Why did The Passion of the Christ make so many people angry and upset for accurately depicting the Gospels?
>Pope John Paul II saw Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of Christ” and endorsed the film saying: “It is as it was,”
Why did The Passion of the Christ make so many people angry and upset for accurately depicting the Gospels?
>Pope John Paul II saw Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of Christ” and endorsed the film saying: “It is as it was,”
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too violent and
> Christ-killing-monster-jew.jpg
too sensitive. I didn't hear about any italians getting mad at the way the roman soldiers were portrayed. The movie also clearly showed some of the priests being against the treatment of Jesus.
You don't make a movie about the son of God and then add in your own OC scenes like edgy demons and Jesus inventing the modern day table. It's in really poor taste. They should have handled it like the old Biblical epics of the 50s and only done scenes that are in the bible.
Of course the Pope would say it's accurate. Catholicism is mostly fan fiction that isn't in the bible anyway.
Why did they cast gentile actors as the Jews? is this some kind of reverse-racism?
It's pure kino though
That's like saying LotR is pure fanfiction that it isn't in the Silmarillion. If you reject catholicism you must reject the Bible aswell, you can't have both.
There were many elements that were biblically inaccurate. Especially if you want to get anal about it, and if there's anything Christians get anal about (besides little boys) it's the Bible
t. Protestant, fathers an Elder on and gain and off again for some 20ish years, he didn't like the movie because of inaccuracies.
protestants are heretics and will be put to the sword.
Only ((they)) can suffer
Back to temple rabbi.
>a film depicting the murder of an entire religions messiah by a group of people who now control hollywood and most of the media in an extremely detailed gritty way
almonds activating
>protestant commenting about inaccuracies
>accurately depicting the Gospels
Implying there's anything accurate about the gospels themselves.
Who could this be?
it's an anti-semitic torture porn fanfic about jesus christ. most people don't go in for that sort of thing
It's accurate to the story told in the Gospels. If you want historical accuracy, there are better places to look than a film about Jesus.
lol, nothing as Biblically inaccurate as thinking the modern day (((Israel))) has anything to do with the one in the Bible and is protected by God.
> protestant
> elder
fucking new world heretics thing they understand the bible
Unlike Catholics, Prods actually read the bible.
The Jew hides as he strikes
Repent ye for your sins, denounce the synod of Satan, and beg for forgiveness.
>Remember the 6 million
What did he mean by this?
Imagine being a fucking Jew
Your only identification with your in Jewish group is that you killed Jesus and exist as renegades against the Messiah and that you got turned into soap by goyim who have had too much of your vile shit.
Imagine being a Jew, just imagine.
>[loud heretical screeching]
>ass they make up more books and religious afiliations
Too bad they seem to have skipped Revelation 2:9 and unironically believe the kikes are God's chosen people
>imagine being a fucking jew in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jesus, you all ungodly and irrelevant", when deep inside he knows he's killing God himself
Read he bible faggot. Jesus during his younger years helped his step father ( Joseph ) who was a carpenter. Also the demons tempting him is referenced throughout the gospels. The movie was 10/10 kino and soyboy faoggots like you are too sensitive to actually appreciate art. Grow the fuck up
The actors did a convincing job at showing the jewness of the Jews. That’s all that mattered.
I like how God himself released the Jews were such shitty people that He told them to wander the desert forever and that they wouldn't get their promised land. You know why He did this? They were greedy and wanted more water
They were greedy, filled with lust and worshipped false idols or bulls and whatnot made of gold. All they had to do it be patient for couple months while Moses went up the mountain to get the iPad tablets but they didn’t so they were cursed to roam the lands until that generation extincted themselves. The next got to enjoy the land of milk and honey. Playing AC origins now. Middle East was so fucking beautiful. Yes i know it’s just a game but damn. That was the place to be
>OC scenes like Jesus inventing the modern-day table
It is as it was, heretic.
(((Christ-killer))) detected
I'm Presbyterian and do I fuck believe that heresy. Replacement theology is the truth.
We had a middle school teacher taking kids by the bus load to go see it
It was a different time
Because it's violence porn. I love violent movies as much as anyone but this is too much. You have to be a psychopath to enjoy that much violence.
the backlash to Passion of the Christ was by and large mostly just jews kvetching.
