Hey guys s-stop looking at my boobs
Hey guys s-stop looking at my boobs
All this Makeapp stuff was hilarious but holy shit when a girl does her makeup right it's worth it
doesn't even look like a person anymore
What happen to her lips?
pls look at my ass
i thought so too, did she do plastic surgery?
If so, she's damn pathetic
its called makeup
Is there anything worse than having no ass even though you're fat?
>guys pls
bet it tastes like cherry pie
She loves to show off her body, so what?
>those nips
I wanted to open other interesting looking threads, but these stupid threads keep distracting me.
Well I sure as fuck won't burn my eyes staring at the face.
Also I'm probably not going to spend long looking at half tits anyway.
Also stop trying to make us look at your ass. It's just flab.
gross lips
sad she butchered her tits otherwise her nipples would look fantastic
I don't know, just that she made her boobs smaller so that people wouldn't look at them
her areolas seem really well defined, want to see them too bee ache
She got the snip snip under the boob though, nipples should be relatively untouched
people love to gawk and judge despite also wanting to tell everyone what they can and can't do based on ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''morality'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' whatever the fuck that is
yeah, having no tits even though you're fat is much worse
>calling Ariel Winter mocking threads stupid