Do you have any optimism left at all for the last season or have you lost all hope? How are you hoping it to end and how are you expecting it to end?
Do you have any optimism left at all for the last season or have you lost all hope...
>Do you have any optimism left at all for the last season
>how are you expecting it to end?
Daenarys and Jon have a political marriage to unite Westeros against the threat of the white walkers. Cersei runs off with Jaime, to a home across the sea provided for them by Tyrion.
The Westerosi Alliance still fails to stop the white walkers and they're rescued at the last minute by Bran, who has become the Lich King, calling them off. He cryptically warns them Winter will come some day, and the white walkers vanish back across the wall
it's going to be a shit show - they already ruined it
in a desperation move (dragons not getting the job done) jon kills dany to make lightbringer and uses it to defeat white walkers
jaime kills cersei, he takes the iron throne
bran and sam exist only to tell jon about lightbringer
euron is a totally wasted plotline, he either ran away or get's killed by jon - even worse D&D have him killed by Sansa
Thje Christmas special is gonna be awsome though, right?
>in a desperation move (dragons not getting the job done) jon kills dany to make lightbringer and uses it to defeat white walkers
mate, your high if you think they're going to have jon kill dany as a plot device in this day and age.
>season 1-6: sopranos with extra tits and worse dialogue
>season 7-8: tony's dream about being a roman
Dany kills Jon to make lightbringer, slaaaayyyqueen
It's a good show, get over it. And fuck off with your political take on it. It's a fucking show.
>"Season 8 will be the final season of Game of Thrones,[1] though after the conclusion of Season 8, five potential "successor shows", more likely prequels, are certainly possible.[2]"
What did they mean by this?
>he still thinks the prophecy was literal
Jon already has lightbringer (Longclaw) and he already killed his Nissa Nissa to become the man he needed to be (giving up Ygritte to fulfill his duty)
it's not a literal sword of fire you fucking retard
I wouldn't be surprised if Bran either warged into NK or travels through time to become him and just tells the WW's to fuck off. That actually seems plausible and quite likely. 7 seasons of build-up only to be brushed away in such an anticlimatic way sounds exactly what D&D would do.
>not a literal sword of fire
>When Stan the Mans sword literally is on fucking fire
Fucking show fags I swear to god
I bet you think Mom Stark died at the red wedding too
She technically did, Thoros brought her back
Fuck no. I still enjoyed the show during season 3/4 even though it was starting to crack. Season 5 was shit but season 6 made up for it. I finally understand all the hate thanks to Season 7. The show has really jumped the shark and fell for its own popularity. I want to see how it all ends but I'm not even excited for these last six episodes.
It all went tumbling down when they killed Sandor and de-confirmed Cleganebowl forever
I don't think there was a single decent moment in season 7. It was all completely retarded fan-servicey shit that defies everything the series stood for in the beginning.
1 and 2 are god tier, 3 and 4 are really good (most of the changes are understandable and coherent), 5 was shit but at east had Hardhome. 6 was good for spectacle, but was pants on head retarded for everything else. 7 is fucking terrible, and 8 is going to be the worst.
it's almost as if it falls apart as soon as they run out of actual books to adapt/realize they have to move the plot along
>most of the changes are understandable and coherent
Right. I bet you didn't even notice the lack of chain during Blackwater you showfag.
>implying the chain was that fucking important
They wanted to do the chain, but they already had to beg HBO for more money. Shit's expensive.
I'd rather have Joffrey flinging the antler men at Stannis' ships than Tyrion's chain.
Thats only in the books.
Wow. Underrated post.
Tits and dragons is what I wanted from the start with the show and that's what I'm getting now even if its predictable.
All I want it to do now is end and to surprise me at least once in the last six episodes. I don't think there are any surprises left though, sadly.
after season 7 ive lost all hope, d&d are talentless faggots
Berric did. He finally died by giving his life for hers.
I just want it over with so I can move on with my life. I had thinly hoped for years they might cancel it due to too many people pirating. At least Cleganebowl is confirmed.
Euron will bring over the Gold Company and betray Cersei. He'll take the Iron Throne. Jamie will command the last of the Lannister forces in battle against the WW. Along with the Unsullied, Dothraki, and Northmen. Jon will seppuku on Longclaw. Which will turn it into Lightbringer. Which only Dany can wield because she has special Targ powers.
