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they're not even funny
What did he do this time?
Who'd he threaten now?
What the fuck. Is that real?
The Chad never loses.
I am forgotten...
is this what a digital witch hunt looks like?
Yeah Sam outed himself on this one in this skit (filmed for the accusations but released after):
Compare what he says with the text log in the image.
Why did it get banned this time?
Anyway, why is MDE suspended?
yeah but tim is like 5'6" ok and sam is like 6'4" so whatever
Why is MDE worshipped so much?
>Left censoring "fascist" racists
>Not realizing the irony in this
Jesus Christ I might write them an email
>break twitter rules
>get banned
How shocking. I thought the master race would be able to figure it out with their high IQ (not as high as Jewish and Asian IQ though) but I guess I'm wrong.
This board is filled with underage faggots who can only identify with their shabbily cobbled together notion of politics and they believe MDE aligns with their beliefs.
Sad, really. Sup Forums in general is pretty sad these days.
just Sup Forums autists
It's not, I literally have not heard one thing outside of Sup Forums or Sup Forums about MDE.
Some people do find him funny, that's the nature of comedy. However the very aggressive pro-Sam dick suckers are always, without exception, one of these two types of people
>if not shill
Lonely virtue signaling Sup Forumsedditors who feel enraged that someone is blatantly refusing to operate within the boundaries that they feel locked in by and subconsciously hate/realize are designed by Sam to scam them out of their neetbux. Probably use Sam as a virtual friend simulator and have an incessant need to white knight for him despite the fact that they will probably never cross paths with him nor will Sam ever acknowledge their existance.
>if shill
People Sam pays because his Adult Swim gravy train got cut off by his comments on race and white history. They don't care if he is funny and have no defense other than to keep spamming the same topics of him over and over so they can collect their paycheck.
1) It's more about finding satisfaction in the bullying than being funny.
2) That's not how you use the word "even".
>in fact, that's not even how you use the word NOT!
Do you see how what I did was different from what you did? I bet you're a huge cunt in real life. Nobody who gets "even" wrong is not a huge cunt. It's the sort of habit that gets reinforced by undeserved praise, so you HAVE to be smug.
This is accurate.
Hyde looks like the ginger sidekick in the movie Big. In a good way.
Of fucking course the fag was homecoming king. God what a snooty shithead that nigger is.
I've never seen any of their videos despite the Sup Forums spamming. Can someone link to their best?
But apparently it's all Tim Heidecker's fault and he's somehow Jewish.
So how do we get this fucker in prison
>I ban people I disagree with
Who's on the left? Looks like a fucking loser
>this new
It's too late for you, the ride is over, there's nothing to see. And no one likes a bandwagoner
Back to Sup Forums then, edgy boy
>Ask a question about why "x" was banned
>Instead of an answer get some hysterical wailing and crying from reddit
Does anyone actually know?
I think technically she was 16 which is the legal cutoff where they did the deed. You'd have to convince Marky to press charges and release any sexting that went on between them to bring him in on CP or something.
Shame too cause it would be pretty hilarious to see Sam doing his Hydewars blogs from prison.
This is my favorite.
tim heidecker is Sup Forums's official funny guy
get this racist bigot out of here
Sam is 5'7 and Tim is 6'0 though.
Wait is this bait
Behold, the reddit intellectual
and his samefagging companion
Who cares, she's some dumb tranny. Did she really think Sam fucking Hyde would want a stable relationship and wouldn't be absolutley fucked in the head?
Based Sam is hitting Terry Davis levels of greatness. God Bless.
>Sup Forums
what happened to Terry? last thing i remember was his youtube got shut down..
>tim heidecker is Sup Forums's official funny GOY
Who would win in a fist fight?
What did they even do? Twitter seems pretty selective of their policies these days
So this is basically the alt-right Tim and Eric?
Poor marky
First she gets fucked by Sup Forums then by this bridge troll.
I only hope she's found happiness by now if she hasn't killed herself already.
homecoming? why does his date look 34?
I can't tell if they're making fun of masculinity or not here.
last i knew he had a warrant out for his arrest. don't know much else. havent been on Sup Forums since it happened.
that doesn't even make sense
They're implementing a new policy where they can literally track your cookies and ban you for visiting sites they deem extremist.
