Literally in the market because her husband (Fraction) blackmails publishers to employ her. Why is this allowed?
Literally in the market because her husband (Fraction) blackmails publishers to employ her. Why is this allowed?
Is she even doing comics anymore? My understanding was she's writing for Fraction's show now
Fractiona and Kelly Sue aren't relevant anymore, so it doesn't matter.
>Fractiona and Kelly Sue aren't relevant anymore, so it doesn't matter.
Yeah they both have been sales poison for years now
Yeah, but her pre-hyped comics only sell for the first issue, maybe second, and then plummet into oblivion. The people who clamor for her kinds of books only buy for the first issue (if at all) to show their support, then never again.
Who the fuck remembers Bitch Planet?
I saw Matt Fraction at a comic store in Portland yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with fifteen copies of Inhuman
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the comics and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any sexual infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each comic and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Nice Pasta.
That can be said for every comic writer. Nepotism seems to be HUGE in the industry.
You got a source for that one, champ?
>Fraction offers you and your friends who know him a ride during a convention
>tfw Fraction is the nicest dude you've met during the con
>his wife is sitting shotgun huffing that they're dropping off some nobodies
I saw her at ECCC in artist alley (she had a booth where she signed and sold comics despite not being an artist) and holy shit her face is so fucked up, it's really swollen and it looks like she injected botox on her lips or something.
>Who the fuck remembers Bitch Planet?
wtf is Bitch Planet?
who is this
Can someone point me in the direction of a pornstar that looks like kelly?
he is actually a super nice guy irl
It sounds like a hentai title at first, but when you actually look at the pages it's like endless America Chavez tier writing.
Kelly Sue DeConnick, Matt Fraction's wife.
Her biggest hit as a comic book writer was a Captain Marvel's run that sold like ass and no one remembers anymore, but is still a Sacred Cow to Carolfags because the standards of her stories are THAT low.
Fraction tried to force Marvel to put her in Amazing Spider-Man years ago.
pretty much any brazzers bimbo when it comes to her face, if you want tattoos go to burning angel
Eh, Fraction just followed the model established by Mark Millar where you work long enough in the salt mines to get a big event, then use your new Big Name status to sell creator-owned comics with more fans they you'd otherwise normally have. DeConnick never sold. I doubt blackmail was involved but there probably was a "let my wife write a book or I walk" thing going on.
Is that pic real?
Nice tits
There's no way that "Fear Itself" made Fraction gain fans. No. Fucking. Way.
What made him big was his "bro... bro... pizza... bro..." run on Hawkeye.
Hideous pig
Thank you kindly.
anyone have the pasta about her groping someone at a con?
While that contributed to his meme, far more eyes looked at Fear Itself than they ever did his Hawkeye.
Nah. She just got in with everyone else from the Warren Ellis forum.
>Someone gets a job cause reference/connection
That's honestly how a lot of people get their job.
So what's going to happen to all the girls that got non-complaint tattoos?
>holy shit her face is so fucked up, it's really swollen and it looks like she injected botox on her lips or something.
Holy shit you weren't kidding.
She looks like an Earth-3 Oompa Loompa
>So what's going to happen to all the girls that got non-complaint tattoos?
KSD fans are such retards that I can't even find it funny, just sad and depressing.
>Does a tattoo based on Bitch Planet before the first issue is even published.
>The books sells like shit because the people that do tattoos don't buy it.
>but is still a Sacred Cow to Carolfags because the standards of her stories
Her run is garbage! It's shit, it ruins every single positive aspect of Carol's character!
Carol's whole thing was that she was a screw up, but she was a screw-up who owned up to her mistakes and tried to make them right. I mean fucking hell her getting drunk on Kree alcohol got her kicked off the Avengers, then the next alien invasion happens, Avengers need help and she crawls out of the fucking bottle puts on her big girl panties then saves the fucking world!
But Kelly Sue doesn't care about any of that shit. Almost every single problem she has that she can't punch she either runs away or doesn't deal with. She got so bored with writing Carol that she fucking reset her personality, in an arc so lacking in tension and drama that her "heroic sacrifice" pissed me off. Mainly due to it letting her run away from all her problems. Then she gets bored again and fucks off to space (In space where fucking Bendis wrote the character better in what essentially is a love letter to Luke Cage) but not before she has her kiss Rhodey because they're totes in a relationship. That was never on panel and was literally "Kissed black guy, bye now!"
Fucking Brian Reed's run was middling but at least he got the character.
What pisses me off the most is that her mess of a characterization is what is leading the character going forward. So she'll always be shit until someone who cares about the character gets on her. Which will never happen because they're trying to push her as the first lady of Marvel.
In Conclusion: Fuck you for implying anyone thinks that shit was good.
Pretty Deadly was good, but one issue of Bitch Planet was enough. It was so goddamn bland.
