This board was, is and will be Pro-DC and Pro-Snyder.
For some reason Zack Snyder, the greatest director of the 21st century is under massive attack from the entire movie community. Seriously guys, Trump presidential run is nothing in comparison to the hell Snyder went through. His every movie is under fire from the critics long before it even releases. And when it finally do and turns out to be a masterpiece they still shit on it for no apparent reason. And to top it all off, Disney literally assasinated his daughter and planted its own man to sabotage the DCEU. It's the most vicious move in the history of mankind, an idea born only from hatred to a man who wants nothing, but create masterpieces loved by intelligent and sensitive people around the globe. But what about the rest of the people who cannot grasp the perfection that is Zack Snyder's work? Well...
People fear what they cannot understand.
This board was, is and will be Pro-DC and Pro-Snyder
Other urls found in this thread:
>Disney literally assasinated his daughter
and nothing of value was lost
Why are Snyderfags so delusional?
>This board was, is and will be Pro-DC and Pro-Snyder.
How can you say such things? We're talking about a real human being here!
friendly reminder
whoops meant to post this one
literally cringed at this scene
you know it's possible for people dislike both Snyder and the MCU right?
But whedon now working in DC.
I agree but Hawkeye is actually based Capt is a faggot and so is RDJ but Renner gives no shits
>Sup Forums
>Slaying pussy or working out
Come on user... Also I still cannot stand Amy Adams to the point where I avoid movies with her.
No amount of good sources and ideas will redeem shitty directing and executives turning JL into a shitshow. MCU movies are a low brow "dude lmao relax and just enjoy it" flicks but the thing about them is that they don't try to pretend that they're something greater so you must be one autistic fuck to hate on them same way people hate on based Michael Bay. Snyder on the other side is also your average gym Chad that would fit in perfectly into MCU's audience but for some reason he has this unjustified notion that he is a thinking man's director.
Snyder should just direct Good Charlotte music videos.
i lost the original image, without the mcu edit, i've been looking around for it for ages
>comes to dc
>news reports almost immediately out him as a pussy slaying chad
you know the DChad meme is real
As a Disney's undercover agent.
I don't know if these post are ironic or actually serious anymore
Its the DC pajeet shills. Their cinematic universe is getting btfo by a lacklustre Marlel movie, so they are putting on a brave phase
>is under massive attack from the entire movie community.
Jews, soyboys and feminists.
We let the enemy win. A thousand Marvel Pajeets in alliance with nu-male critics.
t.designated pooposter
Show us the skin tone on your hands. Go on.
Sneaky lil Pajeet. Take your shitskin and shitty Cinematic Universe out of this board poo.
Pajeet purge is on.
Post the Spider-Man Pajeetcoming box office. Marvel is the Poo in Loo craze.
you're all equally faggots and you capeshit subhumans don't belong here
>implying I give a shit about MCU.
Piss off Pajeet.
Where is the one with the bowler hat?
>For some reason
Involving facts, logic, and butchering characters with a massive fanbase in three movies straight despite being handed EZ mode box office domination, yes. I wonder what it could mean?
And look how that turned out
more like Hack Snyder
We will always have mos/bvs. They cant take that away atleast
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Batman v Superman. The plot is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the character development will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Snyder's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from r/atheism, for instance. The fans like this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these films, to realise that they’re not just epic - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Batman v Superman truly AREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the depth in lex's existential catchphrase “if God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good," which itself is a cryptic reference to Richard Dawkin's epic the God Delusion. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zach Snyder's genius wit unfolds itself on their cinema screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Batman v Superman tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Not for long
according to critics he took a dumpster fire and made it shorter.
Who's hungry? OP's making pasta!
>Sup Forumstards
>Sup Forums is not pro-DC
Hello, what is Baneposting?
Who said anything about Sup Forums?
this is the true way of it
>mfw Amy Adams is prettier than Gal Gadot
>This board was, is and will be Pro-DC and Pro-Snyder.
