Alright, helping you kill Mace Windu was worth it, right? You can teach me that thing that'll save Padme, right?

>Alright, helping you kill Mace Windu was worth it, right? You can teach me that thing that'll save Padme, right?
>Uh...Not really. But we can both figure it out together! Trust me.
>Now go out and kill children for me.

What is the actual explanation of this?

You can explain things away with books or Wookiepedia articles all you want but there are literal Pro Wrestling heel turns with better logic than what we got with Anakin supposedly being 'seduced' by the Dark Side.

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It must be a shitty feeling to not understand the Star Wars prequals. Movies for children

The moment that Palpatine revealed that he didn't know dick about saving Padme, Anakin should have at least showed some resistance.

Your a fucking brainlet dude

How so? I'd like to hear some sort of explanation as to why Anakin blindly follows this guy that openly admits that he doesn't have what he seeks.

>Not realizing that Palpatine didn't teach him then and there because he worried that Anakin might realize he fucked up and un-kill the Jedi hit squad and benefit from Sith teaching and Jedi alliances
cmon user, you're better than that

Even if he did get pissed at Sheev, what's he gonna do? Go to Yoda and be like "I killed your second in command because he was gonna kill the Sith Lord who now controls the galaxy, because he was gonna teach me some shit to save the wife I'm not supposed to have, but be lied to me so I didn't mean it, we cool?"

Because he already fucking killed Windu. There was no turning back. The best he could do at that point would be to kill Palpatine but that's A) against the jedi way and B) not going to help the Padme situation. He had to take the gamble he took.

Simple. Anakin knows he fucked up and there's no turning back. He realizes that Palpatine wasn't even really losing that battle, that he is far stronger and formidable than he could imagine. He also must realize in that moment that Palpatine also weilds enormous political power and has the intelligence to have pulled off such a massive conspiracy. That combined with the possibility of rescuing his wife.

point me to the scene where he tells Anakin he knows how to cheat death. All he tells him is that he should use his knowledge of the darkside. Which Anakin desperately needed. He was counting on becoming a Jedi Master after being appointed to the council by Palpatine, because Master rank Jedi get access to the forbidden archives with dark side teachings. He was gonna look for a way to save Padme there, but when he was refused the rank of master it shot his plans to shit. This is why he was so pissed off when they didn't make him a master.

I think, at that point, he was pretty much committed to this current path. It's like being in a bad relationship or being at a really shitty job and you keep justifying why you still continue to waste your life with them/it.

That was literally it.

Basically trolled Anakin into betraying the Jedi.

>what now faggot? You think the Jedi will take you back?

Anakin knew he was fucked, that's why he went along with it. Later he confessed to Padme he was going to overthrow Palpatine, in his mind he would use Sheev as he was used.

The irony of this movie is that Palpatine does use the force to cheat death, but what he neglects to tell Anakin is that someone else needs to die in order for your life to be preserved.

After he fight with Obi-Wan, Anakin is obviously in pretty terrible condition. Palpatine finds him just in time and does use his knowledge to save his life, at the cost of Padme's. No, she didn't die of a "broken heart" or whatever bullshit you'd been led to believe. At the secret medical base, the surgeon droid tell Obi-Wan that "medically she is completely FINE". This means that Anakin's force choke was not life threatening in any way also. Remember, droids are not organic and have no knowledge of the force. They could not possibly know that Padme's life force was being drained by Palpatine to save Anakin.

This is further cemented when you pay attention to the scene where Vader's helmet is first being dawned onto Anakin. In the scene both Padme and Anakin's hearts stop at exactly the same time if you listen carefully. Then after the helmet is in place only Vader's heart resumes beating. This was confirmed by an individual who worked on the movie, saying the sound of their heartbeats in this scene was intentional.

Anakin died when his suit was completed. And Padme's life was used to bring him back as Darth Vader. Kinda strange how even though she was taken to a secret medical facility, Palpatine was still aware of her death within the very moment of it happening. Vader didn't even know. So how could Palpatine, who didn't know where Padme was and having no outside sources of knowing it since it happened literally at that second, know that Padme had passed? Because he killed her to bring Anakin back from the dead.


>medically she's completely fine but reasons we cannot explain we're losing her
I never go that until now kek

From his point of view this was a reasonable course of action.


Damn George, I'm sorry I doubted you.

pretty cool thanks
has that been confirmed by any sources though?

This is bullshit but it's bullshit that I will accept.

Durrrr ok bud


Well shit, that explains a lot

Hey how come Qui-Gon was never brought up again even though Yoda said Obi-wan could talk to him? Why didn't Qui-Gon help them fight Vader or Sheev?

If lucas was a good director and truly intended this he could have easily shown this without some autismo doing some retarded head canon a decade later rationalizing it.

>I need the movie to hold my hand and tell me exactly what is happening
There are plenty of clues there. The sounds of their heartbeats, the medical droids saying she's fine but she's dying anyway, etc.

