Why does anyone like this annoying, randumb twat...

Why does anyone like this annoying, randumb twat? For real the concepts and designs in this show are top notch but I really can't stand her for more than five minutes.

She is cute.

Bitch can turn buses into bounce houses with hottubs on top.

>For real the concepts and designs in this show are top notch
uhm no, those eyes make everyone look soulless as fuck


At least she's not Steven Universe.

>realistic flaws
>still a good person
dunno bout you but she is great

She's an autistic ADHD magical girl parody. I can't stand her.

I'm in love with her. You just have shit taste

Because she's a rebel princess, she's the best. She's a ball of lightning in a hot pink dress.

She gets much better in the later Season 2.

She's cute
She's actually funny
She suffers
She's a brawler
Her voice actress is great
She gives you that feeling of wanting her to be happy despite nothing really going well for her in the story right now

How is she annoying? She is very far from this guy

not actually
it's almost the same humour
hell, I've seen both of them use the same randumb jokes sometimes

you actually helped to prove OP's point

>She's cute
>She's actually funny
haha NO
>She suffers
Star the cuck epic meme bro
>She's a brawler
>Her voice actress is great
absolutely fucking no
>She gives you that feeling of wanting her to be happy despite nothing really going well for her in the story right now
fuck off waifufag

She actually suffers for her mistakes is the thing and that makes when she can be a bit annoying acceptable.
For example, compare her to say, Mabel Pines
Mabel got away with everything, Mabel got everything she wanted and Dipper had to eat shit on a sandwich if it meant Mabel not suffering, she was obviously in the wrong and yet reality warped itself around her to make her right. Oh and of course she shit all over Dipper when he made any judgement calls because obviously they were wrong.

Star meanwhile is kind of the opposite, she's incredibly supportive of Marco, even when it hurts her, she doesn't get what she wants, she's been handed very little plot wise and had a lot taken from her. In fact she's given more to Marco than shes taken and put his interests above her own to make him happy.
That makes her incredibly likeable as a character. The fact that even though she can be a bit annoying or dense at times or make the wrong choice, she's trying to do the best for those around her and make them happy, even at the cost of her own happiness. When she stumbles (See the spying spell) no blows are pulled on how it hurts her or that she has made a mistake.
And her personality/attitude is the cause of the majority of her problems.

Basically she's the Cartoon equivalent of Elric of Melniboné (In a hot pink dress), well meaning but poor in judgement, started with everything and it is slowly being whittled down by her own human flaws and bad calls.

>Star the cuck epic meme bro
It's actually really well done in the show.

Only horny pedos like her.
She only serves to drag Marco down and ruin almost everything she is exposed to. She's a spoiled brat literally worse than old Steven Universe.

Serious question, how far in the show are you?

The "she suffers" isn't just about her romantic issues

>She only serves to drag Marco down and ruin almost everything she is exposed to
Literally everything that can be considered good that has happened in Marco's life is because of Star.

His parents had the foresight to let him be born in the US so he won't be deported over the wall.

>She's actually funny
Good Lord no.

>but I really can't stand her for more than five minutes.

You're gonna really like the s2 finale then.

marco and star have had an incredible balancing effect on each other

her voice pitch help smooth thing out, unlike Gir who has very high voice pitch. I watch both shows but I can't stand Gir and his character role is so annoying and pointless, while Star role can get serious sometime.

>hell, I've seen both of them use the same randumb jokes sometimes
Like what?

she has a very good performance
in St Os for example, she has a very dynamic pitch

Everyone wants to fuck her

She's cute
Plot somehow leads somewhere
World is interesting Enough
Sidekick is not actually useless
Mexican culture but not fisted down your throat

>really can't stand her

That's okay. Neither can the show. Like, seriously, after the Season 1 finale, the narrative starts really letting her have it.

I honestly only found her "lolsorandumb" in the early half of season 1. They toned it down afterwards.

That's the entire point of her character. Feel free to dislike it.


The show itself tones down the lolsorandom after the first half of season 1 too

actually in most cases, for every lsos she suffers, she also gets something back

it really has a sense of give and take, rather than all of one

The real way to enjoy watching this lolsorundumb 14-year-old girl power fantasy is through a thick screen of catharsis. Yes, she's a beloved princess with a powerful magic wand and the means to use it living in a world which doesn't have magic, giving her a unique ability. Despite all the advantages Star has very little impulse control and seems to have trouble expressing her feelings towards other people (Marco in particular). Couple her flaws with her magical abilities and suddenly Star isn't a Mary-Sue, but a ticking time bomb.

