Is pirating a movie a function of poverty?
Is pirating a movie a function of poverty?
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Rich people can't pirate?
no, it's a function of intelligence
pirating is stealing, and stealing is literally nig-tier behavour
stop that
i don't even know how to get movies that aren't on netflix without pirating them. i guess i could go to walmart but i think the movies there are all old.
You could think of it that way, but who is poverty stricken and can still afford internet speeds fast enough to make it practical. People, including me, pirate because it's more convenient, cheaper, and lets you avoid the ads that come with most media. Is it unethical? Sure, but I don't see it as destructive the way it is now.
can't find a better video
but related, sometimes i get sad when i think about those poor hollywood actors in their mansions have to wait a month before they can get an other lamborghini
>get something for free without consequence
>get the same thing for money
gee sure is a hard choice
Absolutely not.
> Be me
> Pretty decent wages (90K/year)
> pirate TB every month
> HD/BRRip/TV shows
> Because 0 ad
> Share with friends and family
> Things which will never reach my shitty country
> 0 remorse
Pirating is self-defense. Fuck RIAA and MPAA, because pirating has 0 effect on they gorrillions of $, contrary to everything they say.
when the second post is also the best post
most of the time
like 60-80%
I'm rich as fuck and pirate every day.
>tfw live in eastern european country
>literally never spend a single scheckel on any vidya or a movie except if some really needed occurrences
>piracy is norm not just to public but even in official work places
It's fascinating how westerners actually pay for entertainment when piracy is such a norm here as breathing.
The only time i actually spend money is when i go with friends to cinema when drunk. The last time i spend money on a vidya was on CS:GO and that's literally it...
Which kind of black ops were you involved in before becoming a security contractor user? Or are you a trust fund baby?
its because westerners produce media while your folk just consume it and go
>waaah why is our culture going extinct
It's more about ease of use
Your country is also a shit hole because the people in it are shit degenerates and unintelligent thieves like you.
and what exactly is stolen?
I only pay for non jewy movies...It's been a while since I paid for a movie
Piracy is an access thing. The legal way of watching movies can involve all kinds of things, not just participating in the ruling economic system in order to obtain money that you then spend on the movies, but also distribution agreements, terms of use and so on. Is the movie even available anywhere? Can you buy a copy or is it rent only? Through what service? Does it only work with credit cards? What version of the movie is it? Are there ads? Pirates get to enjoy movies on their own terms.
>to make it practical
YIFY exists for a reason
It's low moral character and lack of empathy for other people, plain and simple. They simply do not care about paying for what they consume because it doesn't affect them.
So if someone took naked photos of you from your phone and posted them all over the internet you wouldn't care? Nothing is stolen after all in your logic.
>get one movie a week at most for like 20 dollars new.
>get 100 badly encoded yiffys in one week for free.
the choice is clear
so you pay for all your movies?
>not giving money to hollywood is degenerate thievery
wtf i love east europe now.
Yeah but your naked photos were never intended for public consumption.
Ever since they scammed me with dvd technology, I pirate for life. I gave my contribution for life. Unless they start coming out with god tier products like a Renaissance, it’ll stay away.
so movies are naked photos o something that is not supposed to be seen by others?
I don't want stacks of fuckin blu rays and dvds around like an autist and the only alternative is to pay for DRM digital downloads which is even more retarded
If movie theaters showed more than just capeshit and actually had archives of old films that they would play on request I would go three times a fucking week.
>having naked photos of yourself in the first place
Degenerate Thots deserve it.
Only if I charged people 10€ to see them, or 20€ if they wanted to see them on my 3D TV.
No, I pirate myself. That's why I understand the real reason people pirate, we simply do not care for others. We don't see any risk of getting caught, so we keep doing it. If we saw no risk of getting caught with other crimes, we would be behaving like niggers. The only difference is we are scared of being arrested and facing concequences.
what does this have to do with black people you weirdo.
>he's never sent unsolicited pictures of his genitals to cute girls with messages like "send bobs" attached for a laugh
Neither are movies intended for consumption of people who illegally view them.
>t. virgin
I go and show her my bazooka in person and she sends her boobs to my face.
