/stg/ - Stranger Things General

Supersonic Steve Edition

Previously: Why was deleted?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why was deleted?

Because it was nothing but Millie pedoshit posting, you dumb nigger.

Thanks. Next time, without the edge.


what a shame, would've made a good archive

Brenner's wife confirmed


>her last name is literally Brenneman


First for Billy crushing puss all across Hawkins

appreciate it, but the mods are gonna delete the thread we have to hold back

Billy is gonna beat all pedos in this thread

I don't think she means she's working on Stranger Things with him, I think her kids are just associating Brenner with him and they're working on something else together. As far I'm aware the Duffers have only just started writing season three, so casting would be a ways off.

>only 30 IP's last thread
>nothing but Millie pedoposting
>thread was straight up fucking deleted

I'd say /stg/ is truly kill at this point.

look at her reply


>“Steve thinks he and Nancy are gonna end up together, and they’re gonna get married and have kids,” he says. “Now that Nancy’s gone, he has the kid part but no [wife]… he has to deal with these kids.”

Further proof Steve will die in season three. He has imparted his wisdom onto Dustin and has nothing left to live for. Billy will probably finish him off.

That's not her...


What's this I hear about there being a Fack discord?

Why is everyone saying Finn and Milly don't get along ?

>only 30 IP's last thread
Oh look, it's fucking Columbo

Damn, mods acting fast this time around.

He's a fan favorite this season, no way in hell they're gonna do that. In the very last season though sure, maybe.

Because they don't. They clearly don't have a real relationship beyond acting.

Hell, Finn seems to want nothing to do with the entire ST cast besides Joe Keery.

Because they're both shallow assholes, Millie especially, and logically can't tolerate each other. Another contributing factor is Finn repelling all of her advances because he's a closet homosexual, which has made her feel inferior and turn bitter towards him.

>They clearly don't have a real relationship beyond acting.
On what are you basing this obversation outside of your headcannon ?

>which has made her feel inferior and turn bitter towards him

More like desperate for his attention now that he can't stand her.

Because of stuff like this. They're good on professional terms, but not close friends like Millie and Noah.

>On what are you basing this obversation outside of your headcannon ?

The fact that they're never seen hanging out together off set? Which is telling considering Millie hangs out with Noah frequently.

Finn seems genuinely repulsed by her in interviews and they're constantly talking over each other. It always feels like they're just on the edge of letting loose and abusing the fuck out of each other.

The first attempt looked like a missed moment because it wasn't the place and time and Millie felt awkward for not reading the moment.

The second attempt is just a montage to show an embarassement that isn't here.

Are you following them ?

Here's a quick question for you, reddit
Why is it that /got/ generals were banned due to them being cancerous off-season trash, but the /stg/ generals are well and good, despite them being even more cancerous off-season trash?

That scene gave me so many boners. Why did they do it?


Finn doesn't even seem to acknowledge her on social media.


Compare this to last year youtube.com/watch?v=Ohyy2y_xxRA

You can deny it all you want but it's true, they're not good friends. Millie has even said in livestreams she doesn't have his number and that in the past he hasn't picked up her calls. kek

This one is actually pretty on-topic so far. I'm proud.

The post already got deleted, don't worry.

I wonder how they even managed to have any plausible chemistry on screen
They havelike totally different personalities, Finn seems like the most easy going guy on earth while Millie is obnoxious and annoying

nevermind they deleted the post

Why is Millie so obsessed with getting his attention? Is it because he was her first kiss and she thinks they should be together? Or is it just their managers and/or parents trying to push a relationship to benefit their careers?

Surely she must be aware of how blatantly gay he behaves with that other kid from It.

>Are you following them ?

No, but you can't even swing a dead cat without running into ST cast photos or just images of them in daily life. And you can guarantee that any images of Finn and Millie hanging out together ("squeee Fillie/mileven OTP XDD") would be heavily sought after and spread like wildfire. Yet there's nothing.

Looks like we've got a guardian mod this time around.

Thanks buddy.

Because he's getting famous/popular now and she feels bad for brushing him off last season or something. Or her hormones finally kicked in and she finds him attractive now or something. Who even knows.

Finn sort of just goes along but Jack initiates all the gay stuff. Finn definitely likes girls though based on his Instagram interactions/likes.