Keeping in mind that SvE is aimed at a younger audience, it is basically guaranteed a happy ending in the final episode, but everything that happens to Star in season 3 onwards will be riddled with suffering.
>Her lack of self-control will make her harm someone "unintentionally"
>Her ham-fisted handling of her crush on Marco will make things very awkward when they reunite
>She will form a bitter rivalry with Jackie even if it's one-sided
>Her forced "crush" on Oskar will cause her nothing but trouble

This leaves room for plenty of suffering. Star will be kicked over and dragged through the mud. If you hate her as a character, you will enjoy this. She will stand up at the end and be fine. If you love her as a character, you will enjoy this. I'm looking forward to both, but only if she shows some form of character development, otherwise we'll have another Mabel Pines

she is fun in small dosage. She would be pure garbage without magic to fix her problems and make up for her flaws. She does have a good heart and a fun spirit
what are you talking about?

where the songs a cover of something? Im sure I have heard the royal secret bit elsewhere

This faggot
>sky looks blue
powerful arguments there

This. chances are without star he would go on to have successful but boring life and he was not really happy with boring. If this was a teen drama cw show it would be the time he joins the drug using kids and ends up hitting someone with his car

>huge heart
>capable of human emotions and mistakes
>willing to suffer for the sake of the ones she loves

>Star in season 3 onwards will be riddled with suffering.
nope. chances are marco and jackie will break up over the summer or in some other way outlive their puppy love. maybe marco's obsession with star will drive jackie away. marco will then give in to the blood moon, maybe lose an arm and get a magic power up. star will be tempted to join evil to save marco but they will go with an unorthodox resolution

what's the matter? upset because someone doesn't like your waifu?

>chances are marco and jackie will break up over the summer

>On March 4, 2016, it was renewed for a third season,[5] and on February 28, 2017, it was officially renewed for a fourth season.[6]
>t. SvE wikipedia page
Do you really think Nefcy, who loves fucking with her fans will just tie up all the loose ends at the beginning of season 3?
Besides, Star's crush on Marco isn't her only problem.

Im not invested in the show enough to have a waifu. if I had to pick I would pick hekapoo or justin towers but your level of faggotry can not be allowed to pass without being called out

its possible they will end jackie stuff so they can explore new things. toffee is overhyped so he will probably end up someone else's servant. star telling her people the truth and them not liking it could end with her picking not to be queen or maybe they will address the social gap they have, maybe bit about Marco's extra years, basically there is stuff to do without jackie and having a quick resolution would be an unorthodox thing to do and this show loves that kind of stuff

She's a better quirky girl than Mabel.

Her voice is just way, WAY too old




op are you a femanon

the same reason people like mabel and clarence
and yes these characters are not the same,but the reason they are liked is.

not the original user,but ive seen ALL the episodes so far.Im sorry but her suffering IS from romantic issues.
Well,she did lost the book,and felt guilty about it,but the romance drama was bigger than her losing glossaryck.
i see a lot of people loving the relationship drama but personally i find it awful.and considering its a BIG focus in season 2....

I don't think you'll get any argument here.
How many 14-year-old girls do you know?
Do femanons actually exist?

This board is rampant with femanons and faganons

>Do femanons actually exist?

yeah a week ago we had an avatar creator thread and I was shocked by the amount of females on Sup Forums, I had no fucking idea. For years I thought this was a total sausage fest.

yes femanon here. only fuckable character in the show is marco's father. everything else is just shit taste

w-will you go out with me..?

if you look like marco's dad

This is the board that spawned fagfemanon Rebecca Sugar and her arts

is there any actual confirmation that she was on this board when she was drawing EEnE smut?
Nearly identical.

>For years I thought this was a total sausage fest.

How would you even get that impression? Most threads and posts here are gay as fuck, if anything, you surely had to assume the majority of this board was gay

Why would femanons be anywhere on Sup Forums instead of having sex? Give me some good reasons.

you can do both at once in doggy style position

>How would you even get that impression? Most threads and posts here are gay as fuck, if anything, you surely had to assume the majority of this board was gay

There are gay threads/threads that discuss male physique here and there but none of that compares to the amount of the threads dedicated to waifus. Sure there's gay shit here and there but nothing compares to the hetero male presence on Sup Forums.

women can have waifus too

and that's what I've come to realize.

What I just posted was what I thought before I realized the female presence on Sup Forums.

It's better than most "modern" cartoons.

>royal secret, ine last to tell.

That's really not saying much.

I mean I can't speak for anyone else, but I love me some Sup Forums

still looks like Beast Boy

In the same boat.

I gave the show like 5 eps till I gave up.

Star is the exact character type I hate and find annoying, so I just couldn't keep going.

I remember a strawpoll was done a week ago or so. I think around 15% of the thread were women

It gets better

Oh, they're here, they're just on Careful though, going there is like walking into a hair salon.

You didn't give me a reason, user.

You are alright, was disappointed adult Marco didn't have chest hair like his dad.
tits or GTFO

>You didn't give me a reason, user.
i don't know

i don't know why they'd be on here instead of getting boned

I consider this planet to be a more than acceptable locale.

kill star
fuck toffee
marry ludo