Based trump telling it like it is
Based trump telling it like it is
based The_Donald poster
He's such a petty piece of shit
I'd like to see the people that repeatedly bail him out of bankruptcy tweet like this
haha pepde kekistan normies get outreee xd
mememe magiciano!
>ill only protect you if you kiss my ass
>saving blacks from chinese justice
why is trump a mega sjw?
he's what women like to call "a nice guy"
Damn ingrates
I agree, Trump should've let those nigger thieves stay in China. Obama didn't do shit when Korea jailed that white kid who stole a poster.
I unironically love this man.
>Sup Forums
why can't reddit immigrants integrate properly?
Are you retarded? He already saved them how can that be your summary? It makes no sense.
They're both jackasses and both in on the joke. It's called branding. Trump. Trump. Trump. Ball. Ball. Ball. Kardashian. Kardashian. Kardashian. It's all the same thing. It's even stronger if it's juvenile or distasteful. As long as you, the common folk, remember the name. This country's relationship to its media basically became professional wresting at some point.
The basket players all thanked him though. It's just one of their fathers decided to say some shit. And really, talking about how you should have left them in prison for something one of them didn't even say? That's fucking childish man. Those dudes shouldn't have shoplifted in the first place, obviously, but fuck. They're American citizens.
Weak 11: Fans Finding Other Things to Do, Empty Seats Fill Stadiums Everywhere
>With the NFL’s Week 11 action wrapping up, it quickly became clear that football fans had found other things to do as thousands of empty seats could be seen in stadiums from coast to coast.
>With TV ratings off nearly 20 percent over all and the networks already known to have lost up to $500 million in ad revenue
Leftist's continual losing is like Trump getting elected all over again.
Why do Americans continue to put up thia species? They absolutely hate you no matter what
>That fuck small text
>wordswordswordswords when the magapede crew did it right
Why can't the right meme?
He demanded a personal thank you before they even arrived back home.
n you dumb fuck. now he owes a favour to china thanks to a few niggers
Based Shaq
Even South Park joked about this. The NFL has totally collapsed. I'm not sure it will recover either. I wonder what will happen for the Super Bowl?
kazaam 2 when lads
Wait a mean the "big baller" nigger is one of the dudes that was shoplifting?
Why are niggers such degenerate scum?
i hope the suberb owl bombs hard
That's a good question.
>"big baller" nigger
he's the father of one of the ungrateful niggers
too many commercials. too much ad placement. tt many nigger players chimping out. too many shots of players drinking from cups and coaches talking into their headsets. too many penalties. too many play reviews.
who also sells $500 shoes niggers kill themselves over
>He actually was so mad he remade the meme but made a solid paragraph for each one
Why can't t_d niggers meme?
A dindunuffin says he dindu nuffin even when he did so something.
Anyone expected different?
Why the fuck did they steal knock-off chinese shit?
Don't those dumb niggas have money from throwing a ball around?
>they took our stupid lefty shit and actually made it better...AGAIN!
>I don't like saving people who tell me to go fuck myself after
They steal for the sake of stealing.
>I came here last year!
>I love Jews, Israel and based Trump!
Send them bqck
Trump is right but this is more of a indoor voice type thing, maybe if you can find a way to fuck over the black brats you take it and you laugh or rage about it behind closed doors but doing this in public is quite unseemly.
LaVar and Trump are perfect for each other
There's a solid paragraph for each one dude. It's not better. It's hardcore bitching.
kek is this supposed to be ironically shitty?
that's a lie my dude
Baseball with continue its ascent as the premire national sport. This is unprecedented era of parity within sport. The dinger balls are making the game very fun to watch.
Soccer is growing. But it needs to be Americanized. Smaller pitch, faster game play, more excitement. If it wants usurp football.
Nascar is dying. Something more akin vidya. Maybe small personal planes would be an interesting spectacle?
Hockey has it's nitch. Might stay pat or grow.
Basketball is growing too.
NFL has a lot of competition now.
and it's only just begun
>Obama didn't do shit when Korea jailed that white kid who stole a poster.
It's a whole different situation and you know that. Fucking retards
damn, seems to have touched a nerve
College football is this bad too, nobody is reporting on it either. Oregon had an entire quadrant of their stadium unfilled but the TV guys avoided it the whole game. OR was pretty cool about bunching everyone together. All the California games had obvious patches with no players.
Sure have Mr. 56%
This. Trump is a little bitch.
What an ungrateful cocksucker, Drumpf should've left his thief of a son in the rice paddies
What does football have to do with the left?
Why are you so obsessed with identity politics?
>extend helping hand to nigger
>nigger promptly shits on it
every time
Don’t you have ape ball to go watch? Or does your bull even allot you the time?
>ape ball
Why call it that when you're a mixed race mutt? Self hate much?
>I'll take some shitskin and call it an American
You've got to try harder, shitskin.
Peak reddit lefty butthurt.
Looks like we DID mess with football after all.
>now he owes a favour to china thanks to a few niggers
What the brainwashed low IQ leftist babies don't seem to understand.
>has real Americans confused with Israeli citizens
Just like how he abandoned that marine in Mexico and that charity worker in Egypt, he's a weak pussy in everything he does just like his weak pussy followers like you.
Only one of them shoplifted, the other two just didn't rat their teammate out which is why they couldn't leave.
Nothing. it may drop viewers but it will always be the most watched handegg game. Just like the World Series will always be the most watched baseball game. America loves spectacle - big game, big commercials, big fanfare.
Its the random regular season game viewership drop off that will be the canary in the NFL cage.
Fun fact: that aid worker's family lobbied the Obama State Department for YEARS to get her released, and they just kept blowing them off.
They appealed to the White House after Trump took office and he had her out in a matter of weeks.
>I'm the law and order president
>calls in favors to let rich nigger thieves get away with it
What did the far-left Truvada Trump mean by that?
>I unironically love this man.
t. NFL damage control.
he does have a knack for noticing the things we aren't supposed to notice
Fools, the father was angry because now he has to take care of his thieving son again. He was free of responsibility for like a whole day.
Bet he almost typed Basketball Americans
every once in a while it's fun to imagine what the reaction from conservatives would've been like if obama had said or done any of the things that trump has. i'm sure you'd all be talking about how "based" he was for saying he should've left some conservative celebrity's kids in jail in a foreign country for not sucking his dick about it
i'm so sorry, still hurts huh?
Obama would be based if he nuked Israel or killed some blacks, sure. But he will be forever remembered as the cocksucker that went on a world apology tour, gave money to our enemies, and turned Minnesota into a Somalian shithole.
is dat real nightmode user?
i actually like trump more now than when he was running.
Imagine having your asshole blown the fuck out this badly and then instead of reflecting on the mistakes you made you just double and triple down on the same bullshit.
If Obama rescued some white kids he would be based, but he let Benghazi happen and he let North Korea kill some white kid who stole a poster. Whoops, not so based.
Trump is such a pussy. Also Sup Forums is a leftist board.
whoa there, we all can't be democrats. enjoy voting for nancy pelosi in 2020
sure is hard to tell from these comments i'm reading