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> first one looks like kryptonian attire
>second looks like he is trying too hard to play super hero with cosplay
Bravo zack, ya downgraded
that suit on MoS was ugly as hell desu, no aesthetic aside from DUDE IM FROM SPACE LMAO
at least the blue on the new one is shiny and has the same aesthetic from that Nicolas Cage suit
His JL suit looks like a cheap, plastic-coated Halloween costume.
The suit they use for Soyperman in the CW Supergirl unironically looks better than the one from the $200 mil capeflick
More like JUSTice League!?!
nah bro, this suit has no beauty in it
but this one from pic related is a masterpiece
and this one is best looking man of steel suit yet
Bad fucking design overall tbqh
>Eyes too far apart
>Square head
>Stupid collar rising up on his neck
>Goofy looking crest
>Looks like they had the undies but just recolored them blue
>DYEL legs
I hope this is fan art honestly
New 52 suit? gross.
Rebirth suit is better.
Holy shit that's terrible as well
No the JL suit's problem is the fake muscle hightlights. Get rid of it or tone it down by 80%.
Ugly belt and where the fuck are the red boots?
I actually like the suit on the right better
Why are they so hellbent on making the belt red? It's too much red.
The belt always looks better yellow, even if it's just a pseudo-belt to break up the blue.
I still wish they would have made that movie, it would either have been pure kino or the most expensive turd of all time, either way it would have been fun to see back in the days when capeshit pickings were slim
I really like this one it's better than all of them if done corrrectly. JL movie supes is a decent costume, they fixed Superman's look since MoS.
Fuck those blue boots and FUCK YOU
It looks better though, if he ever takes the cape off it looks even more badass.
Imagine. Imagine a world where you are above the age of 12 and care about superhero costumes.
>Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control
>SW is for children but they don't want to admit it. There's a small group of fans that do not like comic sidekicks. They get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike
>SW created the big-budget comic book mentality, it ate the heart and the soul of Hollywood
>A 12yo boy told me proudly that he had seen SW over a 100 times? I said 'could you promise never to see it again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his 30s, isn't living in a fantasy world of secondhand childish banalities
>I don't think they are making them an elevated art form, it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core
>I don't want to see films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me
>They have been poison, this cultural genocide. The audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human
>Spandex must cost a lot. I look at them and scratch my head. I’m really baffled by it
>Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire, this religion. It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States
>Superman Vs Spiderman, Iron Man Vs Superman... I can't believe people are still paying to see this shit
>This embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception indicates a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence
A. Moore
The MoS suit is one of the most aesthetic ever. The JL suit looks like cheap shit. Also fuck the blue boots and stupid bracelets in this one you posted.
It looks like fucking shit and you need an eye exam.
Out of the way pleb millennials.
It's like that episode of Seinfeld where the girl looks hideous under low lighting.
I don't get the bracelets either. He's supposed to be able to wear the suit under his business suit, but those stupid pointed bracelets they insist on adding to the suit would poke right out of the sleeves of a business jacket. It's fucking retarded.
Relax man the red boots look good too, it's nice to shake things up every once in a while though.
Now that is a decent looking suit. Wish the belt was yellow but still good
That suit is all Whedon. Snyder had him in a black suit.
>Superman Blue
I need the webm, someone post it.
This one?
No he didn't and you have no proof otherwise other than what anonymous say
this guy has bad taste
this guy gets it. superman's suit only looks cool if it has a leather, matte look to it. the shiny flashy one in JL with contrasting blue patches looks like some cheap Made in China shit.
Sorry, i'm not Australian. I meant the fucked up mouth one from the OP.
I don't get it, they look the fucking same except one is brighter due to a camrip
His newer costumes form out of thin air practically, doesn't interfere with clothing at all.
Eh, in MoS he sort of has bracelet ridges they're just the same color as the rest of the suit and blend in more in terms of texture.
That's what I mean though, ever since MoS Superman's costumes have been good. Getting rif of that fucking underwear was the best thing that ever happened to modern Supes.
>being this blind
JL suit is made of cheap, shiny plastic-looking material, has the fake muscle imprints, the wrists look like a cheap imitation of the MoS suit, THE FUCKING CREST LOOKS LIKE IT'S SUPERGLUED ONTO THE SUIT as opposed to how it's clearly embedded into the MoS suit and looks like a natural part of it.
I know face blindness is a thing, but costume blindness is a new one for me
What makes people into cucks?
Soy and porn.
5 minutes is good enough time to edit that shit out faggot
Aside from the set pics with the beard on?
You are not the guy who called me a samefag because you capitalized the 5
White guilt, inferiority complexes and extremely low testosterone
Am I the only one on this board with taste? This is what Superman should look like.
That's how it starts, sir. The soy, the feminism, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men into... cucks.
>Grant Morrison
Please, everyone knows that red was the superior one.
That's why they put his name on top.
Easily the best supersuit.
>Not liking Morrison
The fuck? What's wrong with Morrison?
The fuck you say about me
>tiny cape
this guy gets it.
>his mouth
His face looks like a fat literal gook's. Bad angle? Maybe.
I love Mcfarlane's style, but not for Superman.
Same looked better in motion too.
looks like nazi shit
1st of all, it looks in no way nazi or german at all. But if you mean it's sleek and stylish, like Nazi uniforms then, yeah, I see what you mean.
