Stranger Things: Kali is Likely to Return


When we last saw Kali, she was escaping the police, just as Eleven realized she needed to get back home. And as Eleven parted from her “sister,” fans were left wondering if we’d ever see Kali again. Speaking at Vulture Festival LA (hat tip Deadline ), co-creator Matt Duffer has revealed that Kali’s return is already being planned: “It feels weird to me that we wouldn’t solve [Kali’s] storyline. I would say chances are very high she comes back.”

Yet this can only happen if Stranger Things does indeed return for season 3. While it’s likely that one of Netflix’s most promising series will be renewed, co-creator Ross Duffer also on the panel seemed hesitant to say either way: “We are [in] very early days on season three and we’re still figuring it out.” Then after realizing his misstep added, “I probably wasn’t supposed to say that… That’s not official, that wasn’t an official announcement — we’re just working on it, just for our own amusement…for fun!”

It’s no secret that The Duffer Brothers are looking for Stranger Things to last about four or five seasons, but Netflix has yet to confirm the series will be back. Still we can imagine what future installments will look like since the group still has to defeat the Shadow Monster. On top of that is the return of Kali and whether she’ll turn out to be a friend or the ultimate foe, along with any other kids that may have survived Hawkins Lab.

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should've been one season

But does she poo in loo?

Of course she fucking is. They'll just keep pushing her and her shit gang of characters until we like them.

Of what caste is she?

>Still we can imagine what future installments will look like since the group still has to defeat the Shadow Monster.
lol why do people watch this corny ass shit

The Upside Down is basically another dimension where every street is a designated shitting street.

This fucking bitch ruined the whole damn season for me, honestly it all comes down to her shitty character storyline and the fact that she's butt fucking ugly

I'm not even sure what that thing is.

Go back faggot

What was it about that bitch and that episode that riled up stranger things fags so much?


"We" as in the general public, not "We" as like "me epic 4 Chan hive mind XD."
Nobody fucking liked her or her gang, they have been poorly received

But why? I thought all you youngfags love nostalgia bullshit and diversity. Why did it bother people?

Fuck that. Have this ugly cunt and her faggot gang killed in the opening scene.

Ugh. But the Chicago episode was fucking horrible, and I don't care about these characters.

I assume they're just trying to take it out of Hawkins, because they don't know how else to make the series last longer than 3 seasons otherwise?

God I hope this shit doesn't come back

smartest guy in the thread

The characters were cliche and extremely unlikable.

That sounds rehearsed. What makes them worse than the other characters?

there's literally an interview with the duffer brothers saying they want to make a short series and netflix saying "yeah but we can make more money so make more"

Stranger things was a mistake.

inb4 they get in a fight over papa's fate and she starts spooking El with visions of Mike dying or something and El kills her

The only thing wrong with Kali and her gang was the poor timing of their introduction. They weren’t relevant to the main plot, and they shouldn’t have been revealed until they were.

>That sounds rehearsed
I don't even know what you mean

>What makes them worse than the other characters?
Well the other characters were a small town gang of friends that go on wacky adventures fighting interdimmensional entities.

While Eight and her stupid gang are a bunch of cliche punk outcasts that work to fight to society. To what end? Apparently just to cause chaos because lol rebellion so cool.

Are you surprised that they're not liked?

HAHAHA he confirmed it, Stranger Things is cancelled. That's what you get for putting POO IN LOO in your fucking shitshow nigger lovers

>Shadow Monster
You mean the Mind Flayer™, a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast® and Hasbro®

I just wish next season had nothing to do with the last.

Use the same casts, just different story, different characters in different timeline etc..

Just finished the second season 5 minutes ago.

Steve got fucking robbed this season, seemed like more of the same right down to the byer puzzle fun house.

Is this Netflix person related to this guy Sup Forums whom I keep hearing about?

Prepare to meet Kali…in a river of human shit!

Well of course she's coming back. We gotta find out what happened to the other 10 kids before Eleven but they should've never introduced her in season 2.

