Is it Kino?
Is it Kino?
No, suffers from how the others did. Too many subplots, not enough Franking, every time Frank isn't onscreen it's boring etc. It's just a 13 hour ad for "War is bad, don't do war kids" and exaggerated PTSD. Jaime Ray Newman is always a delight to see though.
9/10. Best capeshit tv show. Bernthal is perfect.
>show about the Punisher
>very little punishing
It's like if you had a season of Daredevil where he only beat guys up every 4th episode.
this except it's also boring when Frank is onscreen
he was great in Daredevil but a whole series was a mistake
honestly disappointed. he was much better in DD season 2.
Jon's Punisher
Usual e-tv pacing
Characters that aren't important to the plot talk at length and take up screen time, padding unnecessarily
The Punisher's raison d'etre is destroyed so they could do an epic conspiracy plot
The Homeland agent is routinely incompetent to such a degree you really wonder if any of the writers agreed with what they were doing with her
Main villain is terrible, hammy and his plot armor gets to retarded levels. How many times did he monologue then escape from some situation?
Villain in the CIA was good but underused.
Not enough street level dealings.
No, because he's not 7 foot tall and isn't as wide as a car.
13 episodes? No thanks. Cut it down to 8 and then maybe.
No. Far too slow. Far too many reddit pleasing bits. Cucking, powered female (who is dull tedious and most of the padding to make it to thirteen episodes) check boxes for all the sjws to tick and be pleased with. Lead actor a midget with terrible acting. No. It's not kino.
i liked it :)
he's nu-Punisher
all heroes are now softer, have some sort of PTSD, and more emo. because we live in a faggotized period of history.
does frank bone the computer nerds wife? seems like he will but im only on episode 2.
No because he dumped the vest in the first five minutes and now it's five episodes later and I'm wondering if the writers have even heard of the Punisher.
It's depressing that I waited for this so happily only to now not know if I want to continue watching.
he rapes her in a ptsd blackout
the little girl too
No. The show isn't THAT bad, thank God.
>Main villain is terrible, hammy and his plot armor gets to retarded levels. How many times did he monologue then escape from some situation?
Jessica Jones had this same problem. The villain in JJ was good but he escaped fucking everything.
People only let that slide because tennant did an amazing job. He was the only reason I watched that shit.
Actually liked the characters for the most part. Shame it follows the same cookie-cutter formula that every other MCU Netflix show does. Not enough punishment, but I did like that we got to see Frank as a character. 8/10
>castle is played by Manlet
>mumbles half his lines
>overdone ptsd
>exhausting muh war muh guns muh country dialogues
My guess is the show came during a far too advanced sjw agenda
It just wasn't the show murifats needed right now, so they ruined it
When are people gonna realize that the villains are really what make or break these shows, especially considering that they're onscreen literally half of the runtime? DDS1 and JJ had fucking awesome villains that were just fun to watch onscreen, LC had a great first half and a shitty second half because Cottonmouth wasn't in it, and DDS2 was just all over the goddamn place after the Punisher left. IF is a fucking non-factor, only redeeming factor in that shitshow was Gao.
They make it seem like every veteran is constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown from having killed hajis by their bare hands.