In your vid he already looks like a cynical asshole. It's Millie who actually tried to be friends.

It's Laurie!

Uh, watch the video again. How so? He was the one who put his arm around her, etc. You can watch other interviews too, she pretty much blew him off during touring stuff after S1 came out and now he's over dealing with her, meanwhile she now wants his D.


>How so?
His ton of voice shows the "relationship" questions bore him out a lot and he's putting his arm as a contractual obligation and make it clear to everyone, that's why Millie doesn't like it.

> You can watch other interviews too, she pretty much blew him off during touring stuff after S1
post it

>Stranger Things season one interview circuit goes in full swing
>Finn seems to be trying really hard to get Millie to notice him and win her affections
>she rebuffs him and puts him down every time
>Fillie still is popular and she gets attention
>IT 2017 comes out
>everyone notices the chemistry between Finn and Jack Dylan Grazer
>Fack and Reddie ship explodes in popularity
>Finn has become a bonafide heartthrob at this point
>little miss attention whore is now outshined
>desperately tries to shmooze Finn and capitalize off Fillie again
>he's not having any of it

guard the thread from pedofags

dude you can dig up your own videos, not our fault if you didn't follow the show and the actors last year


I really am curious as to why Finn seems to not have much to do with the kids from Stranger Things. Are they just boring? Was Stranger Things season 1 made before IT?

>Jack Dylan Grazer
doesn't he have a GF ?

She's a beard.

No shit, Stranger Things 1 was in 2016



No offense to the stranger things cast, but I can't see them making kino like this.

Laurie from The Leftovers

Finn probably hates Millie because of all the fans forcing him and Millie to be a pair
The last time in Millie’s birthday just because Finn didn’t publicly announce his birthday wishes to her on Instagram the fans freaked out and bullied him for days until he explained on twitter that he sent her a wish in private, and then Millie (or her brother) liked a tweet from a fan calling finn an asshole made the situation even worse
Millie probably has the worst and craziest fans ever, they’d bully finn just because they saw Millie sitting with Noah instead of finn

Look her up, she's fugly and looks more butch than him. obvious beard.

this is honestly incredibly fucking funny. "that's technology. get rid of it" and the whole spitting water thing. i haven't seen IT but this is truly amusing

That doesn't mean anything, they could've been filmed at around the same times.

>Millie (or her brother) liked a tweet from a fan calling finn an asshole made the situation even worse
KEK screencap?

>Millie probably has the worst and craziest fans ever

Absolute fucking kino.

Wrong. IT filming happened after ST came out, which was the reason Finn wasn't touring with the rest of the cast. Google's free, you know.

Well the stranger Things kids seem more like the “gay theatre kids” type of kids while Finn and the IT cast seem to be the more normal “dude bros” type of kids

They found the bridge though, that was impressive.

...are you kidding me? it's the exact opposite

>gay theatre kids
what the fuck are you talking about dude


I think they were worried she was being groomed by Drake

Are mods deleting all Millie posts now or what?

So he was already a hit yet still got along well with the IT kids as though they're equals? Further proof stranger things kids a shit.

No, he didn't become a hit until IT and his band.

Yes, I mentioned her in a post and it got deleted and warned even though posted discussion about the show (re: Steve possibly dying) as well. Oh well, better that then the stuff that went down last thread. I at least like *some* show discussion.

Honestly it wouldn't surprise me, the timeline of them meeting in 3 different cities on 3 days just showed that unfortunately.

Why did the mods delete the Millie thread but not the stupid Fack thread?

Hmm seems like an overreaction to people being passionate about expressing their support for an actress. Especially with all the non show related Finn talk that's going on.

What said too

>i haven't seen IT

IT is basically a streamlined version of that skit. Just a bunch of kids with really great synergy being entertaining. The "spooky" clown shit isn't even needed.

The mods are probably all Fack posters.

No fucking way they made that on their own, that's amazing.

What the fuck?

You faggots went overboard last thread, that's why. Even the curre Finn discussion is more on topic than the "which chan can I go to talk about Millie's budding breasts guys" last thread.

