the brendan fraser of our generation.
The brendan fraser of our generation
Uh, Sam seems to have skipped the part where he has a successful career and just gone straight to the 'JUST' part though
What happened to him? Is he suffocating?
hes hanging upside down I believe
Brendan Fraser is the Brendan Fraser of my generation
So fucking hideous. He should just kill himself and be done with it.
Triggered leftist soyboy cucks HATE Sam. Sad!
Hi Sam, please kill yourself. You're ugly! You're like Nicholas Cage gone wrong.
This is a little scary
You're a leftist queer furry!
Why is this meme being spammed in every thread? It just exploded overnight
Sup Forums thinks soy sauce makes you more feminine.
I am Gay
And I voted for Obama
I am a shill
For the Clinton campaign and the left wing mainstream press
I’m a pussy who gets fucked right up the ass
I am a cuck!
I am a libtard
I’m a fag
Who wants blacks to live amongst us
And Arabs to have equal rights
I have no love of country, white folks are all bad
But When the alt right folks attack it makes me sad
I am a cuck!
I am an libtard
Don’t talk of Trump
Cause nothing scares me more
I really should call him Daddy
He could be the saviour and go down and history
and save us all from douchebags just like me
I am a cuck!
I am a lizard
And a cuck has no fun
And a libtard always cries
>soy makes you feminine
r e d d i t
It says a lot about the Sup Forums mentality that they're too scared to put soy sauce on their sushi and think this somehow makes them superior.
He's just kicking back enjoying the island vibes of Jamaica 'mon. He'll be back with something quick
if you're eating sushi that requires soy sauce you not eating sushi user
its just a hemorrhoid
A soyboy AND a weeb?!
It increases the metabolism of the estrogen in your body. Making you more feminine.
Brendan Fraser would be the Brendan Fraser of our generation.
God, you fucking young fucks need to think this shit through before you regurgitate it.
Many such cases!
reminde the mde twitter account JUST got suspended. sams shit is fucked up
Based Timmy making the pedes shart their pants in rage.
Soy as a representation of everything in society that turns people into pieces of shit was a long-standing joke on twitter originating from cool accounts like Michael porfino and WC Soto.
It was recently picked up by the Breitbart crowd, guys like PJW and their teen Sup Forums posting fans so it’s gay and stupid now.
who is this?
>31 posts
>not Sam fucked an underage girl and his Boston Ross video proves it post
Marky must be slipping
Why are Sup Forumstards so insecure?
Sup Forums has become so mainstream that the average poster is an underage retard that believes everything they read on the internet, e.g. eating soy gives you high estrogen. The truth is that you need to consume massive amounts of it to achieve this affect and being fat and lazy is the real cause of low test high est
yeah by a tiny amount. There's more estrogen in a pint of beer.
>if they don't listen and believe like me they must be insecure
Classic soyboy rhetorical tactic