Short version:
Because men are so sexist and powerful they spend their life fortunes sending their wives off to a prison ship instead of divorcing them (because it's cheaper than a divorce?) so they can marry new ones
On this ship all of the smartest, toughest and best women gather under guard of the evil patriarchy (all guards are bumbling storm troopers when they're trying to be extras from "I Spit on Your Grave"
They unite to overthrow the evil patriarchy and take their rightful place on Earth
The men are completely useless and bumbling, the only threat presented are when they trick/convince a woman to work for their cause.
There is no world building besides "Men are evil"
It was interesting for 5 minutes then they killed the fish out of water character to introduce the real main character
The hero is a blaxploitation stereotype
the only reason I remember all this is because
A) I thought it would be interesting read from the previews
B) I'm still angry with the 2nd issue, why would you put the person who designed the prison ship, on the prison ship? It would be easier to kill her and make it look like an accdent, which is what they did to the not-MC in the first issue!
It makes "Scenes From a Woman's Prison" look like it belongs in the fucking Criterion Collection.
You seriously think there are more people getting tattoos than reading the book? Are you retarded?
>In Conclusion: Fuck you for implying anyone thinks that shit was good.
Fuck you for trying to rewrite history. I fucking remember Carolfags praising this shit like it was the best comic in the world.
Are you confusing the long time fans with the Carlo Corps? The internet fandom that loved to talk about the comic, but never bought it
Apparently the Carol Corps frequnelty made racist remarks about Monica
>Who is Amanda Conner?
Where you were you looking?
Not on Sup Forums! Because there was a goddamn thread every single Wednesday about the massive shitshow that was KSD's Captain Marvel run. It got to the point where it stopped being posted because of lack of interest.
Did you miss the first couple issues where people were complaining about the weird artstyle?
Did you miss the issues where everyone was complaining about the story?
Did you miss the issues where everyone was complaining about the art and the story?
Did you miss when we just stopped caring and like all comic book fans hid in our back issues waiting for the shit hurricane to subside?
Because I was there, where were you?
The only positive I remember thing I remember Sup Forums saying was that it was bad story by a bad writer, it didn't become an anti-feminist thing till Marvel started pushing it as that. That was the only positive I remember
God, it sounds like a satire because it's so patronizing to leftist views, but the reality is that it's completely serious.
You clearly haven't seen the trade sales for his Hawkeye.
>they spend their life fortunes sending their wives off to a prison ship instead of divorcing them (because it's cheaper than a divorce?)
That part makes sense. It probably would be cheaper than a divorce.
Conner is at least a competent artist. Hate her style or not.
KSD was in the comics industry before Fraction dude. I think she was like a manga translator ?
Yea, it was like reading a 60's exploitation film script. There's no way they can be serious but they 100% stone faced about it.
Use logic here: If men control everything and they see women as nothing more than disposable, why would divorce be expensive?
It would be handled by a man judge, in a man court with a man jury. Divorce would be a pittance compared to throwing out your entire life savings.
muh dikk
I don't think you used the word patronizing as intended.
Fraction, please
I would fuck Kelly Sue, there's no way she doesn't fuck like an animal.
I don't even think it's that. Just probably Fraction going "hey my wife writes" and that's that. They've tried to claim that she got him into Marvel because she knew people there and introduced them at a party and her being married to him in no way helped her get a job there despite the facts stating that no, she wouldn't have had a job if he wasn't there. She had like a small handful of professional comic works to her name before getting work for Marvel with the Osborn mini, at which point Fraction was an established name having been writing Iron Man after the movie blew up and writing Uncanny X-Men.
>That's honestly how a lot of people get their job.
>a lot of
Are you implying there is another way to get a job?
If asshole men control everything you'd think they could just kill the women and easily get away with it for some BS reason.
Almost certainly a push-up bra or something. She's 46 and desperately trying to come off like she's 20 years younger.
>She had like a small handful of professional comic works to her name before getting work for Marvel with the Osborn mini
Yeah, a one-shot about Sif during her husband's run on Thor and a one-shot about Pepper Potts during her husband's run on Iron Man.
A comic store clerk would never say anything if they saw someone shoplifting issues of Inhumans. They would just be glad that they didn't have them in stock anymore.
There was a really good women's prison comic in Alex De Campi's Grindhouse. Exploitation as it should be with fun and boobs. Bitch Planet is everything wrong with the tumblr brand of feminism.
>it was like reading a 60's exploitation film script
No it was too clean and polished.
I've been meaning to actually read this because some people whose opinions I usually respect say it's really good.
I just can't imagine that it is but I don't feel like I can know for sure until I've read it.
Maybe I'll storytime it
Tumblr feminism is about feelings and crying and infighting.
Bitch Planet is radfem, like Sinfest. Even more delusional overdramatic self-victimization but less egotism and infighting.
Radfem is the BLM or Occupy Wall Street of feminism.
Why do so many people here hate KSD? I mean yeah, she wrote some shitty comics, but why hate her as a person? What did she do? I feel like I'm out of the loop here.
I think she's alright. Her Avengers Assemble run was fun even when her Captain Marvel was meh.
People look at her pictures and project the Tumblr people they hate so much onto her.
