What was the moral of this story?

What was the moral of this story?

Other urls found in this thread:


You gotta know what you're sticking it in.

Guy to the right is rocking the same hairstyle as me!

Chads gets cucked in the end. Hard.

If you have a qt christian gf who would gladly love you to the grave, you don't fucking cheat on her.

Don't trust the polls

Check her twitter, she's literally our (pol) girl

Women's promises mean nothing.

don't trust polls

Let the past die

Don't idealize the past.
Don't idolize a woman, or any other person.
Don't trust the polls, election day is all that matters. (This is both literally and figuratively true, nice thematic connection to the rest of the episode)
Prostitutes are only pretending to like you for money. This extends into most elements of human relationships, it is almost impossible to tell when someone is being absolutely genuine.
Don't focus too much on your career or your future. Bill sacrificed the present for the future and look where it got him. He's now a weird old man who lives a depressingly lonely life.
The line between reality and fantasy is extremely thin. How much of Nathan's on-screen persona is real? How much of Nathan's life is lived for the cameras? Bill has a romantic fantasy about Frances that is never realized; he ends up dating an actress who pretended to be Frances in that romantic fantasy.

Nathan for You is unironically kino

that's a great analysis

>How much of Nathan's on-screen persona is real? How much of Nathan's life is lived for the cameras?
this keeps me awake at night

>Don't focus too much on your career or your future
Wrong. That's the only thing that will actually pay guaranteed dividends in the future. If you focus instead on relationships, you may end up with nothing in 10 years. Relationship fall apart. Problem is he didn't choose career, he chose to follow an impossible hollywood dream and refused to face reality.

link it

The problem is that the future doesn't really exist and never will. I once thought I would be happy if I just got out of my home town and into college. I then thought I would be happy once I graduated and had the freedom to do what I wanted. I then thought I would be happy when I got money and a good job. I was planning for the future and now I am nostalgic for a past that I wasn't even enjoying while it was happening. Every time you reach a future you planned for you realize it isn't enough, and you start planning a better future. But the better future will never arrive. This is what happened to Bill, but instead of living in the present he decided to idealize the past and seek to restore it. This is a common mistake. Living for the future is a mistake, idealizing the past is a mistake. The only solution is to live in and for the present. Obviously this doesn't mean being a foolhardy hedonist because you'll end up with nothing, just be realistic about your future and your past. Don't tell yourself that you can be happy in the future if you just achieve some ultimate goal, like Bill's dream of becoming an actor, or that you would be happy if you could only go back to a better past, like Bill's relationship with Frances.

You're right, but I'm not sure it's a good way to live. If you don't have dreams you believe in, you have no hope left and it's hard to "enjoy the moment" if you don't have hope in you. A fake dream is better than nothing. I guess religion works this way as well.

What channel does this come on?
Where can I watch this?


big if true

>le jew boogerman meme

Nathan finally got to do magic on TV

It's fine to have aspirations but too many people put all their eggs into that basket. When the dream isn't realized (and 9 times out of 10 it isn't) people become dejected and depressed. And even if the dream is realized, it won't bring you the happiness you were hoping for. I'm not saying to give up on your dreams, I'm saying don't stake your happiness on them. It isn't hopeless to just live your life one day at a time and enjoy what you have. You can have dreams and plans for your future just don't delude yourself into thinking that they are the solution to all your problems.

Here I go diggin in again.

Comedy Central. I think some of the episodes are available for free on the Comedy Central website.

if you chase sluts too long you end up a lonely old man full of regret?

Nobody really remembers you. Not only did Frances fail to recognize Bill's voice, but Bill passed himself off as a fellow graduate of her High School at the reunion and nobody caught on.

Thanks pal. I'll check it out

Every one of these are correct. That's how wide a scope this episode is

>not making an exception for him and Larry David

>Do I look like a stalkerrrrrrr to you?

This. You have to have a Jewish exception sometimes


nathan for you thread?

anyone who likes this reddit show needs to off themselves

still the best clip from the entire show

Found the obese faggot with no friends

6 million jews died in the holocaust


Its literally impossible to watch this show and not like it

were you there?

I have to fundamentally disagree with you. I've had dreams, I've achieved some and grew disappointed in others. And you're right, they didn't make me any happier. But I was happier when I had them compared to now when I don't have it in me anymore to believe in a dream. You need hope in your life. Yes, achieving your dream will not make you happy. But if you believe that it will, maybe chasing that dream will actually give you happiness. At least it did that for me and I wish I had a dream again. I have goals now, but I don't believe in them anymore, it's just a direction for me to move in, just something to do with life. Once you know all your dreams are fake, you can't undo that knowledge, you've lost that innocence. Now you have to live in a universe where nothing will make you any happier than you can be right here and now, today. And I guess to some people that's an inspiring thought, but to me it sounds like I'm doomed.

It was actually 6 billion you anti-Semitic jerk

eh, according to this pretty authoritative source its 6 million

>awkward situations scare me because I have low self esteem lmao


No, they just aren't funny. Stay defensive though.