Punks were a thing at the time and punks with the ability to actually fuck the system they felt betrayed and alienated from didnt seem out of place in the show.
The whole show is a cliche
>Apparently just to cause chaos because lol rebellion so cool
were you playing on your phone when they explained their reasoning? They weren't moustache twirling villains, though 8 could have been if she wanted to.

Uggo poo

They're all brainwashed you mong. She programmed them to think that killing HER enemies is going to liberate their souls or some bullshit. They're just Thugs. Thugee. Muh Kali goddess of death and blood and hardcore edginess fuck off poo in loo poo in loo

>casts, just different story, different characters in different timeline etc..
Utter faggotry. Continue on or start fresh, no of this recasting these little cunts in different roles. Fucking kill yourself

She ruined the whole series for me. Retroactively harming my appreciation for season 1 too

I feel like Kali was way way WAY understated. She's another Eleven for fuck's sake. She opens the season showing off her 008 tattoo. Then she only appears in episode seven where she teaches Eleven to be bitchin'. They really fucked up with her.

Her actress isn't very good though.

>They're all brainwashed you mong
Was it commentary on the normalfags that love this shit show so much.


But it was the worst rated episode and unanimously hated by everyone, why would they do it again?
Also why does she have a mustache.

Honestly good. Just dropping her would be retarded and put a dumb kink in their narrative. Yeah they're going to listen to fan feedback for her return. They listened for season 2's plots already.

Besides, it was already obvious her annoying crew, the real problem, would be killed motivating her to go to Hawkins to connect with the only "family" she has, and abuse her powers in a way that causes melodrama.

Like great fiery fuck how is this not obvious.

This character wasn't necessarily bad, and served a purpose albeit horribly executed, but the real problem was her retarded gang. Absolutely fuck those cringeworthy trash. The show can bring this chick back so long as it drops them completely and doesn't give her entire episodes worth of time again.

I still think that this episode was some kind of stealth pilot for a spinoff by the Duffer Bros but they got BTFO by the audience.

She did no such thing you absolute fucking idiot.

Pedo detected

Instead of it all being dumped in one episode, her storyline should have been sprinkled throughout a few. It would at least help impart a bit of the idea that Jane may actually decide to leave Hawkins for good, rather than that return being pretty obvious.

Fucking this. It's so obvious. Probably was Netflix' idea though, not the Duffers.

Give us some timecodes for episode 7 where the other members of the Thugee gang explain their relation to the lab / why muh Kali's enemies are theirs. Are you saying she does not possess psionic telepathic powers?

most desi bitches got that shit


That’s exactly what it was, they even set up the basic premise. Kali and her gang would go around hunting various ex membets of the lab, with surprising and occasionally sexy results

Yea, it did feel like a back door pilot to me too. I'm glad it got shit on, the characters are so fucking bad.

Not him but they're the typical self-righteous bands of misfits trying to get back at the man. With Edgy Punk, Gentle Giant, and Crazy Girl.
Not that there's anything wrong with being a cliche but their problem is they came in at a bad time and were used in a worse way. The show plays with cliches a lot but atleast the other cliched characters either have time to grow, are tiny, or in service of a better character/plot. In this case they were a major focus of the episode but none were developed past their flatness and the plot line was completely irrelevant and disconnected to the larger plot we were dragged away from.
That'd be an interesting way to go but there aren't any real implications she did that past her trying to get Eleven to give into her anger.
Her fucking with Mohawk could go either way, either they've established a respectful boundary she minorly violated in that instance or she does it frequently

If you're supportive of Episode 7 in any way then you're a phaedophile. What/s hard to understand about that you fucking degenerate? I bet you beat dong constantly thinking about her body hair.

Not mind altering ones. She can make you see things, she can't brainwash a person. She only knew what Brenner looked like because she was ABDUCTED BY BRENNER TOO. They mention her helping them get revenge, and them helping her take on evil government people in return.

And fuck off ass, get me time codes of your own.

Only if they bring her back to immediately kill her

Why are they all willing to die in order to kill some scientists who prodded a smelly Paki years ago?

But he’s right thought. His argument is logical and sound. The rest of the gang are just murdering, criminal thugs

>get me timecodes for the things that don't exist so I can prove my untrue point
HAHAHAHAHAHA go beat dong some more to her unibrow and mustache, pedo

Because muh diversity! Fuck whitey and fuck drumpf!!