Granted I don't know what she's actually like cuz I've never met her.
And this board loved her when she was writing Avengers Assemble.
literally nobody who did nothing
Shouldn't her name be Kelly Sue Fraction?
She looks like a parody of an intolerable Tumblrina.
She's the kind of woman that interprets all sex save cunnilingus and pegging as rape.
>Shouldn't her name be Kelly Sue Fraction?
You aren't required to take your spouse's name today, gramps.
I don't hate her but she has cultivated rather carefully a following that you can call cult-like
Not to tip the old fedora or anything but they are all coming with a retarded view: That an already equal """"class"""" will reach true equality with the others by getting more rights and privilages than the others.
probably true desu
Is OP's picture the same chick? Or the chick this one ate?
The Carol Corps were not Carol fans, they were Kelly Sue fans.
She'd be more prolific if she actually made comics, but at this point she doesn't have to.
Bitch Planet has been in limbo for almost a year now, but ultimately it was just about getting her and Matt's 'brand' out.
Fear Itself didn't sell as well as you'd think by Event standards:
04/11 #1 of 7 - 135,746
05/11 #2 of 7 - 105,359 (-22.4%)
06/11 #3 of 7 - 99,501 ( -5.6%)
07/11 #4 of 7 - 93,435 ( -6.1%)
08/11 #5 of 7 - 90,914 ( -2.7%)
09/11 #6 of 7 - 93,032 ( +2.3%)
10/11 #7 of 7 - 95,599 ( +2.8%)
Compare that to Infinity, which also being just as forgettable an event:
08/13 Infinity #1 of 6 - 205,819
09/13 Infinity #2 of 6 - 125,985 (-38.8%)
09/13 Infinity #3 of 6 - 123,285 ( -2.1%)
10/13 Infinity #4 of 6 - 113,003 ( -8.3%)
10/13 Infinity #5 of 6 - 106,567 ( -5.7%)
11/13 Infinity #6 of 6 - 100,292 ( -5.9%)
>Fuck you for trying to rewrite history.
Isn't that what you're doing right now?
Hard work and dedication
Fraction's real name isn't even Fraction though
Yeah that rubbed me the wrong way. Monica is infinitely more interesting than fucking Carol Danvers.
I have no fucking idea why Marvel aren't propping her up instead. She has no controversy behind her like Marcus Rape Baby and let the avengers with a very very cool powerset.
Oh and she is a woman of color. Current Marvel should be slobbering all over her but they aren't.
led the avengers*
Being introduced to people doesn't get you jobs.
Being introduced to people and being able to hit a deadline and a house standard gets you jobs.
If they were just handing out jobs on the basis you're suggesting, Bendis would be living the dream of his years before comics and writing the MCU.
But the fact is, he's a shitty screenwriter (note: it's not the same thing as comics writing, which he does adequately even if he's not stellar), so nobody wants to give him a shot on a big project, and he's kind of old to be starting out at the bottom of the ladder (where, again, you still need to be introduced to people - and while it's true that at any age they're only interested that you can a) write and b) have stories to tell, they also want some kind of evidence of that up front, so your previous work counts and your reputation with people who've worked with you counts too, especially if your work with them hasn't released yet/ever.)
It's true, things are lax in comics - but their tiny audience still buys them, so shitty comics will continue to be a thing just as they always have.
Same reason why Marvel didn't fucking push Spider-Man/Black Cat day one of Brand New Day once they split MJ and Spidey up.
Nerds like Monica, so she must be marginalized and treated like shit, and basically ignored because fuck nerds and what they want.
tiffany minx
>is still a Sacred Cow to Carolfags
fuck you too, asswipe.
Nah, she probably loves taking it in the butt. She's a total slut not that there's anything wrong with that.
The Rescue one-shot was really good, though. It made me try the Carol book, but I hated it.
>Same reason why Marvel didn't fucking push Spider-Man/Black Cat day one of Brand New Day
But, user, Monica is good and Spidey/Black Cat is shit. These situations are not comparable.
How exactly does he " Blackmail" publishers?
fuck you, she's good
I will never for the life of me understand how Alex De Campi doesn't have the fanbase that KSD has.
I can totally believe this.
Have you heard of their fanbase and how much of a cult they are?
is it like Dame Darcy at all?
What the fuck happened to Pretty Deadly? Did she stop publishing it?
>Man, this reads like satire!
>Too bad it's completely serious!
Pretty Deadly was pretty good
Image gotta Image. Pretty Deadly had two good arcs, enough for a couple trades. Whether they actually revisit the series remains to be seen.
Again, it's ultimately all about branding, and her and Matt are trying to spin their respective projects into movie or online series things.
Agreed, he was featured on the Whitechapel boards back when he was writing Uncanny X-Men. The guy is really nice and super chill. The conversation was mainly about Lady Gaga, but Fraction was nothing but friendly on the Whitechapel boards.
>she had a booth where she signed and sold comics despite not being an artist
Isn't this literally at every comic con? Why complain about her?