Literally just rewatched this movie. For all the hate the prequels get episode 3 is the most rewatchable of all the films

He acquired too many Dark Side Points. That was the whole point of making him scissor off Dookie's head

ayyyy that makes sense. I never bought that broken heart nonsense. She even tells obi wan that there is still good in anikan. So if she knows he is still good and she just had two kids, how the fuck are you gonna die from a broken heart?

Ok so answer this; If Palpatine can telepathically murder someone at any time from anywhere in the galaxy how come he didn't just do this to Obi-Wan or Yoda?

They had the Force, Padme didn't.

Are you kidding me? Two of the strongest Jedi of the order? There are defenses for darkside techniques but I'm sure you actually have to have the ability to manipulate the force to do it.

At that point, what reason did Palpatine have to save Anakin? Anakin was a cripple on the verge of death. Anakin already helped Palps take out the Jedi and attain total control of the Empire. And Palpatine is a merciless Machiavellian Sith lord, it's not like he feels any compassion towards Anakin. He could've easily discarded Anakin and eventually found a newer, stronger apprentice. This is exactly what he did with Dooku.

Anakin was valuable because he was so strong, and Palpatine wanted to harness that power. But after Obi-Wan fucks him up he's a maimed and broken shell of his former self, nothing special at all. You can hear what Palpatine originally wanted when he talks with Yoda.

>Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us.

Not anymore he won't. So what's the point of saving him at all?

There is no explanation possible that wouldn't be an asspull. It's just simply bad writing. That's all it is.

Alright, than Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, any of the fucking Rebel Leaders.

The empire needed the rebels to justify the continued existence of the military industrial complex to the people while Sheev awaited the coming invasion he knew was coming but couldn't reveal to the population so as to not cause a panic.

Oh you're one of those people. Moving on.

>ask a question
>receive an answer
>get butthurt
Then why ask in the first place?

Anakin was the force incarnate dude. Even crippled he would hunt down the Jedi to extinction. Palpatine wasn't about to do that shit. Palpatine worked behind the scenes, he needed ears and eyes to run his Empire still. Supposedly he also hated using lightrsabers and only mastered the technique to mock the Jedi and show them a perverse version of themselves. So he ain't goin out to find and fight Jedi.

the dark side basically took him over and possessed him is what I understood as a kid

>Get called out on retarded theory
>Give even more retarded "answer"
>"lol why you mad"

In the movies, Sheev obviously wanted to crush the Rebellion. He says it in private conversations where there's no need to keep up a pretense. He wants total domination and the Rebellion is in his way.

He wasn't interested in convincing the people of the Galaxy that they needed as strong protector. The entire point was to rule by fear. That's what the Death Star was for.

Also, the Yuuzhan Vong are gay edgetards and you should feel bad about bringing them up at all.

>Darth Vader
>Nothing special at all
u wot m8?
There are literally cannon comics where he levels battalions of rebel armies. Palpatine is a powerful sith and a great mastermind, but he still needed warriors user.

Good answer. I wonder if I could turn into full LARP Sith mode and start killing children immediately. Maybe knowing that the new regime will have ultimate moral authority and that millions will either sing your praises or castigate your ‘wrongdoing’ has an immense effect on shit like that. I know I’m getting into hyper autistic territory by inventing psychological justifications for the actions of nonexistent 2 dimensional characters, but it does parallel the stunning real life effect of say, Nazism’s power, on individual morality.

holy shit

and how is a ghost supposed to do that? Might as well ask why Obi-Wan didn't help Luke fight Vader when he was killed

Who knows? Maybe it was very risky and he was only willing to do it once? You don't exactly see a lot of sith in the EU going around cheating death and raising people from the grave. Plus the rebels were like a guerrilla warfare type establishment. I doubt it's leadership was exactly open knowledge my dude. Can't kill someone if you don't know who you're killing.

Those kids were annoying as fuck though, he prolly already wanted to throttle them.

>Anakin! Anakin! show me how to use the force!
fucking kill me

to add to this, he knew she died yet somehow didn't know about the twins being born? Yeah, he definitely killed her. If it were someone on the inside then he would have been told about the birth of the twins as well.

great post m8


V good post

...that actually makes sense

where in the prequels does it say or even hint at any of this?

why did I never come to this realization

it really is like pottery

The Clone Wars tv series, which is cannon. There is a restricted holocron section that requires you to be a jedi master AND a member of the jedi council to enter. It holds the deepest and most deadly secrets of the force, sith, and the jedi alike.

Damn Lucas should've hired a better director. This is some quality stuff m8

Right? Anakin fights so hard to find a way to save Padme but she is the one who ends up saving him.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plegious the "wise"?

I must have been a retard to not see the parallels desu. Palpatine being aware of Padme's death should have set it off.

Then he tells Vader it was his fault to put the final nail in the coffin and create the ultimate self-hating, jedi-murdering monstrosity that we see in the other films.

Puppet master indeed.

fuck bro,now i have to go watch the clone wars animated series and movie.

I could buy this.