>sam is 5'7
White genes.
Who's the jew on the left?
I've seen his videos popping up regularly in the reposters youtube.
What kind of person posts on Sup Forums and needs to ask what kind of comedy MDE is?
The joke is omissions via editing.
I like MDE because I find the content funny, why is that so hard to accept?
Because women in those days (like today) absorb multiple gallons of semen, the pure testosterone of which makes them look like crossdressing transvestites (even worse back in the 40s and 50s).
So yeah, soyboys and bugmen be damned, I would rather deal with these retards because at least we're fucking the top shelf kind of pussy our grandfathers only dreamed of. And that's a quote.
Most MDE fans here live in a shill bubble thinking their numbers are greater than they are/
Average tv user probably doesnt know or care about some shitty cancelled sketch comedy show.
this really is just a worse version of tim and eric. And tim and eric is pretty awful to begin with
Dafuq is a protected category?
So we're gonna see all the "Punch A Nazi" tweets deleted and their posters banned?
Whole buncha blue checkmarks about to get canned for Trump vitriol.
Damn this is honestly a fucking downer sams twitter was one of the few things in my life I actively still enjoyed this sucks I'm bummed fuck jack
.....sam hyde
I'm not sure if I should believe Sam Hyde, you, or Google. Two of those sources are iffy at best.
>Average tv user probably doesnt know or care about some shitty cancelled sketch comedy show.
The average Sup Forums (let alone Sup Forums) user has been familiar with both MDE and their brand of humor (because it's literally /ourhumor/ from actual Sup Forums users) for years.
Why would you even bother lying about something like this? It's ridiculous.
>Being this naive
They never include white males and especially not Trump in those rules, they even add "protected groups" to highlight priority.
nah in the end twitter is just going to be a big leftist hugbox. till it goes the way of vine.
>sam literally never mentions him
>Whole buncha blue checkmarks about to get canned for Trump vitriol.
They been 'deverifying' conservatives over the past few weeks
The only thing Sam's ever done that's not some forced meme through his paid-off shills is the 2070 Paradigm sketch and the shooter/terrorism memes.
E-celeb fags like Sam never really are /ourguys/, because Sup Forums is about being user.
If that's true then the rest of the users may as well jump ship. I can't see the website lasting that long being turned into a hugbox.
Hormones dont work like that dumbass
Learn something about the gastrointestinal track before you post
They stole it from the Anglos, who still have a higher IQ today.
Jews had to worm their way in with Kazar Milkers.
Israel is the real Jewish IQ.
Hopefully he will just make another one because he's already been suspended twice
>That backtracking by h3h3
twitter is literally a commie and sandnigger site.
>this is a 10/10 on r9k
Which allows tons of deranged shit as long as it's not from ze evul alt-white and their mean words. Not to mention it allows leftist and Neocon mean words.
>because Sup Forums is about being user
Hi 2012 era reddit!
If you have ever used twitter for anything but raids you should immediately kys.
>good luck on adult swim
God i wish she was my gf. thanks for bringing back my depression
but his style ISNT ripped off of tim and eric
Fuck man I'm honestly pretty mad why can't twitter just let people do their thing man idk I just don't get it sams twitter wasn't even that controversial or anything right now at this moment I feel like the fun of being alive is being sucked out of this world everyday constantly. it's the black hole sun it's Saturn. Space is fake and the stars and planets are all Illusions being cast off the surface of moon from Saturn, which is sort of like a giant radio transmission center (that's what the rings are).
>Twitter says racism is not allowed on their platform
>Blue checkmark liberals are allowed to say "I hate white people and want them all dead" on a daily basis
>Nothing happens to them
>good luck on Adult Swim
Did (((h3h3))) have anything to do with Sam being forgotten?
>good luck on adult swim
Um, sorry sweetie but racism is White + Existing.
I've met him IRL, and we were about eye to eye, he might have been a little shorter. I'm 6'3". He's definitely not a manlet. He had absolutely horrible breath but he isn't half as deranged has he pretends to be on youtube. Overall a decent guy.
His license says 6'4