Let's look at a brief summary of the critical response:
>In a positive review for Time, Richard Corliss called The Passion of the Christ "a serious, handsome, excruciating film that radiates total commitment."[68] New York Press film critic Armond White praised Gibson's direction, comparing him to Carl Theodor Dreyer in how he transformed art into spirituality.[70] Roger Ebert from the Chicago Sun-Times gave the movie four out of four stars, calling it "the most violent film [he] ha[s] ever seen" as well as reflecting on how the film personally impacted him as a former altar boy saying "What Gibson has provided for me, for the first time in my life, is a visceral idea of what the Passion consisted of. That his film is superficial in terms of the surrounding message -- that we get only a few passing references to the teachings of Jesus -- is, I suppose, not the point. This is not a sermon or a homily, but a visualization of the central event in the Christian religion. Take it or leave it."[71] In a negative review, Slate magazine's David Edelstein called it "a two-hour-and-six-minute snuff movie",[72] while Jami Bernard of the New York Daily News felt it was "the most virulently anti-Semitic movie made since the German propaganda films of World War II".[73] Writing for the Dallas Observer, Robert Wilonsky said he found the movie "too turgid to awe the nonbelievers, too zealous to inspire and often too silly to take seriously, with its demonic hallucinations that look like escapees from a David Lynch film; I swear I couldn't find the devil carrying around a hairy-backed midget anywhere in the text I read."[68]
Hmm, wait a minute. All the reviewers listed here who praised it were goys, and all the reviewers who lambasted it were jews. Consider my almonds activated
Yeah, this. The violence in this movie was painful to watch. Only sick people could enjoy this.
more like t. JIDF
This and this only. Jews will do anything to escape the fact THEY KILLED GOD and will suffer eternity in hell as well as on this earth for the crime.
It's the MESSIAH who is suffering in those scenes you weak wrenches.
>depicting the jews as anything other than literally perfect
You're not supposed to "enjoy" the violence, you brainlet. The point is to show you just how much he suffered
>believing a religion
get a load of this fuckin brainwashed retard
>inb4 le so edgy le atheist
why would you watch a movie if you don't enjoy watching it?
That's like saying people only watch Schindler's List because they like to see kikes being gassed and tossed in ovens.
>its literally jews killing a jew
jews are fucking stupid
Not an edgy athiest - you're a conniving Jew. And you're headed straight to hell where you belong :) Repent!
dumb thing to say
Because I suspect most americans didn't actually read the Bible. This compounded with the us 'churches' being as parochial as they are without central doctrine lead lead to a sort of feel-good Christianity that in their teaching are further from the european churches than those are from the orthodox.
In Europe the film was endorsed not only by the Catholic Church but by the reformed ones as well as a depiction of the gospel.
Also the us has a tendency to interpret everything by current norm and references which makes talking to most of them about history hilariously hard.
>I know your affliction and your poverty--though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.
>Revelation 2:9
What did he mean b this?
That and they're outright saying that any honest portrayal of the gospels is anti-semitic. Basically telling the vast majority of the country "you're not allowed to hold your christian beliefs because it makes (((us))) look bad!"
Jesus of Nazareth is superior to Mel’s version. He’s insane like Charlie Sheen
with jews you lose
This would be a brilliant movie if Mel showed some restraint.
>Mel has a crow pluck the eyes out of the inpentitent thief on the cross
It's just cruel. It's shot like a horror film. In the moment when Jesus is suffering for our sins, Mel decides this is a time for petty retribution against the thief who insulted Christ.
Mel depicts violence in PotC like an Eli Roth movie. Cotrast the torture scenes in, say, Silence.
I enjoy it as art, I don't enjoy the torture itself. But it makes me react in a visceral way, and that's one reason to watch a movie.
roasting the atheistic jews
This. The various churches (at least in the US) are totally cucked.
The mainline protestants in the north have gay flags draping their churches and they just preach generic "peace and love maaaan" hippie bullshit while some hack with a ponytail plays a guitar.
The southern evangelical protestants don't do nearly as much of that faggot bullshit, but they're also INCREDIBLY philo-semitic because they have this ridiculous idea that they need to exalt the jews and constantly suck israel's dick.
The catholic church doesn't have any overt homo-acceptance crap and doesn't have any israel-worship, but it's still watered down and milquetoast. No one is willing to actually preach anything hard. It's just the typical "be kind and shit my dude!" feel-good garbage as a path of least resistance.
