Who is supposed to be the good, who is the bad and who's the ugly?
Who is supposed to be the good, who is the bad and who's the ugly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Top - good
Middle - Bad
Bottom - Ugly
>The Good
>The Bad
>The Ugly
>not feed
dumb idiot
Shinji - Good
Asuka - Worst
Rei - Not good or bad
Misato - Pedophile
Maya - Best
2 of those three are Jewish.
It's the same guy. He just opens his eyes and grows a mustache
>teaming up against Angel Eyes instead of a fair stand off
Blondie and Tuco are faggots
It's listed in your image.
the man with no name is chaotic good towards chaotic neutral, he's not supposed to be the good guy because the good guy eventually dies
Van Cleef wasn't a jew
>being this bad at analysis
There is nothing about the movie to suggest "the good, the bad and the ugly" is referring to three characters by those titles.
You are the faggiest faggot in fagland, and you should actually watch the movie before posting.
Who was Once who's Upon and who's Time in the West
If only they mentioned it in the movie at some point...
it's interesting to think about how the old west was not that long of an era, yet it continues to inspire an entire genre of entertainment for several times longer than it was relevant. same goes for the pirate era i suppose.
It's like how the Korean War inspired MASH
Well Clint Eastwood is the sidekick cus Eli Wallace steals the movie as the most likeable awful Mexican bandido stereotype ever. Great movie.
Wallach, fuck you tablet autocorrect
>Megumin - Good
>Darkness - Bad
>Aqua - Ugly
Or WW2
>actor actually does a stunt
I miss those
And I bet he was paid peanuts, too. Fuckers used to work for a living.
The Old West lasted about 70-80 years. From the time Alabama and Mississippi became territories to the time the frontier was officially closed. The settling of the Great Plains and the Southwest was simply the final phase, and the phase most remembered because it was freshest in peoples' minds when novels and later movies were made about the subject.
The settling of Alabama and Mississippi is an important demarcating line, because those were the first territories that were far enough removed geographically from the rest of the country to begin taking on an exotic flavor in the eyes of people back east. Prior to that the frontier touched everyone's lives and was thus fundamentally different in its impact on the national psyche. After Alabama and Mississippi, however, the frontier became a distant curiosity for the most developed regions of the country.
meant for:
They were all good, bad and ugly. This movie is ultimately about the different sides of humanity. Everyone has the potential to display these characteristics depending on their situation. More often than not, people's actions are a reaction to their situation and the opportunities at hand.
The whore - forgot her name
Both of them deserved Oscars for their performances, but it wouldn't be fair to Lee ;_;
All three are handsome though.
delete this
They were both against Angel Eyes to begin with.
BI user here, its real nigga? Ehy
The film literally spells it out twice.
You missed the entire driving force of the film.
Doesn't it tell you at the end?
It would have been more kino if the audience was left to make their own judgement.
They were, while they were against each other the last thing they both wanted was for angel eyes to get the gold their "friendship" is what kept them "together" until the finale
That's wrong though. Tuco doesn't make his decision until he locks eyes with Blondie after waffling (as shown by his eyes darting back and forth) for the majority of the scene. The whole driving force of the film is the relationship between Tuco and Blondie and Tuco finishes while The Trio is blaring over the speakers, which is ultimately why Blondie doesn't kill him in the end.
>It would have been more kino if the audience was left to make their own judgement.
It'd be stupid if their judgement were anything other than what is presented.
That would be stupid
But Tuco had several chances to kill Blondie so why didnt he?
Oh yeah I forgot blondie was the only one that knew about the location
watch the film
I remember being young and getting confused, since I thought Lee vanclef was playing the same dude as from for a few dollars more, since Eastwood was still playing Blondie. So I thought shit must of happened in another movie between them that made them foes instead of friends and good guys
He was solely after the money.
The point where Tuco goes from wanting to kill Blondie for how the bounty scam broke up and claim the gold for himself and where he's finally able to see he's never been wronged and that he can trust him with his life is when he locks eyes with Blondie and tries to empty his entire gun (with no attempt to turn and fire at a second target) into Angel Eyes.
Conversely Blondie's character arc is about understanding the circumstances that made Tuco, Tuco and pitying him.
they didn't team up. only Blondie knew what was going on.
Tuco tried to kill Blondie more often than Angel eyes and was obviously going to try again.
Blondie thought Tuco was going to aim for him, that's why he unloaded his gun.
you made that up. Tuco wanted to kill him and still wants to kill him at the very end of the movie.
Only Blondie feels a bit of empathy for Tuco after seeing him with his brother. In fact, Blondie admires Tuco because he's more human than him. Tuco only admires Angel eyes, because he's badder than him, and Angel eyes admires Blondie because he's smarter than him. this is the chemistry of the movie