What's the biggest mistake George made?
Star Wars ep. 1 to 3
the star wars special editions
Creating Star Wars.
star wars episode 4.
American graffiti
ignoring marcia's needs in favor of creating Skywalker Ranch
Getting divorced
Whatever it was that allowed Disney to blackmail him into selling Star Wars.
Anakin not being hayden in phantom menace, killing maul, quigon being the one on tatooine that wanted to train anakin, not starting the war at the end lf phantom menace, making grievous a coward that doesnt even kill one jedi, making anakin and obiwan having a bad relation since the start of attack of clones, the fart in the podrace, making gunray work for sithious even at the end, not being maul the one giving orders to the neimodians in phantom menace, deleting the alliance plot in revenge of the sith, jedi rocks, not puting wookies together woth ewoks in endor, blocking EU movies
Making owen a stepbrother
Princss leia having no relation with queen amidala, making her being queen pointless
“I regret nothing” – George, probably.
>mfw all the fucked up incel shit about relationships in the prequels makes sense when you find out George got cucked by the window glazer
I love the part in "How Star Wars Conquered the Universe" where the author literally calls George a cuckold lmao
Making all Jedi dress like tatooine moisture farmers.
except Aalya Secura
>"What Have I Become" starts playing.
What about Yoda? Or old Anakin?
1. Midichlorians
2. Setting the battle in RotJ on Endor instead of Kashyyk.
thats not the shape of his chin at all
he got a real shave in the 80s though
Not quitting the business after American Graffiti which was his only great film.
Surrounding himself with 'yes men' instead of people who will challenge his stupid ideas.
Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding
I got nothing against "The Mouse" i think they probably will make good Star Wars movies once they get out of the "milk the nostalgia" phase, but if George hadn't done this, then the prequels would've been good and we would probably get better, or at least, more interesting star wars movies. Then again maybe George wouldn't have made more star wars movies after the prequels.
>I got nothing against "The Mouse" i think they probably will make good Star Wars movies once they get out of the "milk the nostalgia" phase
>once they get out of the "milk the nostalgia" phase
That's a funny way of spelling "eternity".
Compromising his principals for Raiders. Luckily by the time he made Howard the Duck, he was to powerful for anyone to stop him from showing duck tits.
Didn't they just announce that they gave that one director a new trilogy to make that has nothing to do with anything? Think of it this way, the big Star Wars movies we have right now, Episode 7, 8 and 9 are basically the Avengers, or the Ironman movies of the Star Wars franchise, they are the generic movies, but there is bound to be some weird or good star wars movie somewhere at some point, just like you had Guardians of the Galaxy, or the Winter Soldier with the marvel movies.
At least i hope so
the guy could have become the richest motherf***** in the world had he simply followed the disney plan himself.
Guardians and Winter Soldier were two movies that derived from the typical Marvel movie template in any way. and one of those original ideas they already started milking with Guardians 2 and now new Thor. nah mate, we're fucked
He found himself in that position because all of his director friends and OT-era collaborators were either busy with their own projects or thought George could handle it all himself.
he met and asked lawrence kasdan to go over his phantom menace script a week before shooting began.
he said: too late man
Well, look at Force Awakens. I don't think anything was lost. What has Kasdan done btw, except adding his name in the credits of George Lucas movies? George's mistake was being too nice with this kind of scum
The prequels followed by not selling star wars earlier
skewing the franchise towards children over teens and adults with episode 1, despite there being a shit ton of shitty romance and oblique political manoeuvrings which children would never understand.
Everything after Empire.
Taking control of Return of the Jedi. The original scrip with Han sacrificing himself was a perfect end to his character arch, and the final showdown taking place in the imperial throne room on Coruscant was much better than a 2nd Death Star. The only thing that I would miss is the speeder bikes, and the memorable woodland setting. The throne room scenes would be almost exactly the same. The Ewoks could fuck off. Luke walking out of the palace and off into the sun would have been kino.
God damn if Coruscant was made in the 80's probably wouldnt be that generic piece of shit city
What were the early design concepts for coruscant?
McQuarrie made them. Pic related are a few but not all. Considering many shots from the movies were almost 1:1 copies of McQuarrie concepts, you can get a decent idea of what we would have seen. Some look similar to what was eventually shown in the prequels, but the prequels also had a lot of influence from Doug Chiang--negative influence in my opinion.
The plot had many similarities. Luke still surrenderers himself to Vader, except they're on Coruscant.
There are more images if you just search "mcquarrie coruscant"
there are two other writers credited for force awakens.
problem is, you almost never know who contributed what.
>What's the biggest mistake George made?
Allowing Gary Kurtz to leave and not listening to him.
I'm definitely getting a dark "Metropolis" vibe from this stuff.
I guess budget constraints led to that.
George was already worried about Kershner shooting some unnecessary scenes for empire and spending too much money and wanted to cut costs wherever possible.
>The only thing that I would miss is the speeder bikes, and the memorable woodland setting.
you would not, because you'd never seen it.
But we could have had both, Endor being moon to Corouscant, and having a forceshield for the whole planet.
Or the wood surrounding the city.
And maybe a death star in the planet's orbit.
So many great possibilities.
Perhaps that part of it, but George didn't want to kill Han--even though self-sacrifice was a really satisfying arc to a once selfish smuggler. He wanted a more kid-friendly story, no downers. The bittersweet original ending wasn't that. So we got teddybear dance party and a group reunion before credits rolled.
I meant I would miss it if I lived in the 4th dimension. But those other points you make are good. Maybe one day someone will turn it into an alt universe comic. One day when all actors are cgi, someone can recreate the whole thing however they want I guess.
Look at that face
"Please help me!"
Neglecting his wife