I absolutely hate horror. ST was fine because it never scares you just to scare you, it's more of a thriller/drama/sci-fi. It's not still in theatres right? And I doubt there's a good release of it anywhere though. Might check it out sometime soon though in the next few months if possible, since it does seem good.

Froggoposting last year was way worse than that, although yes, the thread was absolutely shit, as you said. And I think that was only one guy saying that and most people ignored him, don't worry.

No? Have you seen they act in rea life?
Finn and jack and the rest of he it cast would call each other faggots and kikes
The ST kids, well 2 of them literally came from broadway and Noah is a complete fruit

Yeah he does, I even came across a few pictures of him and his gf having thanksgiving dinner.

The Fack posts are as blantant pedo as the Millie posts

>milliefags literally stalking and talking about her fucking Drake
>Fackfags just post pictures

They are. But there's something deeply horrifying about spending your entire weekend. Two days you will never get back obsessively searching for a bridge.

you guys really need to stop sustaining a shit general

17 IPs and 83 posts is fucking retarded

That was a bit much, I do think they were worried about the Drake thing though.

>Noah is a complete fruit
lol like jack isn't

this is a bit odd

That was just one guy to be fair.

>he wasn't here a year ago
we're just worried it will turn into that again. i have no doubt it will in time

So Stranger Things huh?

Shit, I meant the Fack posting is NOT as blatantly pedo as the millie posts, didn’t check my post before sending

I'm wondering where they'll go with Brenner in S3. I really do think he should have died in S1... the Demogorgon attacked him after all. But I guess that wouldn't make for good TV/plot stuff, right?

They absolutely are, they're just better at disguising it. There will always be a few weirdos who say disgusting things in text just to get (You)s.

for good reason desu


Either they learned their lesson (especially from the horrible reception Ep7 got across the board) and will improve S3... or it will go down the train. Hoping for the former but without any real confidence unfortunately.

Why was season one so comfy?

Why was season two so much less comfy?

>its a "Dustin tries to be funny" scene

>“Maybe I shouldn’t say this because I like to pretend that it was all planned out, but it was originally pitched as a limited series,” said Duffer, probably while getting a hot-stone massage from Netflix executives. “So, Eleven was gonna sacrifice herself and save the world, and then that was going to be it, because there was a moment where limited series were a big deal.” Had it remained a one-off, her death makes total sense. But Netflix wanted more, and asked how they could keep the story going instead. “And you’re just sort of riffing in the moment and we were like, ‘Well, Will’s back from this other dimension and he’s not doing very well.’ And they were like ‘great!’” From such humble beginnings are possessions of kids by other-dimensional beings born.

It could've been perfect.

I just think Jack reminds me of myself at that age and I find it endearing

FACT: stranger things is shit 80s nostalgia wankfest netflix garbage.

>I absolutely hate horror

Well you're in luck, IT is more of a comedy/coming of age story. Think Stand By Me with a retarded jumpscare every few minutes. Though the clown is needed in order to have the others bond more. And Finn and Jack are top kino together.

How can season 3 even work when basically every major character has already gone through their arc? I can't see them doing anything but degrading at this point in order to make cheap drama. That, or remain flat and boring/repetitive. Happens to every show that's dragged on.

because it was new and they had the freedom to write the whole thing beforehand

s2 cashed in (sorta) and just went for making the thing more "cinematic" rather than expanding the universe or doing interesting stuff
pretty much this s1 was self-contained. s2 was unnecessary but still decent and wrapped it up in the end nicely.

s3 will be shit probably, unfortunately

i at least like how he's comfortable with his sexuality/masculinity. like, whatever, they're kids. don't think you meant to reply to me though

>what is an homage

>Eleven’s sister may make Season 3 of “Stranger Things” a sibling affair. At the “Stranger Things: Inside the Upside Down” panel atVulture Festivalin Los Angeles on Saturday, the cast and crew of theNetflixseries were on hand to reveal behind-the-scenes info from Season 2 and tease what might lie ahead.

>In particular, brothers Matt and Ross Duffer revealed that Kali (Linnea Berthelsen) will most likely return for Season 3. “It would feel weird that we would’n’t resolve that storyline,” said Matt Duffer. “Chances are high that she comes back.”

>Ross Duffer added, “We’re in very early days of Season 3… That’s not an official announcement.”