Please recommend me a good Gyllenhaal kino to watch while I get used to him being the new Bruce Wayne. Of course I have seen Nightcrawler, Enemy, Donnie Darko
Please recommend me a good Gyllenhaal kino to watch while I get used to him being the new Bruce Wayne...
Other urls found in this thread:
Jarhead is my only rec
Bubble Boy.
Nocturnal Animals
Okja off Netflix for the goat Jake performance
>Source Code
>End Of Watch
Also this podcast episode
Nah, if he's Batman, it'll be a press nightmare.
Brokeback Mountain
>Also this podcast episode
For anyone who hasn't heard they hunt down Jake Gyllenhaal to determine his height to settle an online dispute that comes down to a fraction of an inch. It's kind of hilarious.
>End Of Watch
Saw this the other night, it was pretty damn good.
>broke my back in the mountain
Spotted the faggot.
October Sky
love & other drugs
End of Watch mah nigga
Proof (Fuck you I liked it)
Yo I forgot about that movie. Anne hathaway had parkinsons or some shit right? She was cute as all fuuuck in that movie.
I like Jake, but I cannot see how he would make a good Bruce Wayne
Guys, it's just dawned on me how fucking Kino Jake actually is.
>Source Code
>Donnie Darko
>Nocturnal Animals
>End Of Watch
All solid 7/10 movies.
God he is so fucking handsome
is he gay or straight?
Anyone here remember when he posted on Sup Forums?
Shit was epic.
Donnie Darko
Another vote for Donnie Darko.
Also Source Code. Watch it with an open mind as it's actually pretty good in a Butterfly Effect way.
End Of Watch is terrible and should be deleted from every storage medium.
He should've been the Joker, if anything. Seriously, DC is so fucking retarded.
>post literally says hes seen Donnie Darko
>like 3 posts suggest donnie darko
You idiots suck
I watched this last night.
Good kino
American Psycho 2
starring Jake Gyllenhaal
Little shop of horrors
Jake’s just as good on the stage.
I cant buy him as Wayne, he'd do a fine Joker though. You know they never called the Joker by name in Suicide Squad so the door is open for a Jason Todd retcon, get rid of Leto for fuck sake, Gyllenhaal would be perfect.
fuck dude he is taking the lead over bruce
Nocturnal animals
a few years ago a thread appeared on Sup Forums with something like "if jake gyllenhal was here what would you say to him". everyone called bullshit, until he posted a timestamped selfie. what followed next was...
>"you were great in spiderman"
>"you were great in LoTR"
>"have you fucked maggie, jake?"