You wanna be camp champ?

You wanna be camp champ?

Are you suggesting I'm gay?!

Is legal to a acient magic sea dragon to fuck a underage girl?

How old is Dark Fart?

No, bu it is Evil.

He tried to attack the main bears while they were still babies in the beginning of the movie, so at least older enough?

If that's all you want to be, then make a deal with him, but I bet you're destined for far greater than a measly camp champ. Make a contract with me and I'll grant your heart's desire.

the supernaturally inclined can get away with a lot of shit. Including federal and state laws.

Best part of this shitty movie.

>Some time I'll drop by and ask you a favor and you just do it. No questions asked.

Dark Heart gets his dick wet.


Is it just me, or did this guy MASSIVELY fuck himself at the end of the movie? He gave up immortality, godlike power, and the ability to do damn near whatever he wanted in order to become a perfectly normal human kid...without a home, a family, and stranded at a summer camp, presumably at the end of summer. Pretty sure the Care Bears didn't adopt him, leaving him to fend for himself.

Heh...street sign captcha shows "Old Logan Road"

time for a game of disappearing bears....

This guy got me all hot and bothered as a kid

It's like the writers forgot he was an ancient spirit or some shit instead of just some witch boy.

I wanna suck your dick is what


that show sucked
>lel it's an EDGY magical girl show how subversive


God I can't believe that ship actually happened. Never expected the main girl to become the antagonist for most of the movie.

Out you beast you're worse than the monkey's paw

Is this a Steins;Gate reference?


user did you even bother watching past the first three episodes.

I just realized this is one of the rare examples where villain x mc becomes canon.



Fuck yeah I wanna be camp champ! Zap me up Dark Heart! Let's do this shit proper. Don't hold back none of that devil shit man, you gotta juice me up like you mean it.


Someone needs to Photoshop a bat into his hands

what about the laws of my municipality?


didn't actual rule34 actually get made because of this pic

been a while since I've seen a Care Bear thread in general also



hard to believe she was related to No Heart

I think I'd rather be a villain number one.


Not to mention he just suddenly turns good for no reason. Most of the time at least the bears strong-armed someone into being good.

I know it was the "thing" for this show

But why did all the villains have heart in their name

Time for a game of statutory rape.

damn right!

pic related

How long does it take for a Carebear to grow up?


Hard to believe she was voiced by Sailor Moon.

apparently a few days... cause the kids were the same age when the cubs "grew up" and still at the same camp... shit made no sense


Is it weird to say that everytime the latest Care Bears series (Welcome to Care-A-Lot) comes on, I imagine the care bears fighting evil by transforming into tokusatsu heroes?

this is now a care bear thread and I will post clean yet suggestive care bear screen shots


hey now this is a blue board... no porn :)

Same. My parents probably thought I was autistic begging them to rent that movie over and over when I was little.

Can't remember sorry

Given the character's name and how terrible the the dubbed Sailor Moon is, it's really not hard to believe at all.

I didnt know this at all

I'll help.


Dat Ass

Dark heart
Evil spirit
No heart
Cold heart

Fuck meant to say best to worse villains

'Member when they revived the care bears and tried to capitalise on the whole brony thing?

Wasn't it supposed to be Bear bros

Artist name please


I will never understand the foot fetish