This is a bad and wrong opinion

Stay a contrarian the literally no one likes as you jerk off to cartoon girls in your mom's basement

if you're watching western movies or tv with any regularity whatsoever you're probably making so many exceptions they've stopped being exceptions

maybe just stop being a retard and realize that disliking jewish group-influence has nothing to do with appreciating stuff made by individuals



>the fucking prop oven with bones in it
I'm still laughing my ass off and I've just reached Jupiter so I'm pretty sure I'm fucked


how do you ensure you're not old and full of regret?

die before you turn 35

I don't watch Nathan for you which Season/episode number is this?

kys when you're ~30

The finale of the latest season

what was up with the kissing scene?
it made me legit uncomfortable

season 4 finale, it's 1 hour and 20 mins long

Was Maci too thicc?

Unironically one of the best moments in television. That last episode was pure uncut kino of the highest degree

She was like Hillary Duff's thicc sis who loved to laugh, pure waifu material

yeah. I mean Id bang her, but not for as much money as she asked. Ive hooked up with better looking chicks at bats for free

the point is its fucking hilarious he used his shows budget to get it on with an escort

>what are you talking about?
Kek, he couldn't believe the "golden" material the guy was giving him.

so that age progression expert guy is just a hollywood producer (i mean you could tell from the hilariously retarded way he used photoshop to age progress the woman)
was the escort really an escort?

Google her and laugh. She posted on Reddit about how this show fucked her over, since now she's bombarded by calls about it and not her escort business

I find the idea of blindly chasing false hope more depressing than the knowledge that my happiness is my own responsibility. You don't have to be depressed at the realization that dreams aren't ultimately fulfilling, you can find hope and joy wherever you look if you choose to see it. It's not hiding just out of sight like most people think. Agree to disagree I guess.

You can't, just don't worry about.


Seriously, I was surprised that shit was so expensive. I can't imagine being in a situation where I thought it was worth that even given her being pretty cute

The funniest part about the escort bit was the blending real Nathan with show Nathan and the implication that real Nathan was using Comedy Central budget to buy himself 'love'

>bill will never give you a beautiful tray for pasta or salads because you helped him find a long lost love

He was using Nathan. He went there specifically to get hooked up with the actor. Just like he went to the studio and lamented about his lost love randomly to try and get Nathan to help him find her in the very beginning. Bill uses people

>lamented about his lost love randomly to try and get Nathan to help him find her in the very beginning
That seems like an insane plan
How could he have possibly anticipated Nathan would proceed with this?

I don't think it was really his plan, I think he was just a sad old man looking for pity and attention.

>How could he have possibly anticipated Nathan would proceed with this?
because nathan does the same to him, using his weirdness and absolute inability to impersonate bill gates for his show

wtf I hate bill now

Cameron got a pretty shit beard for a model

oh ok

link? name?

Bill "You gotta know what you’re sticking it in" Heath

Let's say that's what he thought. What's so wrong about having people to help you?

>fail to recognize Bill's voice
Doesn't mean she doesn't remember him. There are many explanations for this
-degraded voice quality over phone due to bandwidth. you wouldn't even know who you're talking to half the time if it wasn't for caller ID
-voices change over time
-no visual clues

Bill made way too big of a deal out of this. Even Nathan started freaking out when he wouldn't stop asking her to guess who he was.

>passed himself off as a fellow graduate of her High School at the reunion and nobody caught on.
These things are just fueled by nostalgia. No one really remembers anyone, they're just chasing memories. I barely remember anyone from school and it's been less than a decade.

High school is a meme. Popular culture wants you to think its this deep, extremely important time in your life but its just 4 years in between middle school and college; thats it


Fucking this. I graduated 6 years ago, and run into people that remember me all the time. I have my CPA and Masters and everyone that remembers me are a bunch of losers I used to smoke pot with. Literally 80% of my class makes under $35k/yr and hasn't graduated college. They peaked in high school and it's really sad
The worst thing is when I see them and they want to grab coffee or something. They only know my name, they don't know anything about my hobbies or career. They just want to capture that part of nostalgia where we can talk about teachers names

>Literally 80% of my class makes under $35k/yr and hasn't graduated college.
Jesus Christ, did you grow up in Mississippi?

I spent 6 years in high school.
>I barely remember anyone from school and it's been less than a decade.
I think you guys might be retarded and I have memory problems.

so, youre really dumb or what?

The hooker subplot was weird

so is nathan fucking the escort or not

For what? I'm not the retard who doesn't remember people.

for being in highschool 6 years

wtf, so you're 24 and judging your peers because they don't make over 35k yet? Faggot

he's larping anyway, no CPA would say they 'have CPA' - they'd say they ARE CPA while assuming the powerstance

Here it lasts 5 years. There's no college, only university.
I repeated one year because I wasn't doing anything anymore because of depression and even then they only hold me back because my parents asked them to.

>Make yourself accessible to old people as they often have a good story or two.
>Small towns have a lot of pride.
>Escorts are classier than street whores
>Peanuts are a good nut
>Listen to and be patient with women
>Don't cheat on your loved ones
>Own up to your mistakes
>Don't be afraid to let things go
>Always say who are you first when you call someone out of the blue (that scene was so fucking hard to watch, poor Bill is so clueless)


Oh, forgot the most important one:

>Donald is the man for the job

>correcting typos on a Tuvaluvian self-help forum

Is it easy to find an escort? Nathan makes it seem so easy but I feel like I would get arrested if I did that IRL

I can't correct myself now?
This guy.