Zack gave the world a real Superman

Zack gave the world a real Superman

Joss Whedon killed him for the sake of quips

The world is trash. Fuck WB, fuck Geoff Johns, and fuck Whedon

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le quip buzzword


Whedon's superman was more of a real superman than hack snyder's. And I fucking hate Whedon

Snyder is a visionary. It was amazing while it lasted and we are lucky to have gotten it.

t. Geoff Johns

It was too smart for modern audiences.
Like explaining philosophy to babies as they cry for quips.

fuck it, MoS and BvS are enough capeshit to last me a lifetime, i'm happy with watching obscure arthouse films anyway.

>sucks your cock

Can someone shop this onto Cavils face?

I think you ruined this film for me.

RIP the only real Superman on cinema

You Snyderfags are disgusting

Go fuck yourself then

you plebs are pitiful


Where the fuck did his hairline go?

why did they recast kal-vill?

Lol. Snyder's man of shit always sucked cock you faggots. I'm glad this crash and burned. Fuck capeshit

t. watches nothing but hollywood schlock

Same actor. His hairline is just disappearing as he gets older. He looks normal in interviews so I have no idea they try to make him look as ugly as possible as Superman.

pajeet, my son...

Can you possibly be more mad than you already are?

>Joss Whedon killed him for the sake of quips

Gay jew Flash interviews jew Wonder Woman and talks about evil whites at 2:05


It's taken me a bit to figure out who he looks like

>Zack gave the world a real Superman
it has begun.

>Zack gave the world a real Superman

Snyder gave the world a depressive, angry, regretful, antisocial Superman. That's not what anyone wanted except sperglords who can relate.

>Hamilton from Angel was Cavill's secret stand-in
First Wesley as Thanos' servant, then Amy Acker in everything Joss has done ever. Joss sure loves reusing actors

Superman sucks no matter what
Best Superman was smallville

I hope he plays the Hobbit in the upcoming TV adaptation

Nah, quips > brooding Supes.

These are all shops, right?

he looks like some late 30s italian dude from long island who immature and somewhat sad, and he likes to dress up as superheroes in his free time. he ropes his kids into it and gets them to record him doing action poses and shit.

He was human with emotions ranging from despair to happiness. We all know what happens to Superman when given to a Marvel hack, reduced to a fucking cartoon. Your complaining has meant the death of a human Superman. I piss on you and your likes.

Waaah waah

Why does he emote and think like a human being???

Where teh marvel quips and smiles???

Waah waaah


are they fucking blind???

>Why does he emote and think like a human being???
He doesn't. That's the problem. Nobody exists in a perpetual state of morose brooding.

Its okay user... at least we'll always have MoS


Millions of dollars clearly all on the screen

How the FUCK did this pass editing

Its not even humorous anymore its just disappointing

DC stands for don't care.

>if Agent Smith assfucked John Travolta

not a single shop

good little parrot

>Nobody exists in a perpetual state of morose brooding

He doesn't. It's you who cannot comprehend a man with his life might be less than quippy 100% of the time.

Fuck Whedon fuck Johns fuck everything

Look at his feet , wtf?

which was joss' greater injustice?

can someone explain what the fuck is wrong with his face here

paramount outplayed wb

Well, he could be OP.

that scene hit too close to home desu

why does he keep talking to ghost dad?

Ive been off of Sup Forums for awhile. Can someone give me a quick rundown on this? His face looks weird but everyones memeing like its another shoah?

they CGI'd Cavhill's MI6 mustache off...

screenshots of the carnage?

>you have never read the comic in your image
>neither has Snyder

I have and you haven't.


300 million dollars.


>Mr. Luthor! Surprised to see me?

You are trying to make the comparison in favor of BvS but it really just shows how fucking awful BvS is even when its directly aping scenes from a comic.