>almost unlimited library of movies
>no hassle with paying
>no hassle with registration either
>no unskippable ads in the movies (piracy sites are debatable)
>choice of quality
>once downloaded it's yours
The industry still hasn't realized they'll have to imitate atleast some of those qualities if they want to get paid at all.
Movies are intended for a specific audience, just like nudes are. If you'd be upset with a girl you sent nudes to posting them online, they you should understand why it's wrong for movies to be posted all over the net where the unintended audience has free access to them.
People will always pirate no matter how good the industry makes accessing movies. Why? Because one's free and the other is not.
>b-but Disney will not be paid enough for master piece like SW
If downloading as an effect on the industry we will not see 300 M $ movie anymore, but you know what, I hope one day it will be the case. More money you put in a movie, more bad it is. Prove me wrong (4 fantastic it's not an answer, just the proof that you deserve to lost your eyes and ears)
>don't mind na just pirating this foreskin
>don't mind me just scanning this book you took 20 years of your life to make and uploading it online
>oh look at that! Everyone one loves it, and it's been downloaded 400 million times! Shame, you could have been a multi millionaire, if only you had supported that anti piracy bill. Oh well, back to wagecucking with Mr Sheklestein with you!
First, the number of illegal download is exactly proportionnal to the BO, so massive downloaded movies are the ones who get paid the most. The argument that people will stop producing is fallacious.
Second, there is so much ad for product in movie, like for example James Bond, that I should be paid for watching it.
Third, Hitchkock has already paid, the actor and producers too, why should I finance the plastic industry when I can find all those movies for the price aof 3 Gb and some Watts (paid by me)
Plebs are partial to streaming because they have no patience for downloading so there is the window for the producers. But naturally, every single one of them tried to create their own platform for streaming THEIR shows, defeating the entire purpose
>implying people would love it if they had to pay for it
>the only reason I don't kill is because I fear prison
Kill yourself, that's legal tho
The industry needs to downsize. A lot. The age when multimillion salaries were possible is over and the actors and producers need to realize this. In a way, it's a return to normal. Acting used to be a low-tier profession back when there was no method of distribution and is going to be such again because distribution is essentially free.
America is the reason our culture is going exctinct, you produce movies and tv-shows like you produce dorritos.
>hey look, it's totally new, same recipe with an extra flavour added.
>i don't know what theft means
Yeah man. Yify it's the best
You don't have to be rich to download movies.You can get 100-300Mb in most ex-soviet satelite/baltic states for around less than 10€. You can download a 2h movie in a smoke break. Unless you're one of the autists who needs .AVI uncompressed lossless with 7.1+ audio and outtakes and 12 languages only to watch it in his bed on his macbook.
If you have Uganda-tier connection, it's the best you can do
>implying copyright does exist 400 hundread years ago
No it's not the same at all! When you take an item in a shop, the item needs to be produced, distributed, sold in store so all the people need to be paid for there work.
Who need to be paid when I download It's a Wonderfull Life?
There is not so much on Yify, but they are a good team tho
Service providers, server providers, ISP, distributor, studio execs, their wives, their lovers, their lawyers, and sometimes it trickles down even to the creators
Copyright DID exist 400 years ago, retard. And Artisan Entertainment needs to be paid when you download It's a Wonderful Life.
Fucking cuck. Kys
All those people are dead by now, are you paying the Shakespeare relatives? Why? Because and abitrary law say it's only for 70 years after the death of the author. Culture should be free but producer should make a living from their work too. So we pay till they die.
Cmon! Not in the shape we know today! Can you imagine Moliere suiting someone because he will put up one of his play? i'm pretty sure from up there Capra is pleased by the fact that a lot of people are able to see his work for free, because less will have seen it if it hasn't been free.
>not being a niggerthief makes you a cuck
Supreme baboon logic you fucking degenerate criminal. Go the fuck to Liberia with the rest of your shitskin monkey family.
I'm pretty sure Capra, who went bankrupt on the film is not happy to see a bunch of criminals stealing it for free.
