Who will get the blame?
Who will get the blame?
Whedon since Zack has never made a bad movie
Zack Snyder is awful and has always been awful.
Zack Snyder
Whedon worked on it, but there's only so much you can do with a Snyder film. He couldn't miracle the shit into a big hit with only a few months to do some reshoots and editing. That's an incredibly unrealistic expectation for such a major feature.
It's Snyder's fault for making such a goddamn mess in the first place.
>whedon's JL literally has better score than Snyder's BvS
Zack since he approved putting "A zack snyder film" in the opening credits
This thread is full of plebs. The fat ginger cuck is to blame of course. Whedon is the fucking worst, the fact that critics loved The Avengers but hated Man of Steel is an insult to film.
Probably Zack because normies seemed to like all the Whedon stuff
I thought the Joss stuff was awful and ruined the movie
Batman being useless, quipping, making 'orange slices' type gags and blushing when Superman spoke to him was the worst character portrayal since Joel Schumacher
>Bad cinematography
>Bad color correction
>Bad CGI
>Bad costumes (in reshoots)
>Bad production design (in reshoots)
>Bad editing
>Generic music score
Whedon (Elfman)
>Can you at least point me towards Atlantis?
>People are difficult... they require a lot of focus.. they have a rhythm I haven't quite... Like, BRUNCH. WHAT IS BRUNCH? You wait in line for an hour for what is essentially lunch. I dunno, people are... a little slow.
>You won't let me live, now you won't let me die, tell me, do YOU bleed?
>Oooh something is definitely bleeding.
>So is this a bad time to bring up my blood sugar? I'm very hungry...
>Just keep the little Merman away from me while I work
>Listen, uh, I was just wondering if you could, uh... put out uh... y'know a few uh, like aquatic, y'know, I uh, do you talk to fish?
>What was it like? Coming back? (from being dead)
>Itchy... honestly, weird. In. So. Many. Ways.
>I believe in truth... I'm also a big fan of justice *punch*
>Well I knew you didn't bring me back because you liked me.
>I don't... not like you.
>Is this guy this bothering you!? *punch*
>I really like being alive.
>Me too.
>I take it back... I wanna die.
>haha ha MAN MAH TOES HURT! I don' even unduhstan' da physics o how mah toes hurt XD
>Children... I work with children.
>villain literally gets defeated because Superman blows on his weapon
>>I believe in truth... I'm also a big fan of justice *punch*
At least the punch was awesome
How was the director credit done in the movie?
Was it "Directed by Zack Snyder" or "Directed by Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon"?
the former
Then he'll get the blame.
Should have been "Directed by Alan Smithee" instead.
Whedon came on board and filmed 30% of a film which was already trying to be a Whedon film.
WB for forcing the movie to be rushed when its clearly not ready.
>Who will get the blame?
zack's Daughter
>WB for forcing the movie to be rushed when its clearly not ready.
They told Snyder they would delay the movie until he was ready to return, instead Snyder declined and handpicked Whedon to finish the movie.
Autumn Snyder > Snyder > Whedon > Geoff Johns > WB board.
All of them.
Well, I'm pretty sure Zach Snyder's failure got him fired from the project in the first place. As with most prestigious positions, they allowed him the dignity of saying he resigned, but it was probably forced.
Joss Whedon did his best to improve on a movie that was already 80% complete. Cull the worst moments, improve the flow, try to make the tone consistent.
Joss Whedon isn't what he used to be either but at least 50% of Whedon projects usually turn out good. Zach had 2 great movies and never again recaptured the magic.
I haven't seen it but I hear JL is pretty decent. It has the tonal problems that JL has ALWAYS had in any adaption (because all these characters comes from universes that worked best as standalones, not originally intended for crossovers). From what I've been hearing most are saying it's nowhere near as good as Wonder Woman, but significantly better than all the other DCEU stuff.
proof on them telling him they would delay it was it not going to be originally coming out closer to Thor but was pulled back for the reshoots?
peter jackson got the clip when del toro bumped himself off the hobbit movies
the commentaries are just jackson apologizing profusely scene after scene.
ipso facto whedon will get the blame even with a late introduction just as jackson did which set the precedent.
>One of the first things the studio floated was the possibility of pushing back the release date of the movie, but the Snyders decided against that. Warners also extended Snyder's first-look deal to give him time to work on other planned projects when he returns to work.
>Snyder, after screening a rough cut of Justice League for fellow filmmakers and friends, wanted to add additional scenes, so he brought Whedon on board to write them. But as he prepared to shoot the scenes in England, Snyder realized it was not the time to leave home. “The directing is minimal and it has to adhere to the style and tone and the template that Zack set,” says Emmerich. “We’re not introducing any new characters. It’s the same characters in some new scenes. He’s handing the baton to Joss, but the course has really been set by Zack. I still believe that despite this tragedy, we’ll still end up with a great movie.”
del toro hasn't shot 80% of the movie, or any for that matter. he never even got past the design stage, or we would've had Thorin with literal horns because he thought the name sounded like Thorns
so he was brought on for writing but had to step down after his daughter died doesn't sound like he asked him to reshoot all those scenes to me
Snyder, it would've been a disaster even if he didn't step back
For what? People are actually enjoying this movie, somehow.
shot 80% than Whedon comes and reshoots half of that 80 maybe he should have only added the additional scenes Snyder already wrote
Here's the thing, though. Whedon clearly, *CLEARLY* overstepped. The hack job of editing really, really shows just how much he re-arranged scenes. The resurrection scene alone proves how much he cut up and swapped things around. They arrived at night and Supes erupts out of the ship mid-morning.
