Super Heroes who hated each other.
Super Heroes who hated each other
Girls, girls, you both looks retarded.
Oh okay so human cops with jurisdiction over aliens are okay in Ollie's book, but not alien cops who operate among humans?
So typical of these rich kid socialists. They don't give a shit as long as it's out of their neighbourhood.
Pre Crisis Wally
Earth 2 Superman (socialist)
Any more to add to the lists?
Barry used to be conservative too.
also in a general sense not specific to politics, Guy Gardner and Batman, plus pretty much ever other hero in general.
Not fair. Hawkman has a shitty relationship with everyone, at some point or another.
The Question would be interesting to see where he falls on the political compass seeing as he changes depending on the writer.
Captain America and Moon Knight back in Civil War.
>You're a loose cannon Marc! You're no good!
>Would you and Iron Man just get a fucking room already.