Look at how bright the comic is

Over saturation doesn't look good in movies.

tfw when they brought back the suit as a joke Homecoming

Why couldn't they CGI on some hair while they were erasing his mustache, his receding hairline is an embarrassment

>over satuation

The bit where Superman shows up at the end and gives his little line about truth and justice is so lame. If Snyder had done that bit Superman would have just zoomed in from out of frame and crashed directly into Steppenwolf's face.

At least this one had the in-universe excuse of having been designed by Coulson. What's the excuse for Superman?

Are you seriously pretending there was depth to Snyder's Superman just because he forced the tiniest bit of allegory into it? Jesus Christ.

>Look at how bright the comic is
What a pleb fucking comment. No wonder JL looked so awful with Whedon saturation with retards like you around.

You're right, with the amount of CGI Snyder uses, he needs to shroud everything in darkness

jesus fuck

reminder that all the people whining never liked superman to begin with and simply wanted to create/ride a hate train


>comic book character
>reduced to a cartoon
>this is bad
Kill yourself or watch real movies if you want depth and realism. Forcing that shit into comics is for manchildren that want to pretend they're not manchildren.

Hes Superman, not Bitchboy.

Plot twist: what if Hugo Weaving had a moustache the whole time

Seriously though I didn't watch JL and not a fan of capeshit, but this is really depressing. Werner Herzog had an actual ship go up a mountain and today they are CGing moustaches off actor's face because of schedules and contracts and shit. Actors are models today, they only serve as names and to look as if they are there. Movie sets are just "things we cannot do with CG just yet".

Yep. Now they all mock quippy happy Superman aswell. Snyder could never win this fight. He implied as much in BvS. Shame WB was too dumb to see it.

They should have just said fuck it, Superman now has a moustache. They wanted more laughs in the movie, you've got them.

>tfw flop after flop
Henry-chan doesn't deserve this


>real Superman

You mean dark edgy Murderman?

I mean I fucking hate Marvel as well but DC fags are HOPELESS.

Did he got branded?

Good lord, he's revolting.

I was wrong. Even comics and cartoon characters have more substance than these Marvel quipbots with zero humanity. This is the state of the genre. Outdone by fucking cartoons.

Bitch ass fags like you is why we ended up with a cheesy Superman in JL. Off yourself nu-male fuck.

nah cavill's face is poorly cgied for the whole film to remove his mission impossible 6 moustache. on a positive note it's the funniest thing in the movie.

Snyder was going to make a shit film. The executives realized this and hired Whedon to make a different shit film.

>mfw there are infinite earths, and in all of them there is a different version of the JL movie, but all are shit

>That time Herzog went on the Soufrière while the entire surroundings had been evacuated and convinced his crew to drive through Zyklon B clouds just to chew the fat with some hobo taking a nap under a tree.

I'd like to see the Routh/Bale one.


>two full movies of Superman being a total asshole to everybody he meets, except Lois Lane because he wants to fuck her
>shoehorn in a scene right at the beginning here to trick the retarded audience into thinking this Superman has been nice the whole time

I dont get Cavrill though, why didnt he shave? It takes only one or two weeks to grow a mustache like his. Heck. give it two weeks and let the makeup artist fill out the rest.

Because Paramount are shit stains.

>motherbox is an energy source
>oh no we need to charge the motherbox to be able to use it as a resurrection device even though it's a fukin energy source
>Cyborg's motherbox designed body attacks motherbox resurrected Supes because of reasons
>Hang on guys, I'm just gonna fly through this energy field and destroy that tower to take down this energy field I can just easily cross, so it shouldn't be a problem for you either
>terraforming the Earth for Steppenwolf is basically just having purple worms come out of the earth that later bloom weird flowers
>Supes leaves the fight with Steppenwolf several times to talk to others, guess Steppenwolf just waits patiently through this
>Steppenwolf gets attacked by a swarm of his own minions, who were just patiently waiting and watching the fight with Superman without attacking any of the other heroes
>cgi was worse than Transformers