Invincible Storytime Part 36: All Falls Down

Welcome back, Invincipals!
Lets wrap up Tech Jacket and all Invincible spinoffs for good

Previous parts:
Mediafire folder:





















Anybody reading?





abondon thread


Hooray for not having to work today!




Thanks, tripsman













So if we're already up to 2015 and Mark hasn't been raped yet, does that mean it happens just before he goes to the alternate timeline? My first two issues of Invincible were from the end of that arc. I always thought the rape happened much earlier on in the story, but we haven't gotten to it yet.


This series was released after the rape, it's just that it takes place before Robot's coup


Fuck. First trips wasted on a bump. Ah well, went to a good cause I suppose

Marvel should hire Randolph if they can't get Moore next time they try a Robbie Ghost Rider solo.



Oh god I think someone mentioned this way back. They're going to cuck Zach, aren't they?

Isnt he drawing Mosaic?

Fucking goddamnit I hate being right all the time.



Yeah, but that's ending, and so is Robbie's current Circle of Four run. I just think he'd be a good fit, even if his style isn't as over-the-top as Moore's. It's definitely in the same vein.





Yea, but at least its hot

Waste of trips







Speech bubble screwup in the last panel.




>Cant make love with your alien girlfriend.
Is there a worse fate?


t. beta cuck


I don't follow Invincible so where was the others heroes during all of this? I'm pretty sure I will stop chasing burglar when the sun has been weaponized

Is murderanon dead?

It's like some sort of...

He said last thread he uses an auto-poster, I think he might be getting the 'Embedded File' shit.

>reality's immune system
>didn't buttfuck the Viltrumites first, who outbullshit everyone else with their mix of Saiyan and Kryptonian biology

Even reality itself is retarded, it seems.

Sorry, a family member came to visit, ill probably finish this tomorrow

aww poop

Thanks for the storytime!



Imagine the most dangerous thing we've seen her do is get into a car and brave our roads.

Why do they always talk about galaxies when the solar system is meant?

Or, dumb and naive enough to make this deal. Turns out it isn't for you, you'll need to break up with her and move on with your life.

I hope everyone in this universe dies.

And why do they keep saying "galaxy" in such awkward ways. Are these inter-dimensional aliens we're talking about or intergalactic and they just keep using "galaxy" wrong?

And how can they not be intimate? Are neither of them the remotest bit perverted/creative?

man, she's hot



Kirkman is a goon. Who knew?

I just hate how generic the other girl's design is. Flat faced, short haired, and neon dye. Its like someone wanted to make the most generic comicbook lesbian imaginable.

I'm so annoyed they didn't even try to be creative with their sex life. Unless her genitals are made of rows of razor sharp teeth I don't see how you *nothing* could be done.

She has a mouth. Maybe not a vagina or butthole, but a mouth. That should be a done deal for him.

But perhaps she doesn't have something he could stimulate on the outside of her body? And she didn't want a one way sex life where she never gets off?

Either way, we'll never know.

Doesn't she have a mouth? And a pooper?

Link to that page where they find out they're biologically incompatible? It doesn't seem to be on here
Unless I'm just overlooking shit which is also possible

This used to get posted on Sup Forums a ton back in the day