I get why Batman doesn't kill Joker. He has a rule against killing, fine...

I get why Batman doesn't kill Joker. He has a rule against killing, fine. But what's stopping him from severing his spine or cutting off his hands and feet or giving him a lobotomy or something to make him severely disabled? Isn't it unethical to let him keep on killing?

He wants to, but ultimately won't let himself cross that line.

Why doesn't he rape the Joker?

How would that prevent Joker from killing people (in the long run)? Sure, it would keep Joker disabled for a few seconds before Batman cums, but then he'll go right back to killing. Disabling him is a more ethical option.

Why doesn't a cop kill the joker?

>Batman saves the Joker's life at the end of the story

But that's what Joker wants.

Why doesn't the Joker just move to a city without a Batman if he hates Batman so much?

He tried that, Joker just suicides.

Wait, so if he suicides then why is he still alive? When did this happen?

Joker loves Batman.

>a few seconds
You underestimate the Dark Nut

Dark Knight Returns iirc

That's not why Joker suicided, he suicided to show Batman how much of a pussy he was for not killing him

He'd have to do it to Harley too after she flies by for revenge, and he doesn't have the guts to do it to a woman

Gordon, stop. I'm not going to do it.

he does. why do you think the joker keeps committing crimes?

if someone constantly escapes over and over again like on a weekly basis, its kidn of your own fault if he continues to kill people.

Even casuals like you must have seen the Dark Knight. "I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you? You complete me. I think we're destined to do this forever."

If you kill the joker, he wins

Dead meme

He's been shot multiple times by cops, it didn't take.

>But what's stopping him from severing his spine or cutting off his hands and feet or giving him a lobotomy or something to make him severely disabled

That just sounds depraved. Just killing him outright during a fight would be giving him a far more dignified and humane ending than that

After the first escape, every death is on you.
I couldn't live with that, let alone let the Joker live.