hey Sup Forums, does anyone else here read old, unused screenplays? I just wanted to chat about some of my favorites.
>Frank Darabont's Indiana Jones and the City of Gods
>1994 Godzilla by Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio
>early drafts of Deadpool
what are some that you guys are into?
pic sort of related.
Unused Screenplays
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A Topiary
care to explain, friend user?
Early screenplay of An American Werewolf in Paris. Remember it being much better than the final product.
It's a screenplay from Shane Carruth that never got made. Many directors said it was one of the best films never made. It's hard to explain the screenplay without you reading it.
Tell us about The city of Gods script
Could it possibly have been better than the crystal skull?
I thought Max Landis' Deeper script was very good.
I haven't finished reading it yet, but Im up to a point where Indy is being drunkenly chased around a museum at night by someone who may be KGB, may be CIA. maybe late first-act stuff. It's quite good so far, and nails the tone, at least how Im reading it.
>Many directors said it was one of the best films never made.
that's what I've heard about Nottingham as well. If you don't already know, it's the script that got butchered into Ridley Scott's version of Robin Hood.
but hey, anything by the Primer guy seems interesting.
it sounds kind of cool. might look into it.
upstream color needs to be watched by (You)
Read John Sayles Jurassic Park 4 script. Its a lot of fun and weird as shit.
I just found a PDF over on jurassicoutpost. this might be a fun read.
I recommend the '94 Godzilla screenplay to you, user. I feel like Gareth Edwards might have had a copy on hand for his movie, some of this is eerily similar. but not in a bad way.
The Watchmen script from the 80s was pretty weird.
>Robin Hood is the bad guy
>a blood thirsty mad man, broken by the Crusades, who just wants to watch the world burn
>who steals from the rich and the poor alike and gives to himself
>Sheriff of Nottingham is the good guy
>Russell Crowe as the noble and just Sheriff seeking to bring an end to the Hoods reign of terror
>orders the burning of Sherwood forest at the end to force out the Robin Hood and arrest and hang him for his crimes
would love to read that screenplay. Verhoevens Crusades as well. Arnold as a crusader wrecking Saracen shits?
The Terry Gilliam one? Isn't that the one with the fucked up meta-narrative ending?
Kubrick's unedited full cut of Eyes Wide Shut
Too bad he died of a "heart attack" 4 days after showing it to the hollywood executives
i got you, buddy. OP delivers.
I read that a few years back when the new Godzillla movie was coming out.
Have you read the 1983 Godzilla 3D script? It was written by Fred Dekker, who is wrting the new Predator movie and has done a lot of work with Shane Black.
Yeah, the one that ends with them in "real world" New York where "Watchmen" are just comic book characters.
I actually did not hear about this one. the 94 one was most definitely a huge influence on Edwards' vision, given the "He has a purpose" stuff the one male lead has been trying to explain so far.
I read that exact part of it, and I was just baffled. that shit was weird, even for Gilliam.
bet those must be a pain in the ass to find now.
Verhoevens Crusades Is the one I always want to know more and more about
I read the blood meridian screenplay which was had a fucking Terrible ending. Wew.
Also, I liked an unused Night crawler script which delved more in to Lou's personal life, like a scene where he's in his car talking to older women on a dating app and sending them selfies. Was odd and cool.
I still haven't seen Nightcrawler.
it is very likely Kubrick would've made more editing work on the movie if he hadn't died, but by all accounts what he presented and was used for theatrical release is not very different from the version he first screened (in fact, the released version is longer)
is there a community or forum somewhere that collects these? where do you find them
OP here, I just google them and pray someone's uploaded a pdf somewhere. if you're interested in Nottingham, I posted that one already. and someone posted the old 2003 JP4 screenplay on a site called jurassic outpost.