KFC Bucket
Large Coca Cola
Large Red Bull
>in a desperation move (dragons not getting the job done) jon kills dany to make lightbringer and uses it to defeat white walkers
All you Nissa Nissa fags are annoying as hell.
>jaime kills cersei, he takes the iron throne
He might kill Cersei, but he doesn't even want the Iron Throne.
>bran and sam exist only to tell jon about lightbringer
Somebody didn't watch the last scene between Bran and Sam.
>euron is a totally wasted plotline, he either ran away or get's killed by jon - even worse D&D have him killed by Sansa
Wow, your predictions are terrible.
I love the Sup Forums M.O. when it comes to bashing something: "I don't like how things are going so far, so I'm going to predict the worst possible outcomes and then attack the show and the creators based on what I made up!"
I've read the books twice, faglord. The chain was great, and worked well for the multiple POVs during the battle (Davos swimming under the wreckage and losing his bearings so he doesn't know which way is up made me start sweating), but it wasn't necessarily needed for the show. I wish they'd included the broken bridge of ships that Tyrion fights on, though.
>Do you have any optimism left at all for the last season
No, basically since the season with the Sand Sneks GoT became more shit than good.
The last season was comically bad.
>how are you expecting it to end?
Cersi somehow makes a pack with the White Walkers and gets killed by Jamie. Sansa becomes lordess of Winterfell and John and Danny marry.
After season 4 the show turned to crap.
Lol are you really doing this in every thread? Get a grip lad
Where do whores go?
S1-4: Great
S5: Trash
S6: Had great moments in an okay season
S7: Into the trash
Jon will die and Dany will give birth to their kid. I'd prefer if both died and the majority of the cast got killed off, except for best boy of course. Either way, I don't think they can salvage it at this point even if they wanted to. As long as Jamie survived and Dany died I could live with that.
Buy why though?
We both know they'll fuck it up somehow user, or at least it won't be anywhere near as good as it was hyped up to be.
Because Thoros refused to do it, can't remember why.
I am expecting more liquid shit.There are too many open plot threads and too few episodes to pull it all together is a satisfactory way. I can't see them utilizing Bran in a clever way, so he'll either get blown away and do nothing or do some weird asspull thing that will invalidate every other character.
How will they wrap up Theon?
Bring in Rodrik the Reader and it will jump to 10/10 kino.
They'll probably reconcile right before the hyped combat battle and start doing french kisses while a crowd that consists of black women starts cheering.
Asha dies tragically as he's heroically attempting to rescue her, and then gets super angry and redeems himself by killing the chauvinistic pirate daddy.
Is this /got/?
2018 will /got/ be back again?
I never read out a reason thats why im asking
It'll be over in 10-15 minutes, with Theon showing up and challenging him to a fight right before Euron starts acting all creepy to Asha and goes to rape her, almost losing the fight before managing to secure a victory. He'll release Yara, both go up to a bloody and beaten Euron who'll taunt them before one of them knocks him up and tells their men to lock him up. Theon will declare Yara Queen, she'll give a dramatic speech and they'll set sail for the north to help out Jon and Dany.
Because Thoros was afraid that she'd been dead for too long. (He was right).
And this is why Beric brought her back:
>“I do not have the power to give you back your father, no more than Thoros does, but I can at least see that you are returned safely to your mother’s arms.”
>“Do you swear?” she asked him. Yoren had promised to take her home too, only he’d gotten killed instead.
>“On my honor as a knight,” the lightning lord said solemnly.
Oh. Well that I don't know myself, sorry user.
should clarify, this bit of dialogue is between Beric and Arya before Catelyn dies
No and hopefully not. It's cancerous.
>knocks him up
You can avoid seeing the cancer by not clicking on the thread. Which is exactly what that ass blasted mod should have done.
But the cancer affects every other possible GoT discussion too.
Fuck, meant knock him out.