What new brand of idiocy is this? Jesus Christ the state of anons today.

In what way was my post supportive of that episode? Can you not read? It was painful to watch. But not because the character has no potential value to the show, rather because the execution is abysmal and the other characters are the worst thing of all time. Retard.

How did she know what a bathroom was?

Thuggee or tuggee (Hindi: Nepali ठग्गी ṭhaggī; Urdu: ٹھگ; Sanskrit: sthaga; Marathi: ठक; Sindhi: ٺوڳي، ٺڳ; Kannada: ಠಕ್ಕ thakka) refers to the acts of Thugs, an organised gang of professional robbers and murderers. Thugs travelled in groups across the Indian sub-continent for six hundred years.[1]…Thuggee was a secret cult whose members, both Muslims and Hindus, worshipped Mother Kali, the goddess of destruction (of maleficence).

If they're just murderous thugs why did they have to be brainwashed into it?

She supports their lifestyle

Oh poo in loo, how could you be so noble

Holy shit, I didn't even think of this at all. Good catch user(s?), that's subtle.


No time for love, Dr. Jones

Well, this is not surprising at all. It would be pretty dishonest thing to abandon it like it never happened, just to pander to some idiots who didn't like it.

We don't know their backstory, but the clear implication is they see eachother as kindred in that they're misfits and the crazy girl was implied to have been in a mental institution. So maybe they're all from a similar "I feel unjustly abused and imprisoned by the system" background. Also I could've swore they said the guy Crazy Girl shot was her enemy not Kaali's.
But again your angle is pretty cool, I just don't see too much concrete evidence that it's the case.
So she could be on guard from witch attacks.
She doesn't so much need to have brainwashing powers as use her illusion powers to brainwash them.

>It would be pretty dishonest thing to abandon it like it never happened, just to pander to some idiots who didn't like it.

Except it wasn't "some idiots", it was the vast majority of the viewing public.
So they're pandering to the small group of idiots that did like it.

>Showrunners shouldn't adjust their story when they receive overwhelming evidence the audience hates it
Hi welcome to tv shows hope you enjoy your stay.

>"some idiots"
Sounds like stranger things fans to me.

Who says they're not adjusting but they already made their mistakes, it's not like she's some irrelevant plot point that can be swept under the rug.

There are a million different ways you could kill the poo if you wanted to get rid of her. No one cares about her character in the show or in real life

The show needed more diversity

The thing is that no one wants her back, or her gang of misfits.

The show is getting too big of its size, it doesn't need more characters.

No, it's doesn't need diversity. Christ.
That's such a shitty way to include new characters.

I agree with this. So much time was dedicated to Max's stepbrother and he served no purpose at all other than to be a bully since Steve went full good guy. This girl and her retarded friends are too much for the show to fit in with everything else, not even counting how shitty they are to begin with.

I do not want another filler episode with a bunch of forgettable characters and a poo in the loo

>Social Justice League

It needed more people of different shape, size and color. What's your problem? You just want to look at little kids?

>poo in the loo
Shes he most talked about character this season. They did a good job with her

Her gang are some of the worst actors I've ever seen.

It wouldve been way better if they found 001-010 in season 2 than just dumb fuck punks also dont ruin the tension of demodogs about to break lose with an hour of shitty c-plot

Did the Duff Beer Brothers every explain how that character got her accent?

>fans were left wondering if we'd ever see shitty forced brown actress again


She's only talked about because she is fucking trash

> Sup sis. Da man tried to used you to kill people
> Hol up while I use you to kill people

At least she got ultra but hurt when 11 peaced out.

>most talked about character this season
Yeah not for a good reason

more like fans were left wondering if we'd ever get back to the shit going down in hawkens

they were all so cringeworthy

literally every one of them, and their acting was atrocious. Surprising, since most of the acting on the show is pretty good.

So they mean "this is a world we would NEED in order to dissolve the use of police" not "this would be the world without police" right?

Atleast recast her.

>tfw she's ugly but you'd still fuck the shit out of her

I am a man of low standards

This is the world you chose youngfag