. And I'm black.
>Ideology is poison
Go ahead. Describe the Fascist "ideology", while we all laugh at your pathetic attempt. I hope you're able to capture everything between Codreanu to Salgado to Mussolini to Riveira, lest you show how little you know about it.
we live in the age of identity politics, we are all legion, it's us versus them
pick a side centrists spineless cuck
so do you know or nah i mean have you read anything? there isnt many works out there, not being really well developed of a school of thought it remains rather simple
>wearing a swazi means your a genocidal racist sociopath
user the happy windmill of friendship is an ancient symbol that predates nazism by over a thousand years
Because le god doesn't le fucking exists xD
>violating free speech
>wants to talk about books
i knew you were a poser
Well, to be fair, it is what the law calls for. I never understood why people choose to ignore this fact. Try sneaking into Canada and see what happens, folks.
Did you even read the post I was replying to? The guy trying to justify re-reading the intent of an episode made in 2014 for post-2016 politics?
Great! Just don't let other people manipulate you into accepting/believing things that are fucking stupid just because it fits a "side". Be policy-minded, not hiveminded.
You know there's more than one person in this thread, right? I think you're confused. I'm just annoyed at people who misinterpret a stupid cartoon and justify it via hyper-simplistic tribalism.
Christ I hope you gain self-awareness at some point in your lifetime.
>genocidal racist
I'd settle for just moving the blacks to Liberia, thank you.
>If you want to hold the horses on governmental overreach, you're labeled a "reactionary".
Cos unlike you people what the kike corps and banks to be regulated so that they're not squeezing the poor and poisoning them.
Alright, so you have no clue what you're talking about. Good to know, thanks for the admission.
>-1 its three
quick maths
>Why is this allowed?
Why have the social outcasts moved to a poisonous ideology that doesn't even want them anyway?
Who wants to genocide anyone?
All white nationalist want is separation.
They just want to be left alone in a nation of their own, but the entire fucking world feels like it has the right to live in white nations.
Whites are not allowed a homeland of their own for some reason.
White nations are being filled with people who hate them, and then those same people will flip their fucking shit if whites propose separation.
Donald Trump is a wonderful president and he's going to win re-election in 2020.
>Yeah, but us national socialists are good people.
Sup Forums plz just go
okay sorry im going back to the cuckshed
Why are nazis such snowflakes? I thought you were the master race?