How I want it to end
>White walkers get defeated half way through last season in huge battle
>Since its already happening Jon+Dany keep fucking but their different world views become more profound, with Jon as the stern honor bound traditionalist and Dany the hot head who rules with emotion
>After the WW battle they go to kings landing to deal with Cersei who has lost Jaime and comes to terms with loosing all her children which leaves her hopeless and lost
>Jaime sacrificed himself in WW battle and at some point asked Dany to spare Cersei
>Tyrion finally convinces Dany to spare his sister
>Jon wants her dead, he has heard about how she abused sansa and hates her for being a conniving bitch who helped kill off his family
>This sets up a huge rift between Dany and Jon which culminates in Dany sentencing Jon to death because he knows he has a rightful claim to the throne and in front of an audience basically says you can't order me around I have more of a claim than you
>Finale is a dragon fight between Jon and Dany who kill each other
>The third dragon who didn't take a side in the fight has a bond with Tyrion and it is heavily implied he is a Targ bastard
>Tyrion sets up some kind of republic style government where the people choose their leaders and uses his dragon to enforce the new order
>Last scene is Tyrion leaving to investigate old Valyria on the dragon, he leaves Varys and Greyworm in charge of the new world
>big speech about how the helpless and the weak have inherited the world that was nearly destroyed by an old order of strong men
this is bait
That doesn't make any sense. There was one general thread, just like there is for every other show. If one doesn't like the thread, they don't have to click on it. Banning threads based on quality, which is completely subjective, opens up a can of worms.
I took into account the fact that there will almost 100% be some kind of Trump overtones in the last season. D&D are too big of hacks to not put something in about it. This was my opinion on how the show should end, while also taking into account the direction the show is taking and the abilities of the showrunners.
>Jamie sacrificed himself
stopped reading.
There is no third dragon for Tyrion you sperglord
So, Tyrion would want to save his sister for no real reason, especially after she betrayed him and everyone else? And Daenerys would get into a fight to the death with Jon to save Cersei, even though she hates Cersei and loves Jon?
Just remember, guys, that no matter how bad you think that D&D are handling the show, Sup Forums would be 100 times worse.
It does make sense because the general is always there and it'll eventually be mostly inhabited by the same people jerking each other off in a circle, posting off-topic garbage and desperately trying to keep the threads alive just for the sake of having one even if nobody has anything worthwhile to say as they work more like communities than discussions.
Then comes a dude who might be interested in talking about the show, checks the general, gets disgusted and leaves. Maybe he tries to make a new thread with actual on-topic stuff, but it'll be deleted because of him not using the containment thread so there will be no proper threads for people actually wanting to discuss the show.
Imagine you'd be interested to have a conversation about, say, Jaws. You'd be discouraged from creating a fresh thread about it and instead you'd need to use the Oceanic movies general in which majority of users are rolling for their waifus and talking about gender politics largely disregarding anyone trying to start a discussion. That's what /got/ is for someone who's not "in".
Do you remember the insane amount of GoT threads during the season? It was lunacy, and I enjoy off-season /got/.
>I took into account the fact that there will almost 100% be some kind of Trump overtones in the last season. D&D are too big of hacks to not put something in about it.
Oh look, another attack against D&D based on one's own shitty projections.
>he already killed his Nissa Nissa
no that was olly. do you even watch the show?
>Then comes a dude who might be interested in talking about the show, checks the general, gets disgusted and leaves. Maybe he tries to make a new thread with actual on-topic stuff, but it'll be deleted because of him not using the containment thread so there will be no proper threads for people actually wanting to discuss the show.
So the solution is to kill almost all discussion of the show except for a thread or two (that may be deleted by the mods anyway) every once in a while?
Again, if one doesn't want to use a general, don't. There were actual discussions in /got/ generals, even with the dozens of meme posts.
>It's a good show
ya you don't deny it though
they will
dude turn off your brain lmao
>ya you don't deny it though
I don't deny what? Your baseless claims that you are passing off as fact? I have no need to deny it. The burden is on you to prove that your fantasy ending is real.
You are now more free than ever to discuss the show now that you're not strictly restricted to the cesspit of a thread.
the show is better now than it was before
no longer "MUH POLITICS". Actual magic. Since, you know, it's supposed to be a fucking fantasy.
hate this whole realistic fantasy bullshit. If you want to see realism go read a fucking history book or something.
this, lmao