Published five years after Occupy Wal Street lost any relevance

>Published five years after Occupy Wal Street lost any relevance.
>Continues the "loser Clint" bullshit.
>Outsold by DC Comics Bombshell, a digital series.

What purpose does this book serve?

You forgot to mention it only has two goddamn superheroes in it. Two.

Sticking it to the Man.

It's a containment book so that THE REAL HAWKEYE can have her quirky adventures in tunblrland.

I thought it was already cancelled...

Did She Hulk already beat the shit out of him?


They just added a reformed supervillain.

>Thanos might be bad
>But he's not as bad as a contaminated water supply.

This book deserves to be burned from the face of the earth.

So it's called Occupy AVENGERS, I'm expecting to see a full team of superheroes in it.



The heroes in the book are a guy who shoots arrows and a guy who used to be able to talk to wolves. Contaminated water supply is way more in their wheelhouse than Thanos.

wait, this came out? Well the fuck is this about besides Clint being a cape pariah

She-Hulk is now Hulk instead, and has PTSD so she refuses to hulk out. Just like Banner did. See, Marvel wants you to think they're being poetic, but all they're doing is recycling old ideas with a feminist layer of paint.

La madre que me parió, que horror.

The premise was "human heroes saving the little guy and solving real world social crises". But all it really does is just the usual capeshit villain of the month.

Yes, it is. But it doesn't change the fact that Hawkeye seems to think a contaminated water supply is somehow a greater threat to the world than a man who once wiped out half the universe because it amused him to do so.

It's the kind of silliness that makes 'superheroes dealing with REAL problems' books as bad as they usually are..

Ok. But wasn't she supposed to go after Clint?

¡Madre mia! ¡¿Pero que en nombre de "Podemos" estoy viendo?!

>Angry Avengers

>The Indignant Avengers
Frankly, I don't know which title is worse.

Lol no. That would require continuity and communication between editors and writers. You know, what competent professionals would do.

This is stupid, in the world this comic takes place in a supervillain attack IS a real crisis their society faces, especially when it involves world-threatening foes

Why don't they hire Sesame Street writers instead? I'd pay for it.

C'mon user.

The premise of this book is the same as Green Lantern/Green Arrow, but the execution is a lot worse.



Exactly. The characters in both Occupy Avengers and Champions seem to think only they can solve deep-rooted social struggles and corruption in the span of a dozen pages. But that's not supposed to be their job. They have special skills that allow then to face special threats to the planet. THAT'S where their focus should be.

>Published five years after Occupy Wal Street lost any relevance.
You can blame that on Marvel editorial insisting that Walker use the name, despite him really not wanting too.
See also: "you have to use red wolf instead of american eagle because all injuns are the same thing right"

Didn't the new Miss Marvel deal with the whole "intervening in foreign countries" thing MUCH better in her solo book compared to the nonsense in the Champion story which was written at some point after?


Well then, fuck Marvel.

American Eagle is too much of a bad ass motherfucker to be in a lame book like this.

You have to go back

No iremos a ningún lado, Smith. Vamos a fornicar con sus mujeres, tomar sus trabajos y comer su comida.

>3 issues in

>still no Hulking

>glacial pacing

Jesus Christ, I didn't ask for this.

Yes. She actually learned that you can't just jump into a foreign country and solve all of their longstanding, complex social issues in a single day of punching shit.

Then lolChampions happened and she forgot all of that because Waid a shit.

In Walker's defense, the title was an editorial decision.

Don't forget that it was promoted as a "down to Earth" book about heroes dealing with "real problems" that superheroes "ignore" and "can't just be punched away" instead of all that dumb "saving the world and fighting supervillains" stuff, they'd only be fighting the "Boss Hog" types that the cops won't do anything about. And then we got
>First arc was about Hydro-Man causing the Flint Water crisis. Solved by punching. Story ends with cops arresting Hydro-Man and the Boss Hog type.
>Second arc was about Nick Fury LMDs running a drug smuggling ring. Solved by punching.
>Third arc will be about Skrulls. Will presumably be solved by punching.

Te aseguro que fue un asqueroso Español quien hizo esto.

Construye Muro puto.
T.el resto de latinoamerica.

Construye EL muro, Puto.

Aprender el idioma no es tan difícil, gringo moreno.

>>Outsold by DC Comics Bombshell, a digital series.
>a good book outselling a bad book

How often does this happen?

Bombshells isn't really good. I mean I guess it's not bad especially compared to the rest of Bennett's output but I wouldn't call it good.

That was probably editorial trying to promote the book as something it's really not while Walker just told the story he wanted.

It has lesbians fighting a magical World War 2, so I'd say it's good

Shame she's not a better writer because the book is creative at least.

That sounds Japanese as fuck. I already dislike it.

>Taking back justice
Do they ever actually "take back justice"?

"Occupy Avengers" is far, far worse. Indignant Avengers is actually sort of funny and unappealing, whereas Occupy is just dated and sad

It's not about the occupy movement.
It's not about ven fighting the mighty and powerful.
It's not about Clint being a loser.
Despite what user says,

It's just Clint going in a trip with some people that join him, fighting minor villains here and there, and probably skrulls and Hydracap in the future.

Eres consciente de que el movimiento Occupy es lo mismo que el 15M y que el título en inglés es igual de rancio, verdad?

Indignant Avengers sounds like it could be a good parody, written by Dwayne McDuffie, God rest his zombie bones.

"Indignados" is also a dated political activism reference.

>We did it! We stopped the Hate Monger and his gang of generic white supremacists whose motives and beliefs were never really clarified!
>Hold up there, Hawkeye, you just interfered with multiple police investigations.
>But I stopped the bad guy!
>Yeah, see that guy over there? Undercover cop. That one over there? Sheriff. Those two in the corner are state law enforcement. The one by the coffee maker is FBI. You tossed an ATF agent through a window and the guy with the arrow in his ass is DEA.
>What about the mousy looking one who pissed his pants and fainted when we busted in?
>He's a reporter for VICE doing a story on hate groups.
>C'mon man, they were led by a clone of Hitler. Hitler!
>Special agent Hitler has had a long and distinguished career in federal law enforcement and I'll be damned if some ex-carny tries to get a pass for beating him up just because of his genetic donor.

Think globally, act locally.

>What about the mousy looking one who pissed his pants and fainted when we busted in?
>He's a reporter for VICE