Why are niggers so violent?
Why are niggers so violent?
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Dumb bitch had it coming
dumb bitch had it coming
CIAnigger had it coming
Cop was justified
low wealth + high population density + single parent families, typically + surrounded by gang culture
raised in a rural area with both parents, they're fine
> not running his pockets immediately after knocking him out
huh mustve been a halfblood or something
This is what happens when people start fighting each other instead of the corrupt assholes that truly fuck millions out of their hard earned money.
She deserved that
That’s the same thing as those sluts who protest naked with “not asking for it” written on their chest.
larping a nazi while trying to argue with niggers is so fucking dumb -the only way to deal with niggers is shooting before and arguing.
>Out cold in the warm up battle
That's not how you win a race war.
I hope he broke her jaw
Bitch deserved it. I'm white, and this webm makes me smile.
Why are cops so based?
Based black man. That is no nigger.
>taking the side of a Negro over the White Woman
>muslims and niggers are peaceful
yeah no
You sound like a communist trying to focus everyone's natural anger towards one another towards our benefactors.
There are literally stealing our women
Welcome to the 21st century, grandpa.
Entitled white cunts are the new social disease.
So what you gonna do about it cuck?
>black man punches white woman for slapping him
This is equality at peak performance.
>ignore the stats look a white doin bad stuff
>ignore the stats look the white man shot th e vegas people
>ignore the stats look a white guy said a bad thing to a lady
>ignore the stats look a white guy has money
When you are causing such a scene that you have to be physically removed from a sports stadium you know you have gone full retard.
heh...the dude's face at the end is priceless
That's true, but women regardless of ethnicity have a tendency toward that behavior. Not all. But, enough to cause trouble. God bless them.
>those thick thighs though
>buy slaves caught in tribal warfare that's been happening for thousands of years
>bring them to a new place, take everything from them.
>make them pick your fields
>breed the biggest and dumbest to make bigger and dumber ones
>after they're freed, continue to restrict their rights
>make them fight in your wars
>only let them by houses in specific neighborhoods
>take any nice land or successful businesses
>keep them in shitty projects
>don't hire them
>bar them from higher education
>let the cops do whatever they want
>after things get a little better, pretend that it wasn't that bad
Gee why are niggers so violent
user has a point.
>defending the actions of millenial western wymyn
Shiggy diggy senpai. I'd take a nigger over a wymyn any day.
please, all of that was two 75 year old ladies ago.
You're right, and going to get a lot of shit for this
>all these excuses
>most are flat out lies
Niggers are violent because faggots like you enable them.
white ape BTFO
stop stealing wifi, jamal
No, dummy.
>our benefactors.
You mean kike masters. Communism is the party of the workers.
I can't believe people still fall for this fake video.
so is this supposed to prove OP right, or...
A bunch of skill-less. craftless morons who want to use government force to separate creators form their productions. State sponsored thieves
White man shot up vegas because white men are oppressed in america these days. It makes sense to lash out.
And what about outside of America?
women are the niggers of the world
Blacks are the best fighters
thats a hooker with her nigger pimp retard
dat nigga badass
>they were oppressed so that's why they resort to crime
Just like women.
Jesus Christ you dumb Niggers will believe anything.
had it coming. you hit someone, expect a hit back
They learned it from all those peaceful whites who hung and shot them.
Dat rite
>white knight faggot
Don't you have some "rightwing" waifus you should be donating all of your neetbucks to, virgin?
You soyboy faggots are so predictable
My God it must suck to be in such pathological denial, you're a fucking moron lol.
>Real men use forced memes and give all their money to any women who parrots their views online!
Oh yeah, I mean that's what Africa is renowned as; a land of peace and non-violence.
Gee, TWO watermarks?