ITT: Movies that are not as smart as people think


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Al Gore documentaries

No, it's smarter than you're able to perceive I'm sure

was it even trying to be smart?
I thought it was just about scenery than plot, like interstellar and inception

even the phrasing of this post screams "hey I'm way less intelligent than I think I am"

My IQ is 137.

heh...sure buddy. check out Rick and Morty when you're ready for REAL intelligencekino

anyone with IQ above 130 can be classified under ASD

>not smart

I bet you watch (((stuckmann))) reviews and think that comic book adaptations are a work of art.

You should shut you mouth. Sometimes normies should really be forbidden to express their opinions.

t: brainlet

>inb4 someone starts posting 'muh Clarke' missing the point even harder

What's your point?


Plebs think it were muh aliens that sent the monoliths

Patricians know they were sent by future humans to the past to track Human evolution, unknowingly creating said evolution by accident: Man created Itself

Except the book series (Which is better than the movie, fight me) explained it was literally aliens

thus man is god

it is always aliens as humans are not capable of doing anything

>implying Clarke isn't a pleb

>Patricians know they were sent by future humans to the past to track Human evolution, unknowingly creating said evolution by accident: Man created Itself
Sounds better than anything Kubrick could come up with. Most likely the reason why he made it so obscure.

>Dude it could be anything LMAO XD

>woke realization
the monolith is a movie screen, everything going on hints very clearly that Kubrick is making you see trough the facade if you really want to. Bowman slowly realizes he's in a movie himself, on his death bed he sees it all for a lie that it is.
Movie screen (monolith) finally has a different perception.

>Heywood Floyd
>pic related one of the biggest proofs

That doesn't even make sense outside of the boundaries of some kind of unexplained tacked on multiverse theory in which there is another unrelated timeline in which humans evolve without the monolith. There would be no first instance of human evolution without the monolith, and yet the monolith would never have been sent without that first instance of human evolution.


>implying 2001 was made to made sense, and not to mindfuck

Just fucking read 2001: A False Flag Odyssey and watch Rob Ager takes on 2001., and on Kubrick in general.

Except the book series has barely anything to do with the movie other than the fact Kubrick and Clarke were conceptualizing stuff together.
And the movie is much better as it doesn't answer with 'muh aliens' to all of the questions.

t. pleb

>Rob Ager
He's a schizo though.

Haha, what? Did you actually read this? What a hilarious waste of time.

>the only Star Wars film is the original
Agree. Good job

It's hilarious that you probably don't read because you think it's a waste of time.

It's hilarious that you probably do read because others think it's a waste of time.

It's hilarious that you probably don't read because (((others))) told you you can understand the whole premise by listening to audiobooks.

>ITT : Movies that are to smart for OP
Thread name fixed*

>implying I give a fuck about kike propaganda

kill yourself shlomo

>wow look at me I read things


All these fucking plebs that think they know what 2001 was about, yet showing they don't even have a fucking inkling. Like its fucking hillarious how you're all "wow this movie isn't that deep, trust me i know cause its about aliens". Like, no its really not.

Hint: Its about nietzsche

I dont agree with you but what the fuck is he looking at and why is it so unsettling?

It's Kubrick and the camera crew.

Nice intro level philosophy name-drop there you pedantic dimwitted fag

August, no!

>film has a scene that visually alludes to an earlier scene in the film
>wow, it's so deep!


It's about Nietzsche? Like it's a bio-pic? Or did you mean a specific part of Nietzsche's philosophy? Which part?

pretty sure this is an ironic troll post

user already cracked the code years ago.

No one thinks this movie is particularly smart. You just don't get Tarkovsky

lol tarkovsky is a hack.
lopushanksy is a true soviet filmmaker

I actually got it and liked it.
And people DO think this movie is deep and meaningful when all it has is a couple of one-dimensional themes to wrap your brain around.

I saw it more as a parable of humanity itself. And how human interact with the unknown infinity.

>all 3 hobbits
>butterfly effect

Just needs more sandlerkino and you're good to go

>book series

antifa chick is so god damn cute

>ITT: OPs not as smart as they think

I don't know how to feel about this

My IQ is 137.

Which online test did you take?


I did a few tests with a psychologist when I was seven years old.

Meme or not, Waterboy is prime comedykino.

>thinking IQ doesn't change as your brain develops, both physically and through practice
Absolute brainlet


You're right, I'm probably even smarter now. I bet I'm above 140.

based Kubrick


the wire


I'll give you that. It's pretty on the nose with everything.
>Obviously about the evolution of man into something greater
>Plays Also Sprach Zaruthustra

nigga everyone knows Kubrick was a self hating Jew.

>hey guys I watch Rob Ager look at me

It isn't supposed to be 2intelligent4u. The fact that you think this shows how insecure you really are.

Fuck this movie