Tommy Wiseau's "The Room" is filled with redpills about women's willingness to use men
Lisa character is the biggest bitch I ever saw put on a screen, is an equal to lady macbeth. The funny thing is she also feels real, she wants everything.
So, yes, we have a bunch of reds, but she is also stupid as shit.
The Room legitimately has some great insight into women's greed, Tommy was a genius
Tommy is redpilled as fuck
Haha, you must be kidding, aren't you?
Lisa's mom is allowed to be a bitch. She had cancer, as you should remember. It was a pretty big plot point.
Is twist.
Neil Breen > Tommy Wisseau
Don't worry about it!
oh hai breenposter!
Did it really take you watching a shitty movie by a complete moron to discover the concept of a gold digger? Wow, huge redpill right there. Gold Digger was in the radio for months 10 years ago
OP doesn't talk to many women.
Number of wisflicks: 1
Number of brinos: 4 and counting
Wisseau's jobs: Director, Producer, Writer, Actor
Breen's jobs: Director, Producer, Writer, Actor, Editor, Production Designer, Set Decorator, Makeup Artist, Sound Editor, Caterer, Casting Director
Tell me again why anyone should care about Tommy Pisseau?
>Tell me again why anyone should care about Tommy Pisseau?
Because people like the room. Some people even like both neil and tommy. Wow!
One of the most hilarious things about this movie is that Lisa is unironically one of the most accurate portrayals of women in the history of film.
I thought the thread was a joke until I started reading the comments. When did we surpass youtube comments as the prime source of mouthbreathers on the internet?
When you started posting
Holy shit, you literally murdered him. Mods are required to report any illegal activity to the FBI, so enjoy your prison sentence.
>Tommy was a genius
redpill cucks actually believe this.
the absolute state of Sup Forums
Having fun, samefag? You joke doesn't even work.
>liking 2 things that are somewhat similar
Gee that sure sounds hard
Yeah, I am
Wait, are you being retarded on purpose or did you literally not get the joke?
Breen is a delusional man
Wiseau might actually be an alien
Neil "The Most annoying forced meme" Breen
Women aren't great with abstraction.
Lisa was retarded. She was also a woman. Lisa deserved an oscar most accurate portrayal of a woman I've seen. I've seen my friend fall for three Lisas. Retard never listens and never learns.
All this tells me is that Breen is too poor to hire professionals.
I'll take a poor man who works hard over a man who spends mafia blood money any day.
Part of why The Room's interesting because of how honest it is. It's basically Tommy's life, with an idealized depiction of him as Johnny. There's really no real comparison for it in terms of other media. One example is Lisa, who Tommy said was based off "a woman I loved very long ago", but the football and jogging scenes could probably be traced to some desire for friendship.
It's an earnest film with a pathos that makes it legitimately interesting and enjoyable to watch, even without an audience to laugh at it with.
Sharknado infuriates me because of how it's a cheap cash-in attempt to make a "so bad it's good" movie, when a lot of these films were really, really trying.
That you, Mr. White?
Breen also does Catering.
You got that right
Great post my man
t. Woman
t. everyone who has read the book
I honestly think every scene in the movie was lifted directly from Tommy's past. The only metaphor being the end. Johnny killing himself represents Tommy leaving his life, and starting anew as a filmmaker.
pic related
>Gold Digger
I get the feeling that you don't know that the term has been around a long time.