Welcome to stage 1 of the Kübler-Ross model OP
Also known as the 5 stages of grief
>Denial – The first reaction is denial. In this stage, individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums and Sup Forums is Sup Forums
>Zack Snyder, the greatest director of the 21st century
We don't Banepost out of love for DC you retarded newfag.
How long before Henry comes forward with sexual misconduct allegations and ruins Amy Adam's career?
in all seriousness, how fucked up is it that this is completely acceptable, and yet if you so much as look at a woman without her consent it's it literally rape and you deserve the death penalty?
ZACK SNYDER is the epitome of filmmaking and cinematic techniques.
Let's start, by looking at his films.His films are serious and have a dark tone to it, his dark visionary style and static 1 shot fight scenes makes his films being more brutal and more exciting without having to make 60 camera cuts for every punch to make the fight vibrant.
His movies, are remarkable, and addicting due to his high level of innovative cinematography skills and genius level intelect.This gives him an edge, on directing movies.
His movies are then covered with colour-grading filters, and carefully planned well shot aesthetic looking fight scenes,This reminds us of his seriousness and dedication to the art of filmmaking, a feauture developed due to being exposed to the epilepsy triggering 50 camera cut fight scenes of inferior movies It also has a psycological effect on the viewer. The seriousness and darkness of his movies, reminds us of our dark, deep desires, of fighting and violence desires that emerge deep from our primal subconscious
ZACK SNYDER'S fight scenes are one of alphaness, He recruits the most dominant, assertive and aggressive stuntmen so that he can deliver testosterone boosting action scenes.His Brutal fight scenes strike fear into the more timid film studios (M*rvel dogs)
And in addition, all of his movies, posses beautifully composed, emotional music, that gives intensity to every scene unlike generic barking symphony from M*arvel Dogs
In, Total Zack Snyder, expresses his, filmmaking skills in the most simple manner, in movies. When he directs movies, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts, visions and desires upon the creation of a perfect masterpiece that can only be understood by the most inteligent observers
>static 1 shot fight scenes makes his films being more brutal and more exciting
Name one of his films that has this.
>Thinks all of the DC and Snyder support isn't ironic
>Thinks all of the DC and Snyder support is
I don't give a fuck about DC and it's obvious to me that WB are a bunch of retards, but I completely support Snyder. Watchmen was amazing, MoS was fucking great, BvS was fucking great (his full cut, not theatrical). If studios just let him do his thing, his movies would turn out so much better. His weakness is as a writer, but as a director he's really fucking good.
You’re an absolute and all encompassing level of faggot. DC is for shitskins and pajeets, Marvel is for numales and children. Blade Runner is the only thing of value this year that’s been worth paying for. Stop fighting against reality.
do people really believe that zack snyder is the greatest director of the 21st century?
He ruined it by adding his stupid quips.
If he had been involved in BvS you can bet your ass that while Superman lay dying Batman would quip "So you do bleed, huh"
bvs and mos had quips, they were just so poorly directed they fell completely flat and you didn't notice them.
They weren't as bad or as many as Whedon tried to shoehorn into the film.
he's a saboteur
name 2 you didn't like within a minute or else you googled them
Do you want me to call Sup Forums?
Change instagram to Vero and you're all set.
And he fucked the movie behind enemy lines with WB suit's help. He fucked the movie because Mnuchin's ties to Trump.
Ok, guys, I really like Zack Snyder, but cut the crap, he's not the best filmmaker of the 21st century, not even close. He's just a cool dude who makes high quality movies.
Dubs confirm.
>ZACK SNYDER is the epitome of filmmaking and cinematic techniques.
Troll? Snyderfag? Blind bimetrosexual nigger? We'll never know but we're certainly laughing
Literally hundreds of actual pajeet DC fan accounts
I love Trump, and I don't really hate DC movies, I think the word is "pity" but, I truly despise snyder for the hack who is, because on comics, I always prefered DC and he only copied the dark tones of "some, not all" of DC comics but neitherthe congruency or plots, so, Sup Forums is not snyder, never was and never will be, just a vocal minority who can't shut up and take the bullet like a man