Rich people behave like niggers, they just sugarcoat it
>murder -- business motivates war
>theft -- steal from their wageslave cuck employees
>BLACKED -- the main beneficiaries of negro media are rich fuck CEOs who have basically repurposed their cotton picking negroes to their rapping house negroes
>We wuz kangs -- the entire basis for the formation of the state of Israel is "we wuz sand niggers"
I could go on, but I want to jack off within the hour.
fuck kikes
>pirating is stealing
no theft includes depriving the owner of the thing you're acquiring
>paying a lot of money for things you want to watch as well as a bunch of other garbage you don't care about because of how the bundles work
>paying a small amount of money for a constantly shrinking library of some of the things you want to watch which will only have them months after they air if at all, always at the aim of some executive who could decide tomorrow to drop your favourite show
>paying no money for exactly what you want to watch available within a day of its airdate in a variety of sizes and formats playable on anything that can play video files
Piracy is the only way to avoid being cucked
If you're presented with a superior alternative and you don't take it because of feelings ur a faget
Note to everyone strictly pirates everything: you are the reason of the terrible state of today's film industry.
Because you fuckers pirate EVERYTHING and by not paying to support what you really want to see in theaters studios have turned to literal millenial kids and the foreign (mainly chinese) audience who do pay for tickets so they can brake even.
You are the reason why we have so much degenerate capeshit being pumped out of Hollywood right now, that's the only market that pays off today.
Hollywood made great films in the past when people payed and have shown support to films they like financially, so studios kept making quality films with quality directors and writers so people keep coming back. Then torrents came, people stopped paying for films no matter the quality and the studios have started taking literal-who no name directors/writers to make films for as little money as possible for the rest of the audience who are still paying for it, the chinese and millenial kids.
Pay for what you like and want more of
No it's just every mayor production company being an asshole and regional locking content.
If they realized that people also exist outside of the US and UK then they wouldn't have as much problems with piracy as they have now...
I got a very decent salary and I always pirate everything, because:
fuck paying 10-20 bux for a single movie, or even hundreds for multiple seasons of a series
fuck paying 30-40 bux a month for multiple streaming platforms because of retarded licensing models
count to that, I prefer watching shit in english, and in a non-english country that's pretty much impossible unless you're waiting for the official BD release.
pirating is pretty much instant, I get an actual, easily-shareable copy on my drive, and if it's shit I didn't waste the same amount of money I'm paying for internet anyways
>oh no you caught me pirating some water
>the water producing factory will surely lose money
>please don't call the cops on me :-(
>I was just thirsty
But we stop paying BECAUSE of capeshit. It pays because millenials will buy toys going with it and will do all the commercial work buy posting on Sup Forums reddit ninegag...
(((Hollywood))) has killed himself by promotting shity movies. Do you remember when movies where produced to be stand alone product ? Now every one of them is teasing the next one at the end.
We are in a crysis like in the 60's, american movies are mass products, (((they))) put the good director on a sidewalk till they are drained of their soul. (((They))) don't like unique product with a soul because it's harder to sell worldwide, too many remake from good foreign director have been made, the truth is not in american movies anymore, to much money, not enough work (can you name an american remake who is better than the original?).
Scorcese stops doing good movies way before peer-to-peer, Tarantino too.
(too many spelling error, I go hang myself)
Why pay for something you can easily get for free without any risks?
no thanks Honoral Rabbi Goldshekel Bloodlibelstein
Wrong, that's larceny.
I have $1.1 million (AUD) in bitcoins and I pretty much pirate everything
Piracy is actually conterfeiting, not theft. It's like making your own Levi jeans. Illegal for sure though.
Just FYI.
Except chinese make money with conterfeit products, pirates don't (if you're blocking ad of course)
yeah those kikes sure need my 7 dollars for their movie
lol considering theres not even that many bitcoins in total means youre a total fucking idiot liar
Okay but making unliscensed duplicates of branded products is still illegal
LMAO so ur telling me you own 10% of all the bitcoins in circulation?
if you put your naked photos out there yourself, and then others copy and distribute them, you have a logical comparison
your eyample is something different
artisan is now lions gate!
Either being poor or being a jew.
best thing is if you pay 20 Dollars for a blu-ray and have to watch filmtrailers for shit you do not even care about, before getting to the main menu.
It's just more convenient. TV shows are online minutes after they air and Bluray movies tend to leak 2 weeks before the street date.
you know why, because of pirates they had to sell...
It's almost like if the distribution model changed, more people would use legal ways to get their entertainment.
Really gets the noggin joggin