>Wow, that was sexist, racist AND demeaning of my abilities all in one sentence, sir. Bravo
how woult Sup Forums respond?
Wow, that was sexist, racist AND demeaning of my abilities all in one sentence, sir. Bravo
Slap her arse and tell her fetch me a cuppa.
Succ me
After shes plowed from behind by sniperman, he goes and has a piss. Like a normal human does after then fuck.
What does she do?
Puts on pants and gos to work.
She either loves working with the stank, or she just enjoys the feeling of sitting in puddle all day at work.
Tell her she's an uggo too.
Jesus, gross. When is Drumpf building that wall?
I'd say bravo you're fired
he was her boss at the time
wouldn't care. would ignore and finish whatever point I was making.
Thanks, plenty more where that came from.
Show actually surprised me, was really impressed
Your only abilities are smelling like curry and shitting in the street
Yes, because a wall built along the Mexican border will really stop a British actress of Polish/Kenyan origin from entering the country.
You have autism.
Hahahaa user you're so quirky, you're not like the other boys I can tell
I responded by not watching the rest of the season of SJW murdered-in-the-cradle hot garbage.
>Wow, that was sexist, racist AND demeaning of my abilities all in one sentence, sir. Bravo
Bitch I know Rafi too, we both know you're only here because nepotism.
*Shart in a mart*
>one line
That's the only sjw line and it's in the first epsiode of a 13 ep season
>That's the only sjw line and it's in the first epsiode of a 13 ep season
also fat unlikable stolen valor asshole is pro NRA right winger
Gets put in his place by reasonable liberal black man
Terrorist is white kid because muh guns or some shit (really the dudes just PTSD spazzing out hard)
>Only SJW line... in a show with an SJW axe to grind
>Terrorist is white kid because muh guns or some shit
Who is convinced to commit suicide by a right-wing pro-2A wop who is in turn defended by a white pro-2A woman, whilst the Jew proclaiming "common sense" gun laws is shown to be a little bitch who screams and hides behind women the second a gun gets pointed at him, all while painting himself as a "hero."
It targets both sides, user.
And don't forget the right-wing pro-2A vigilante wop, who is also a Marine, has the ultimate target of a soyboy, racemixing good goy who works for the sadistic Jew in the CIA.
ass fucked webms where?
>It targets both sides, user.
Dont kid yourself it targets one side harder than the other
See Shit's redpilled. Name the main villain literally is a good goy working for the CIA.
i can do better
Literally the most useful thing she did in the whole series was get shot in the head, terrible character
*unzips BWC
'why're you in my house'
i stopped the episode at that line, should i give it another chance? i loved the actor and his arc in season 2 of daredevil.
Just finish it user
I'm 3 eps in, does Frank get it on with micro's wife?
when does she die
They [spoilers]kiss[/spoilers]
>Polish/Kenyan origin
>So you're not going to the birthday of our wheelchair bound colleague then?
The ability to stand in the affirmative action line? Because you sure as shit aren't here for your superior acting method.
You were asking for it by being in the workplace
she was almost as annoying as the nurse from all the other marvel series.
Why the hell is she in 5 of the 6 series?
>Oh well