Slott Spider-Epic Pt. 12

Prior threads here:
Picking up with Avenging Spider-Man #19 and then we're gonna switch to something else! Haven't decided yet.

Heading home meow. Please send bumps if possible. Also u guys are awesome

Late to the party but why did we have the to lose best brock to a shitty event?

Go fuck yourself

Like clockwork.

It won't stop me from thinking you're awesome.

He's coming back apparently...right? Right?




He's coming back as Venom, not Anti-Venom.












Cant keep a good Spock down!!


I can either go back to Superior Spider-Man and post till issue #9. I can pick up Venom where we last saw him (after he broke up with Betty), or we can start the first arc of Scarlet Spider. Your preference

let's keep going with the Superior Spider

Got it!

oh great one of the best spiderman villain








SUck it Spock


And just like that one of the few characters I cared about in the animated TV show.
Are the initials STAS



I maintain that whenever Spock is portrayed his intimadting physique is emphasized whereas for Peter it was his lankiness/gymnastics

The first Spider-Man comic I ever read was the Batman crossover, which featured her, so this REALLY pissed me off. Fuck you, Sloth.

The order was more or less given right then and there, Pete. You're looking for a way




this was probably the smartest thing oct ever did for parker

Society as a whole would be better off without this psychopath in it.

Did it feature Carnage and Joker? Because if so I think I had the same comic lol.

I'm loving Spock's proactive nature. Pete probably would have wasted time trying to locate Massacre whereas Spock ain't fucking around and immediately attempts to maximize his efforts to locate him.


It's only the fourth issue in and already Slott is building towards Ock's confrontation with Goblin. Also Green Goblin is my favorite Spider-Man villain bar none


>Did it feature Carnage and Joker?
Yes! First time I saw Carnage too. I heard they did another one with Ra's al Ghul and Kingpin but I never read it.



Lol I'll see if I can find it. If

Absolutely insane....I love it

He literally had already given it to Wraith. Don't know why he's being a little bitch here. Unless the only reason he gave it to wraith is because he knew she wasn't capable of reverse engineering it to do what Spock is doing with it.


I thought Sleepwalker and Spider-Man were friends.

Anna is coming across as kinda smug here. Not a lot, but enough. That or she's trying to woo Pete and in which case I appreciate her game.

maybe he just had the hot for wrath and her huge boobs

Slott writing "Super Science" is always hit or miss.



Is it because Slott is clearly unintelligent? Dumbest Marvel writer is still Bendis though

she is coming on pretty strong with that whole dinner




I wouldn't say unintelligent. It just seems like people are spouting "big ideas" rather than anything of actual sustenance.

Also to the user who mentioned the Carnage story, I got it.

I feel like the bottom panel could be turned into something. I don't know what but the potential is there.


Rot in hell Max but with SpiderMan shooting Ted?

Really nice scene

Ambiguity hurts otherwise a nice page.


That sounds fucking hilarious desu

>--neutralized the shooter--


guess the cure to a metal plate in the head is holding a gun to his face
shame it didn't last



It might mean that I have terrible taste but there are parts of Superior Spider-man I really like. His encounters with Massacre and Vulture are some that I truly enjoy, and most of Avenging Spider-man/Team-Up is good too. I was I thinking of picking up some trades but then I remembered how the Goblin King side story drags the whole thing down.


You've missed page 19

I thouroughly enjoy most of Superior and I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of.

You sure?


Unless I'm blind that's the page where Spock says "You will always be a criminal" and shoots him.


his fight against massacre was nice it showed him taking him down in a smart way that peter usually doesn't do





THOR IS A COCKSUCKER! He was nothing but arrogant that entire issues. And are we seriously not going to acknowledge the hundreds of peeps that Wolverine has killed while as a member of the Avengers and X-Men?

how often does spider-man get kicked out of the avengers for killing one crazy guy?

That's strange, I can't find the page unless I click the reply.
Must be a bug in my browser or something.


Both of these individuals played their part trying to kidnap Harry Osborn's kid because they were paid to do so (Origin of the Species). They deserve everything that's coming to them.