You mean a good movie. But he has, he made the living dead remake or something and it was serviceable. 300 was pretty good, the rest are an embarrassment.
It's enjoyable like Transformers 3 is sorta enjoyable. Plus people like cartoons still.
It's officially a box office disappointment. It opened less than fucking Suicide Squad or Thor 3
Don't compare the 1.124 billion USD movie with this mouse will freak
joss deserves the blame and he's rying to pin it on zack like the soulless cuck he is
that would've been comedy gold, the icing on the cake
>the commentaries are just jackson apologizing profusely scene after scene.
no way, really? why didn't he just try to do a good job then?
are there any other situations in hollywad where a new director comes in to fix the previous director's mistake despite it being too far gone/past the poibt of no return?
you mean where the end result was actually good? i dunno, but island of dr moreau had a director swap mid production and it was, of course, terrible.
Probably on a tight schedule to churn three of them out, and it wasn't a passion project of his
>the fact that critics loved The Avengers but hated Man of Steel is an insult to film
this opinion itself is an insult to anything related to commenting about films. Avengers is a light-hearted dumb movie that's enjoyable. Man of Steel is pretentious and tacky as hell but with somewhat enjoyable action. Taking both this seriously... as if either one of them is some sort of milestone for good films is just really silly.
This flick was just depressing to watch
Fuck WB and fuck Whedon shit
Wonder Woman was such a dumb movie...
well in order to provide an example it could go either way but I think it should reflect the current situation so we can determine who of these two directors is getting the black bar.
Whoever decided Whedon should be the one to finish it. The man has a very particular style, there was no way he'd bother to match anything Snyder has done so far.
>Joss Whedon did his best to improve on a movie that was already 80% complete.
>I haven't seen it but I hear JL is pretty decent.
Man of steel is a movie.
Avenger is a big budget movie made for tv.
Alan didn't want his name on this mess.
>Whoever decided Whedon should be the one to finish it
That was Snyder
BTW this scene is also Snyder
>that's Snyder
I don't like zack but I hate joss so hopefully joss. Anything bad that happens to that man is justified.
>critically savaged
>total flop
Yeah, the deluded fanboy DCucks will show up and sing its praises, they don't care about actual quality, they just want to see Batman talk to Flash xDDD and say fug Marvel xDDDD
Everyone else is staying away. The DCEU is fucking poison
He didn't even want to do it
Adding shitty jokes is "improving"
WB so autistic they only understand keks
He runs like a retard
People clapped at the end of the movie.
no one
Justice League was kino, and fuck you faggots for saying otherwise
So they're both movies? What could possibly be your point, if any?
Levity is kind of necessary when making superhero movies, unless you're adapting Miracle Man or some shit.
wow the best post is also the first post what an age we live in
yes, and?
Depends on who you ask
>Most people
Either Snyder or Warner Bros. I tend to blame Warner Bros more. This is why you don't run film production by committee.
>DCEU and Snyder fans
Quite accurate
good post
Just a jumble mess, they are both to blame, its like watching two movies at once and both are terrible
Blame for what? JL was actually enjoyable, and I previously only liked MoS and WW. It's got issues, but nothing that can improve over time with new movies.
>Is this guy this bothering you!? *punch*
>I really like being alive.
>Me too.
>I take it back... I wanna die.
>formerly deceased guy joking about wanting to die in a movie where the previous director left because his daughter committed suicide
Bravo Whedon
>>I really like being alive.
>>Me too.
>>I take it back... I wanna die.
this is not real
Whedon has been bashing the film and saying he's only responsible for "10-15%" of it. Hopefully, we'll get a Snyder Cut to make it clear that it wasn't his fault but considering how shit DC has become, I'm kind of doubting it.
You can't exactly say it's Whedon's fault in terms of the costume design. They were clearly made for a darker film, literally. Why he didn't just keep the same colour scheme I'll never know.
>Who will get the blame?
First, Kevin Tsujihara. DC has had a year of failures. Kevin is responsible for booting off zack and shortening the runtime to
she should kill herself then
he runs like a short distance sprinter.
which when you're the flash everything is short distance
>he runs like a short distance sprinter.
No, he runs like a spastic. His movements are massively exaggerated from side to side, the complete opposite technique that a sprinter would use.
he looks exactly like Bolt in the clip i posted.
>Levity is kind of necessary when making superhero movies
It absolutely isn't necessary, though. There's more than one kind of superhero movie that people can make.
Now then, there's nothing wrong with making fun little superhero movies except that that market has already been cornered by Marvel. If you wanted to watch a light-hearted superhero adventure, Marvel already provided three this year. The market didn't need or want a fourth, especially a fourth that's a poor imitation. Want proof of this? Compare Justice League's opening box office to the opening box offices other DCEU films.
There actually is a market for darker, grittier, more serious superhero films. DC was smart to capture this market. They've really dropped the ball by bringing in Joss Whedon to turn DC into Diet Marvel with Justice League.
Personally, I liked the MCU and the DCEU. I enjoyed having a little variety with my capeshit. But if this is where the DCEU is headed, count me out.
Yes it is. But right after that:
>haha ha MAN MAH TOES HURT! I don' even unduhstan' da physics o how mah toes hurt XD
it's even worse, fucking Whedon.
Both of them should.
HOWEVER, since Whedon is involved with Marvel, Zack will get the blame.
Here's who SHOULD get the blame, but won't.
>"Hey, guys, I'm here to fix/save the DCU"
>movie turns out good
>"You're welcome, DCucks"
>movie turns out bad
>"There was nothing I could do to salvage this shit film, so blame Snyder."
The execs who said it had to be under 2 hours and gave whedon no time to accomplish it
As if that shit can accomplish anything at all.