For understanding and reverence.
>t. believes what Peter made up
>sola scriptura!
>but the people giving their accounts and creating those scriptures are all liars!
>Unlike Catholics, Prods actually read the bible.
>Taking shit literal
>In a book that has conflicting accounts
Protestants were a mistake.
Holy shit go find a door to nail your ramblings to instead of here
>hippie bullshit while some hack with a ponytail plays a guitar
That's why most have stopped going to church. It's like a joke in really bad taste. Even those among my friends who had a deeply spiritual upbringing had stopped going to mass since this kind of watered down preaching got more common with the Novus Ordo (in Eastern Europe it got widespread only in the 90's). No contemplation, no teaching just the be-kind-kumbayah'. And that's how you erode 2000 years of spiritual tradition.
>you think they're liars because my church misinterpreted Matthew and say they're infalliable
>wh*te churches
From my experience, Jews are really sensitive about this film because it portrays them in a bad light.
Any time a Jew is portrayed negatively, even if it were ancient Hebrews, they cry anti-Semitism. Anyone else notice that?
It portrays them in an accurate light. They're still butthurt about the second temple.
kek, underrated post
>I didn't hear about any italians getting mad at the way the roman soldiers were portrayed
Because Italians aren't Romans.
Yours will be the lake of fire, heretic.
Yes. I think it's the main reason why nearly all gangster movies feature Italian or sometimes Irish gangsters, while at that time there many Jewish gangsters. The only movie I know that features them is Once Upon a Time in America
The Book of Revelation is fanfic-tier
>worshiping some billionaire virgins
>needing a mortal to mediate between you and Christ
I just love how they have the fucking balls to effectively declare an entire religion "anti-semitic" (which, in modern times, is like being branded a heretic). lol your entire belief isn't acceptable because it makes us look kinda shitty :^)
Nevermind that the entire old testament makes the jews look shitty. They're constantly disobeying god, finding ways to weasel their around, wiping out the canaanites, etc.
the villain of Godfather 2 is a jewish mobster
This is the most accurate summary of Chirstianity. I still go to mass every Sunday, but if you actually read the church doctrine, the sermons feel so watered down.
Look harder, you can’t generalize these groups
Because the "jewish mob" of today is effectively hollywood itself.
But another example of a movie portraying jewish gangsters was Drive, and Refn actually got a moderate amount of flak from some jews over it.
because Passion of the Christ is a catholic film and protestants have a hate boner for the catholic church and catholics in general even though they're the original and alpha christians
The villains in Drive are Jewish mobsters
Yes I can. I just did. Exceptions don't change the general trend.
>I didn't hear about any italians getting mad at the way the roman soldiers were portrayed
After watching The Sopranos, I'm convinced that Italian families tell each other that they're Roman.
>t. Protestant
it checks out
>edgy demons
it's literally Satan and the Antichrist and they are mentioned in the New Testament quite a few times
your ignorance is showing
Why do you retards keep using that word?
I know that feel. I go to mass every sunday too, but it's been getting a lot harder. My parish used to have some relaly great oldschool priests who had great homilies that weren't just feel-good kumbaya crap. But they've since grown old and retired. Now my parish only has a single priest left, and he's the shitty liberal faggot who just does the kumbaya and refugees welcome garbage. It's becoming increasingly difficult to bother waking up and going to this shitfest.
There's also the issue that the church (as a political organization) is pro-immigration. Especially with regards to all the beaners flooding into america from the south. They're try to back up their desire for immigrants using cherrypicked stuff about "loving thy neighbor", but the REAL reason is because beaners are catholic and they want to fill church pews. They've basically told white catholics to fuck off because they just want to replace us with Pablo and Isabela.
guess what, it's violent because it's exactly how it (supposedly) happened, showing a lovey-dovey version of it wouldn't do the story any favor
like the Pope said, "it is as it was"
>Why did The Passion of the Christ make so many people angry and upset for accurately depicting the Gospels?
Because religious nuts always get angry at other religious nuts.
Wait, which pope said this?
It's the jews' go-to argument tactic. "in case of emergency, call opposition anti-semitic"
Pope John Paul II
these type of people actually post on Sup Forums