Why don't critics Criticise Marvel?

>critics criticise DC and call Steppnwolff as a villain is lacking

>Thanos spent four movies , doing squat and sitting in a chair

>Hur bravo marvel 100% RT

>Villain of the film has no backstory and is not a particularly difficult foe, especially with Superman around
>Is critisised fairly
>Villain who is yet to be the actual main villain of a film
>Has been lurking in the shadows
>Hasn't been reviewed yet
I'm a big DC fan, but you must understand that's a false equivalence

Has Thanos been the main villain of any of these movies like Steppenwolf is?

He was seen like once in an after credits scene and will be in Infinity War.

Which sucks because he's literally a Darkseid rip off with a sort of shittier goal. Also doesn't have Darkseid's fuckin Omega Beams.

He had lines in Guardians 1

That one time he appeared?

He was in the after credits of Avengers as well

Justice league has better crowd ratings than half of the MCU

Critics are just out of touch


Look, Im not into RT, but critics don't shit on marvel cause they make fluffy light bullshit anyone can eat up. Dr.Strange predictable trite, but some jokes and fancy effects made critics shrug it off.

> you will never be as eternally butthurt as mindless DC fanboys

When critics review marvel films. They find all the positives to outweigh he negatives. Reverse for DC movies.

>film reviews
>being remotely concerned with honesty rather than clicks

>Marvel: Would you like a cheeseburger?
>Audience: Yes, I would like a cheeseburger.
>Marvel: OK, here's a cheeseburger!
>Audience: Yay!

>DC: Would you like a gourmet dinner?
>Audience: I would love a gourmet dinner!
>DC: OK, here's a cheeseburger on a fancy plate
>Uh, thanks?
Marvel manages people's expectations better.

>Food analogies

>Thanos spent four movies , doing squat and sitting in a chair
He isn't the main antagonist in the stories being told in those movies.

Marvel does get criticized for their villains, but the other parts of their movie are just solid, not exceptional or great, just solid. Wonder Woman was also the same, actually. weak villain, but the other parts were solid.

Thanos hasn't been the main villain in any Marvel movie

Exactly, I know what to expect and I get it every time.

Marvel isn't as good as its hyped to be though, but DC is still worse quality on so many levels.

more like
>DC: here's a turd with a grimdark filter slapped on it

Critics hate it! The fans love it! The critics just can't appreciate a raunchy, fun superhero romp!

>animu reaction faces

Can we stop pretending that DCEU movies are the same quality as MCU, they're not they're far far worse, literally only one movie in this franchise was well written (Wonder Woman) and all the movies so far got awful actor,and cgi.

Snyder is simply awful, Snyderfags can't defend him when a serious debate happens, his movies are not deep and his social commentaries are literally the last thing mentioned on twitter/facebook, this guy is a bordline fraud trying to tell people that his movies got any message at all, Thor 1 got a deeper message than man of steel and BvS.

Seriously I feel bad for DC fans that are smart enough to notice how bad snyder ever was since his first movie and how much he fucked DCEU universe with his ideas.

>children OP fucked last reaction faces

So like every Marvel villain aside from Loki?

Well, OP, I think the first step is this.

Is Steppenwolf a lacking villain, objectively?

>According to the viewer ratings it's good! Critics BTFO!
>viewer ratings are full of sock puppets and fan boys

Thanos was not the villain in any MCU villain so far, nice try.

He was just briefly mentioned like deathstroke.

