The Georgia Dome is going boom in 30 minutes

The Georgia Dome is going boom in 30 minutes.
Let's watch -

>Amerifats spend billions on a handegg stadium
>blow it up after a few years
>Then spend billions more to build another handegg stadium
>meanwhile their infrastructure is collapsing and millions don't have healthcare


>muh healthcare
Don't need healthcare when you don't live in a third world shithole, and when you have the power of prayer.

>muh heathcare
>not understanding the levels of government in a federal system

Who is blowing up the Georgia dome and why?

>literally spending 2.5 times more on healthcare than other developed nations and still have a lower life expectancy

Amerifats desire to hand over as much money to corporations as possible is plain sad


it's fucking ridiculous. demolishing it is idiotic. luckily, someone had a bit of sense and re purposed the old baseball stadium.
for fun

Forgot my pic

Was going to say something stupid like Islam but it simple.

the owner ( Georgia World Congress Center Authority.) had issues with the roof, that it was not suitable for some major events (FIFA world cup, Superbowl, and so on) and the main tenant (NFL Falcons) wanted to play on a real grass field.

So they built a new arena with both the authority money and the falcons money and the old arena is now needs to be torn down as it costs too much to maintain.

>it's fucking ridiculous. demolishing it is idiotic.
What is it going to be used for? The Falcons and the MLS team play in the new arena.

It would cost $394 million to update the arena, while the direct cost to the public to build a new one was 200 million. Replacing a roof is fucking expensive on arenas.

Shouldn't that $200 million be better spent on fixing roads or funding schools?

The public exists solely to provide for corporations.

Why are europeans so gay?

But we never have to wait weeks for healthcare.

We have public healthcare for the old and the poor. We subsidize people healthcare if you not old and poor.

The major reason why the lower life expediency is drug overdoses.

I'm against the entire idea of building fuckhuge stadiums like this. Shouldn't have been there in the first place. Hasn't done anything for the community other than corporate pockets. New one won't be any different.

the 200 million doesn't come from the local taxpayers, it just added to hotel bills as part of the hotel tax.

The old arena needed to have a new roof, which was going to cost 100s of millions of dollars. Bitch at the person who built it 25 years ago and put a canvas roof on it.


sh-sh-shutup healthcare corporations are good p-p-people! i love paying them h-h-hundreds of dollars a month f-f-for good coverage!

The arena brings in 100-120 million dollars a year into the economy.

It is paid for by the teams using it, and people staying in hotels in Atlanta. Local taxpayers didn't pay a dime.

>hasn't done anything for the community
It's done quite a bit for people in the Georgia area that like to see football games.

>But we never have to wait weeks for healthcare.

We do have emergency rooms in the UK. If you have an emergency, you'll be treated immediately. Just because a general practitioner is booked for the week doesn't mean you can't get treatment.

>We have public healthcare for the old and the poor. We subsidize people healthcare if you not old and poor.

Preventative care is far less expensive than treating an illness after it has progressed. You're literally pissing money away.

Imagine living down wind from there, having to deal with all that dust.
>somebody started clapping after the demolition

In england if you need a hip replacement you on average have to wait over 90 days, and 15% have to wait over six months.

In the us 90% of hip replacments are done within 21 days.

The average wait for bypass surgery in the UK was 57 days. In the US the average is under two weeks.

id rather wait 1 week for an appointment then pay $300 every single month for the off chance i slip and break my wrist or get in a car accident or some dumb shit that will probably never happen. why are americans not able to think critically? is it because they spent all their money on military instead of education? so theres generations of retards now? no wonder trump is their president haha what a joke of a country.

"into the economy" doesn't mean shit. hipsters have done more for atlanta than that eyesore ever has
also doesn't mean shit. people that like football are obviously going to enjoy a fancy new stadium.

also it blew up so bye guys

>people that like football are obviously going to enjoy a fancy new stadium
And that means they didn't enjoy the Georgia dome while it was operational? Do you have autism?

I lived under both.

UK people have no idea how insane your wait times are for major surgeries and so on, or how quick the US system is.

UK - wait one week to see a GP, then wait for months to see a specialist.

USA - See the GP the next day (and they are sorry for that delay. I need to see a specialist, they get me in in later that week even if it not a emergency.

Tell that to the hotel people.

>Have old piece of infrastructure that falling apart
>Repair bill is 400 million dollars.
>Private company offers to pay 1 billion for new arena, as long as you put in 200 million, and you get to own the new 1.2 billion dollar building.

not taking that sweetheart deal.

not what I was implying at all you dense turd

Lads, heres a thought.
Quite a lot of people in the UK have private medical entirely paid for by their employers.

I know I do.
Only plebs use the NHS

You implied that it did nothing for the community. I proved you wrong, then you tried to deny it.