Still sucks balls continuity wise with Leia's remembering of her mother in Jedi.
But the PT needs every bit of help it can get at this point.

it's really good desu. Just make sure it's not the cartoon one. The animated one is the one Lucas funded by himself so the animation is pretty good for a show that ran on the cartoon network back in the day. It will make you appreciate Anakin more as a character, and shows off his leadership skills as a general in the war.

Based Sheev, the hero we dont deserve

watch return of the jedi to find out why!

Maybe it requires the emotional ties that Jedi are meant to avoid?
Life can only be transferred from someone the subject/person loves.
Like an SO, child or parent? All things that Jedi break away from.

devil's trips confirm

This. The very fact that Anakin was the closest person to Padme in the galaxy and couldn't feel her death when Palpatine could tells me this is plausible. Also helps me explain how he magically knew about her death but never found out about the birth of Luke and Leia.

He knew in Empire strikes back that Vader has a son right.

Yeah, but only after Luke blows the Death Star to hell. And even then, he didn't know about Leia.

Anakin had already killed children before this. Or hadn’t you seen AOTC?


Anakin believes right to the end that his powers can save Padme, and he tells her as much just before the duel in Ep 3

He's basically sucking Padme's life force out of her. Idk if he knew he was doing it while she was giving birth.

I agree. My point was that he was the one who killed her because if he had anyone on the inside working for him at that medical base then they would have informed him that Padme gave birth to twins before she died.

He needed to imprison Anakin in the shell of Darth Vader. This is heavily implied in Ep 3. Basically the true Vader wasn’t complete until he was in the suit. The constant suffering and rage gives him greater dark side powers

There was actually a comic released a few months ago that details the functions of Vader's suit. Apparently it keeps him in constant pain to remind him of his failure and drive him more. Sheev was stone cold.

Anakin needed to become stronger in the ways of the dark side.
Anakin didn't kill Mace, Palpatine did, but with some help.
Helping to kill Mace was just a way to show his true allegience.
Palps gave Anakin the title of "Dark Lord" instead of apprentice, because it was an ego boost and an incentive to Anakin.
It was something he craved, and Palpatine knew it because Anakin was always bitching to anyone in earshot about how he wasn't a Jedi Master yet.

Also, Palpatine didn't have any real power over Anakin until he was nearly incinerated on Mustafar.
Anakin had been planning to kill Palpatine in any case, he said so to Padme and Obi Wan.
So, really Palps was using him, and Anakin was using Palps.

Of course, I wonder why Anakin as Vader, didn't go ahead and kill Palpatine after Padme died and Anakin had to have known by then he was duped.
In effect, Palpatine managed to get everything he wanted, and also had the single most powerful (though not wise) Jedi under his command, stuck on life support.
He wrecked the Jedi order and kept their most powerful member under his thumb....and Vader waited too long to do what he should have done asap.
The death of Padme sort of became a self fullfilling prophecy.
Had Anakin killed allowed Palpatine to die, he would have known full well what a fool he was to ever trust him.
Though I also wonder what Palpatine had in mind if Anakin failed to come to his aid?
Perhaps he was also marked for order 66?

I can't really picture how they could have fucked up Anakin's story any worse than they did.

George should have stuck to copying Kurosawa.

Yeah okay, but I think the point is that he dragged her life force over to Anakin, which is kinda abstract.

Anakin had been down the path towards the dark side for a while. He wasn't completely good guy who suddenly went to the dark side. He still struggled with the death of his mother, fear of losing Padme, lack of respect from others/injustice, anger, lack of sleep, etc. etc. He also killed Doku which was against the Jedi way.

Having been tempted so strongly by the dark side and coming back from it would probably be enough for the jedi to actually trust anakin going forward, even with master rank. Its not like windu wasnt carrying out an unlawful execution in the first place.

alternatively he could have just lied and taken credit for killing a sith lord and avenging all the jedi he just killed

>carrying out an unlawful execution in the first place.
as much as I value due process, I think when your chancellor is a fucking sith lord normal rules go out the window

>Implying Anakin could've killed Palpatine at point
Anakin hadn't reached his full power potential yet. He was about on par with Obi-Wan if not slightly better. But even Yoda told Obi-Wan he was not powerful enough to face Sidious.
Had Anakin tried to kill Palpatine there then he would have joined Windu on the pavement below.

wtf i love the prequels now

Speaking of Anakin trying to kill Palpatine, this is my favorite part of the movie. Skip to around 2:14 when Anakin pulls his saber out on Palpatine. Now pay attention to Palpatine fidgeting his hand about under his sleev. Ready pull his saber out if Anakin gets ballsy enough to take a swing.

The entire "dies in childbirth" shit is so fucking stupid no sane human being should defend PT trash.




C'mon lads say it with me


>Kinda strange how even though she was taken to a secret medical facility, Palpatine was still aware of her death within the very moment of it happening.
Oh my God... how did I never realize this?

You should still watch the Gendy shorts.

Force powers of course, also sith alchemy


Wrong sleeve.

Do you really think that's what Lucas had in mind? Or do you think the editors thought it would be a cool thing to do? I think Lucas wanted her to die because of her broken heart. He is that stupid.

literally kino

Yes, see

>believing in this retcon