Best american movie?
Best american movie?
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Lmao white people are so pathetic
>woman is disgusted and ashamed of her husband
>husband's face shows he's literally going to kill himself immediately after this encounter
White people are truly the most pathetic race on the planet.
But the black guy is gay which is pathetic too
>posting pics from the average Sup Forumslack's harddrive
what your endgame?
It's not gay if you're the one getting your dick sucked
>this is the race that landed on the moon
why is the bull fat and out of shape? that's not hot at all
Fucking nuke us already.
i know its just other people fetish and all. but damn thats disgusting. cuck should be gassed
Is having some dude suck you off not gay?
Haven't been to prison, so I don't know black culture.
nasa is a race? i don't think so bub
>nigger is so gay he's getting a blowjob from some guy
Why are niggers such faggots?
Do white people and black people actually do these activities together? If so that's actually kind of beautiful.
>nasa is a race
Yes a race of white american males
You're probably wondering how I got here. It's a pretty long story, so i guess we should start at the beginning
that's not true, the urss did
Yes, this is normal for any white couple, even if you're not married expect your girlfriend to introduce you to this sooner or later.
>most relationships are open
no, most women cheat now; something like 45-65% of married women are admitting to cheating semi-regularly nowadays. The real question is: do these numbers go up or down when looking at unmarried couples? Probably drastically higher, so maybe 60% of couples cheat (the women that is, pusst inflation does not imply more sex for men). So if you are a Jewish or Anglo Chad with a job in VC or Tech its the greatest time to be alive, if not :(
what? its a simple humiliation fetish, not anything new
its like you people have never heard of scat or domination
being the top isnt gay. being the bottom is very very gay, especially if you enjoy it.
As if that makes it any better. Please kys cuck scum.
white soibois are basically women anyway
In my CIS white world engaging in sexual activities with other men is the definition of homosexuality.
But I guess I need to be (((re-educated)))
>engaging in a sexual act with a man isn't gay
kys faggot
Le 56% percent sex
and now that race congregates and shitposts on an ancient egyptian papyrus trading forum.
its a burger fetish.
gay powerbottom here looking for straight tops pls send stats and photos
>shilling your homesite in every thread
>White males
The people who got to the moon first were Jews and nazis that escaped Germany, you moron. Jews and nazis were NASA. Look it up.
you're saying nazis arent white?
Operation paperclip was all white male scientists from Germany who were later naturalized as US citizens
what the fuck is that
You just named two groups of white people.
Are you clinically retarded?
>white AMERICAN males
>any of those American or white
Kill yourself you retarded nigger
Stop fucking bumping this garbage thread already
Germans are white
>Germans aren't white
This meme has gone too far
You mad white boi?
can you look at your post again and tell me what the FUCK this has to with cinema?
fucking retard soyboy