ITT: Movies Critics Hated But You Unironically Enjoy



mr popodopolous best character
cousin eddie worst character

Passion of the Christ


Unironically this

Certainly I didn't enjoy it immensely but it was absolutely nowhere near as bad as critics and Sup Forumscucks said. A solid 6/10.


She's not wrong

Aronofsky should keep his mouth shut and we're good


No, it was absolute fooken' shite. A solid 3/10.

But hey fair enough if you enjoyed it.

im so curious about this movie. it sounds hilarious

It makes me laugh

How low of an average rating is necessary for 'hated' status? I'm honestly trying to think of one that had really bad reviews and not just mixed reviews.

One of my top fives to be honest

no shame in liking that movie

Tommy Boy

It's not an amazing movie, but it's enjoyable as hell.

Fetishkino. Could be executed far better though. Snyder is a god of ruined orgasms.


Please explain why I shouldn't have turned this garbage off after watching it for 30 minutes.

It was hilarious, there's only one disturbing scene, the rest is just funny but in a weird way. Like a Kafka story

this was the best incarnation of audrey.

because flashy fucking racin


It was papa georgio

I don't go to rating sites, and I'm not about to start now, but I doubt many people rated Repo: The Genetic Opera very well. And Imho it improves on Rocky Horror in every possible way.

That movie was so good that it spread by word of mouth. Never once saw any promotion for it.


Love this movie

The story of that family.
Speed overcoming his doubts and fears and being as great as he can be.
That adorable Ricci.
That tragic Matthew Fox as Racer X.
That movie has so much heart. I know that isn't a thing valued much on Sup Forums, but beside the special effect, and attempt at creating a live action cartoon, it is just so feel good.
Also loli Ariel Winter

This is one of Sandler’s best (not that is saying much)

This was great. Especially the Cher scene.

Oddly joyful and energetic in spite of the colour palette or lack thereof

I will unironically nominate YAGESBARO. It was the best entry in the series since the first one. Had great visuals and music and the humour clicked easily for me.

It was unbearable shyte. I gave it about an hour before turning it off.

I love this movie.

I heard Depp wasn't that great in this latest Pirates entry.

>cousin eddie worst character
wew looks like we got a turbo-pleb here, clark.

6 out of 10 times will smith makes cringe seem put lightly.

When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack.

Fight me

dissapointing. I was expecting all the normies that went just for Bardem and Jennifer Whatever to leave mad as fuck, but everybody just stayed there until the end

Teh baby scene is bland as fuck

Wht's wrong ith susan sarandon's face?

The Marvel movies have made that movie retroactively funnier

it isn't christina ricci's face

How can someone be this wrong?

American Psycho


these movies are great but theyre fun, I like them. THis movie is unironically a GOAT movie that was way too far ahead of its times for critics to appreciate. In 40 years this will be seen as an arthouse classic