Samefag samefagging

Tenho 45 anos e desde criança curto Batman e Homem Aranha. Sim, desde criança curtia Marvel e DC. Nunca me importei quem era melhor, apenas curtia. Assim falando, gostaria de fazer uma observação, pra la de simples. Lá nos anos 80, quando assisti no cinema o Superman, sai da sala com a convicção que seria um super herói. Bem mais tarde veio o o Cavaleiro das trevas que outra vez me mostrou um filme de heroi muito foda. Depois Guardiões que me fez realmente rir e sorrir muito. Por fim, Vingadores me pareciam quebrar a coluna da D.C, tipo inviabilizar a Liga da Justiça. Pois então, me enganei maravilhosamente, como me enganei quanto Batman de Ben Affleck (desculpa se errei o nome). Liga da Justiça te reconduz à infância, vc mais uma vez escolhe ser super herói. O chato é que o filme passa rapudo demais. Azar pra erros (se é que existem), Enfim, não me preocupei em dizer a vcs quem é melhor, Liga ou Vingadores. Isso é irrevalante porque todos são muito bons. Daqui há pouco vou ver outra vez, mais umas duas pra ser honesto. Aguardando ansiosamente o que vem por aí! Não importa se Marvel ou DC. Importa a diversão.A questão irmão, não é morrer ou viver por uma coisa como essa, mas sim a parcialidade que um profissional da área tem e não deveria ter para comentar e esboçar sua opinião sobre uma coisa que é concorrente a preferência dele.
Eu jamais deixarei de ver um filme, ou ler um livro ou fazer algo por conta do que a crítica diz. Mas infelizmente hoje muitas pessoas deixam de fazer por conta disso. Parece que essas pessoas não tem opinião própria ou simplesmente acham que tem que pensar como a maioria.
Por isso que acredito que a opinião de pessoas "especializadas" ou que trabalham no meio de comunicação no qual expressam suas opiniões, devem ser mais imparciais às suas preferências. Afinal de contas, isso é diversão mas envolve o emprego de muitas pessoas!

Not him but that's not samefagging since he's not pretending to be 2 different people.

Thanos hasn't been a major part of any of the movies yet, but the villains being generic and thinly written is one of the most common complaints about Marvel films across the board. And very few, if any, Marvel films have gotten anything near universal acclaim. Most of them get around a 6/7 out of 10. People put too much weight on the Tomatometer instead of actually reading any of the reviews. Most Marvel movies are regarded as competently made fluff, not transcendent kinomatic art. And they are. None of them are all that BAD, which is why they always rank high on the tomatometer, which is basically a pass/fail rubric. It's fucking stupid and it is ruining movies in general by rewarding safe boring garbage, but it's that way by design.

>replying to a post that replied to your post is samefagging
I don't think you actually know what samefagging is.

English please.



follow the money


Que pasta é essa? No google encontrei o site do omarvete onde esse mesmo paragrafo foi postado mas fora isso não tenho ideia de onde se origina.

Quem sabe faz ao vivo.
Eu fico pegando comentarios do omelete e postando nos thread de heroi so pra zua

Thanks hasn't been the central villain of any film

This but unironically

>he's literally a Darkseid rip off
Maybe in the comics, but you just know the normies basically every fucking cunt in this board will call Darkseid a Thanos ripoff on the Movies

Dr. Strange was a mediocre movie with a shit load of cgi, but it got a big pass because it was marvel and critics unfairly hate Zack Snyder.

Aí depois eles ficam jogando spam de UMA DELICIA toda vez que um brasileiro posta e vocês não sabem o porque.

eu sou brasileiro e eu post UMA DELICIA quando eu vejo outro br aqui. Caralho Sup Forums é um lugar de zueira feito pra merdapostagem, tem aproveita cada oportunidade.

Are you implying the MCU movies are good?

No, but they are far better than DCEU, is like comparing a mediocre movie from hollywood to an indie movie made by 12 year olds.

>Thanos is comparable to Steppenwolf even though he isn't the main villain of the movie yet like Steppenwolf and is the final boss like Darkseid

Wew lad

man, you went full retard
Thanos were introduced in post credit scenes and were shown in a movie not as the actual main villain, Marvel movies hasn´t rely on him by now, yet we know he is a villain and will be of relevance. characters mention him. Marvel created tension around him.

this DC villain were shown in an after credit scene, thats right, but he is almost a nobody for the regular joe, not mentioned in other movies, so what reaction did you expect? he is a nobody no matter how important he is in comics.

Marvel's villains have always been criticized, they simply don't ruin the entire movie because there's other things that they do right.

Virtually everything Justice League does is a failure. A cheap, ugly, sad, pathetic, pandersome failure.

>The critics just can't appreciate a raunchy, fun superhero romp!
How's it raunchy?

I'm glad Ciaran Hinds got a payday, but the movie would've been the same if Steppenwolf didn't say a single word