That Jodorowsky quote made me laugh my fucking ass off.
Morrison's not so bad, although he wayyy overplays the whole 'lmao, did you realize this is a comic and not real life, how wacky' thing in almost everything I've red from him.
His fanbase is absolute cancer through and through though.
>Morrison is le second coming Wizard Man
>My college textbook had 52 pages, le Hypercrisis XDDDD
I don't even know that much about the DC universe or it's history, but hypercrisis is one of the coolest things I've ever heard of. A comic book gaining sentience? Less crazy than it sounds.
>liking Grant "The Cuck" Morrison
"Steve Trevor was always sort of this boring, blonde, blue-eyed dude and that just didn't cut it in the modern world. I wanted some diversity. But I also thought that was a much more potent idea to have Steve Trevor as a Black man. It's much more powerful in the context of everything that Marston was doing and everything that Wonder Woman is about."
Case in point.
Jesus Christ. I'm a Trump supporter and even this is too Sup Forums for me.
Yeah, we can't let Drumpf get the nuclear codes.
I don't know what point that made. That some people think hypercrisis is a cool idea? What was cancerous?
Is this a new meme?
Hypercrisis is literally a forced meme, and there's nothing original, interesting or deep about babby's first metaficiton. Calling it one of the 'coolest things you've ever heard of' is cringy and cancerous.
I wonder, would a literary author who eschewed good characters, plot or depth for constantly pointing out that his novel is in fact a novel over and over again for his entire body of work be celebrated?
What about a television writer who spent most of his scripts having characters look at the camera and say "if you didn't realize, this is a television show" for half an hour?
>gotta make it a nigger because...realism or something i don't know just make sure a woman is fucking a nigger somewhere
why in 2017 does superman even have to wear that ridiculous getup? not all heroes wear capes, and we get that from the countless soldiers in our military fighting for our freedom
why doesnt anyone make movies about them??
why doesnt superman don the ghost outfit from modernwarfare 2 and go around defeating arabs?
sure that ghost mask makes much more sense as a disguise than a pair of spectacles?
or is 2017 supes being paid too much by saudi arabia to deal with actual terrorists so he just wastes his time fighting billionaire hard working americans instead
Hypercrisis isn't just metafiction though. It's also the observance of emerging patterns that were unintended.
Also, Ultra Comics is pure kino.
there seems to be a "lol JL makes the Avengers look soooo weak" meme going around so let me clear some shit up for you niggaz. Strange solos literally everyone but let's play nice.
first off we got the god tier powerhouses from JL: Flash and Superman. Doctor Strange takes care of a competent Flash. a competent Scarlet Witch can take down Superman. if not, Hulk.
moving on to the tier below Supes and Flash: Wonder Woman. give her Vision and it's done. if that's not your cup of tea, then give her Hulk/Scarlet, whoever sat out against Superman.
then we got Aquaman and Cyborg. again whoever sat out between Vision/Scarlet/Hulk can solo both. if being too mean, then send Iron Man and Ant Man to take care of them. hell, Cap can do it.
then the pedestrian tier. Batman. Black Widow cleans up easily. if that makes you too upset, Hawkeye does it instead.
Fucking kek
Oh it metafiction plus coincidences being used to force a meme, thats much better.
>He thinks Ultra Comics is original or deep
Now that is embarrassing, I guess pic-related is high literature then, since it did the Ultra Comics thing first and in a more entertaining way?
What’s with the new symbol
>Strange solos literally everyone but let's play nice.
He actually doesn't and can't even compare with Zatanna, but okay.
>Doctor Strange takes care of a competent Flash
Flash runs faster than Doctor Strange can live and outs him. Next.
>a competent Scarlet Witch can take down Superman
Magic shit, just leave her up to Captain Marve- I MEAN, Shazam.
Low rent version of the Martian Manhunter. Next.
>Iron Man and Ant Man to take care of them. hell, Cap can do it.
Wondy solo's all 3 of them at the same time.
>Black Widow cleans up easily
Batman mops the floor with her and almost kills her because of how beta-tier shit she is.
Low-rent version of Green Arrow.
>Flash runs faster than yada yada yada
instant shields bitch. faster than your attosecond fagboy
>saying Iron Man and Ant Man against WW when I said Vision/Hulk gets her done
>Batman is human and taking plot armor out of the question he gets mopped up by beta tier Widow
yawn. JL is pathetic
>It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States
>thread devolves into faggots having a power level pissing contest
What a surprise
>instant shields bitch. faster than your attosecond fagboy
Flash can actually run faster than an attosecond. He runs (and I kid you not) 63,000,000,000,000,000,000 times the speed of light.
Get shrekt. The Flash COULD solo the entire Marvel universe, hypothetically just based on his galactic-bomb creation potential from speed-based kinetic energy alone.
>when I said Vision/Hulk gets her done
Okay, and Shazam beats them to a pulp. Done.
>Batman is human and taking plot armor out of the question he gets mopped up by beta tier Widow
Taking plot armor out of the question, he literally kills Black Widow, who's not even comparable to Black Canary.
I love how you literally didn't even bother trying to argue against Green Arrow, kek
Chris Evans even said Superman would whip out all of the avengers. And yes I fell for your bait
Damn, bruh, you got destroyed. Better luck next time.
Holy fuck what is wrong with his toes
All the running
Well done, always thought WW could take Hulk myself but you're right.
I just want to puff them