Do you, Sup Forums?
Do you, Sup Forums?
You wipe your butt with your hand, then take the seashells and scrape the doody off of your hand.
I use dirty words instead...
Dip one in water wash your penis. Dip another in water wash your butt. Use the last to wash your hands
>pulling on the feces to remove them
can't even...
and your shit just magically teleports to toilet?
But what if you've got crook bowels, theres nothing solid to grip, you'd just spray shit all over your hand.
It remains on the seashells
>you pull the shit out of your asshole
yeah i'll try that next time i have a hangover
One for piss
One for shit
One for wiping
Throw all three away after the deed is done
It's not that hard you guys
then you fix your diet like you should
the san angeles people probably only eat kale and tempeh their turds must come out like little freshly steamed cabbage rolls
Not f Taco Bell is their only restaurant
why would you eat tempeh
With my bodyguard, duh!
>Fuck, shit, nigger, nigger, cunt.
*grabs tickets*
So that's how the music industry works...