So how do you guys feel about season 2? Or the show in general?

So how do you guys feel about season 2? Or the show in general?

I think season 2 started out weaker than season 1 for sure.

> major plot points revolve around really dumb decision making
> ex. lemme keep this thing that was in my trash and just keeps growing, even after we identified it as being from the upside down
> ex. yeah, these kids are in our top secret lab and were trying to tell people our secrets, how about we don't search them and discover the recording device they have

> why was the lose end that was Barbara dying left for a whole year in the show? nobody in the gov thought to fake her death or do something? unlike Will she actually died so it should've been fine

> oh I'm just getting out of the lab and see my love interest, time to stop running so I can get eaten :D

> let's introduce this '008' character in the beginning to do almost nothing with her except make the worst episode in the series

I randomly decided to watch it the other night and ended up watching the entire first season in 10 hours.

I'm trying to enjoy season 2 out of respect for how awesome season 1 was.. but so far it just blahhhhhhhhh


kill yourself

I'm about to start the first episode. Hope it's as good as The Sopranos.

First season is great. Second season is kinda disappointing but watchable.

Bob Newby

> liking DBZ evolution
Troll or not, neck yourself.

It seemed like they ran out of ideas. And they said season 3 is going to focus on character, which is kinda code for we don't have anymore ideas for an exciting plot.

Which is pretty bad considering one of the main characters is ELEVEN. We have potentially 9 more of these girls we could have. Sure 008 was kinda boring but they have a chance to fix it. One of these girls going rogue and being actually evil could work if they tried.

Called it that this dude was gonna die because he was a new character that was a nice, corny good guy. If it was a bit less obvious from the beginning, it would have been more of a hit when he died.

Does anybody think that these points are particularly invalid? I do want somebody to say so and why if that is what they think.

how can you stomach this crap?
muh mornings are for coffee and contemplation xddd hahaha
what are enjoyable elements in this shit? you prolly just need a small iq to enjoy it.

Why are there buildings signs arcades roads in the upside down ? Who is making these things ?
So anything built here gets magically built there except slimy and dirty LOL

Did you really need to check their wiki pages to confirm this? Just look at them.

>9 more
>mk ultra
>the cast are jews

this is too much

they're americans what did you expect

They padded the fuck out of the story. I found it somewhat boring.

20 minutes of footage of the cop guy stumbing around in the caves, extra half hour footage of figuring out the "map", etc, etc.

I really wish someone would edit this shit show down to like, 6 episodes, it would be much more watchable.

Love season 1, and the characters, but season 2 was pretty weak and the pacing was way off. The dog creatures were much less cool and creepy than the demogorgon. The episode about the Indian girl was abysmal. There were too many new characters that didn't amount to anything but took up a lot of screen time like Billy. It had some great moments, like when the lab gets overrun and the final episode, but it was still pretty disappointing overall. My hopes for season 3 are pretty low unfortunately. They have already said they want to focus on the Indian girl and her gang more, which is just plain fucking retarded. I think they barely had enough ideas to make season 2 as it is, so I imagine the next one will be completely bottom of the barrel and boring.

Why are there buildings signs arcades roads in the upside down ? Who is making these things ?
So anything built here gets magically built there except slimy and dirty LOL

Overall I liked it because it made me care about the characters more, but story-wise it was too much of a repeat of s1 and not in a good way. I don't think I could stand another rehash of Joyce destroys the house, Will gets possessed/kidnapped, Nancy's is in a love triangle and Eleven saves the day at the end.
They need to explore stuff we haven't seen before or it's gonna get stale.
Too bad for now the only way to expand the story is meeting more numbers, because 008 wasn't as great as the opening scene suggested.

The first time I watched season 1 it flew by, but I rewatched it again when my girlfriend wanted to check it out recently and it really does drag in the middle. They could have made it a tight 6 episodes instead of having 4 consecutive episodes of the kids bickering in the middle of the show

shit and shit, kys shill rat