Would they work as a movie/trilogy?
Mass Effect
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Only if they rewrote ME3's ending
I think it'd work pretty well but ME3 would be way too long. I hate to say it but maybe it would be best to split 3 into 2 parts (not a cashgrab guys, I swear)! Part 1 can end after the Tu'Chanka mission.
Basically they are movies, interactive movies. ME2 has biggest movie potential, even as standalone.
>Would they work as a movie/trilogy?
It didn't the first time. Now go away Sup Forums.
Maybe a prequel of the first contact war following around Anderson
Yes, it's called the Mass Effect video games.
I genuinely don't understand why anyone would want a movie of this series. It's basically already a movie, but with the added benefit of not being constrained by a movie's strangling runtime.
It's a moot point anyway, Andromeda flopped so hard EA is never going to do anything with the property again.
No. Because every video game movie has been garbage and I can't imagine how this would be any different.
Movies or a Show, it just can't focus on Shepard. I am legitimately interested in anyone suggestions for writer or director, A video game adaption pulled of right is near impossible, and a Mass Effect adaptation being done right is boarding on absurd.
No, the story barely passes as a video game.
That would be a great movie ending.
Would you rather a boss fight?
One dude shooting a million space cuttlefish?
i think the first game would transition well, the other 2 games are trash, they tried too hard to turn it into a gears of war clone.
>remove the gameplay from a game and only keep the story
>wonder why video game movies don't work
They stole most of their key plot points from Babylon 5 anyway, so, yeah.
>The Citadel=Babylon 5
Criminal, really.
I agree
Just boggles the mind that some people post about world of warcraft being a good movie. There was a scene where the main character (at least for that scene) walked off and the remaining characters just looked at each other,then looked around,then back at each other.
It was only a few seconds but it was as if the actors where waiting to hear the director yell cut,but he never did and the editor just left it in because the wanted the viewer to experience a small amount of grind,like the stupid game.
ME1 was goat
ME2 was good
ME3 was shit but the sound the reapers made on that level where you're fighting through the streets towards the reapers was fucking epic
>*whole screen shakes*
>the fuck?
Shitty game=shitty movie
get over it.
i would like you to stop and think to yourself, has there EVER been a good video game movie. there you go, you didnt even have to make this thread
Not really, ME1 is pretty slow paced with 3 separate contained stories that are all pretty long.
They’re all kind of like that, a bit too much unrelated information. If it had to be put to the screen, I figure a series of 40-minute/hour long episodes like Star Trek would work much better.
I would like several well done youtube clips/shorts.
Like how blinky500(I think) did a ton of joker/Superman/oc hero/punisher videos. Low budget but good stuff.
That's literally the only youtube guy I know of,not sure if he still makes stuff.
I saw a short based on the game portal, and that was fun even though it is purely a puzzle solving game.
I agree,we need more movies where the hero fights the toughest guy evar.
Wonder if he will win...
Better yet,our hero loses a few times,the fight restarts and at one point,off screen, you hear "DAMNIT MOM,I'M BUSY! THE CAT CAN EAT LATER!"
That would be a good massage effect 3 ending,just like every other game.
>mortal kombat
ME2's base story is almost completely unessential to the franchise. 90% of the important things happened in the fucking DLC, which is why I never bought 3.
I... honestly this. That was the PROBLEM with ME3's ending, it suddenly wanted to be 2001 Space Odyssey
>Andromeda flopped so hard EA is never going to do anything with the property again.
Unlikely, but the studio that made it is kill.
What decides ME's fast is 2 things: how the NEXT game does, and how ANTHEM does. If it bombs and Anthem does well? Then ME is kill. But there is no way they don't milk a famous property for all it's worth./
EA ruined the franchise after ME1. It went from a space opera RPG to a Gears of War shoot/cover clone.
Yeah, it is a shame how fast they hard turned from Space Opera love letter/homage (complete with that shitty film grain filter) and the haunting synth soundtrack to Gears of War in spess.
Plotwise two of them didn't even work as games, so why would they work as movies.
just watch babylon 5
God, I love ME1 and 2. I even really like 3, even though it's pretty forgettable in the grand scheme of playing all of them.
And no, they'd be horrible movies. The point of the game is to make your own adventure with your own choices. How the fuck would a movie do that? The ME story is great for a game, but it'd be shit for a movie that's supposed to only be a couple hours long.
Also, EA fucked up my beautiful Liara. She went from this...
Don't do it!
No, because the only good one was the first Mass Effect.
I'd love to see a 3 hour space epic of the first game with some characters/elements from the second game thrown in.
And then don't make any more after that
Yeah, and there was some other person they fucked up too. Can't remember, but it had me pissed. Either way Liara went from being best girl to that bitch you see once in a while in the basement. Fuck EA.
she was so fucking cute in ME1. i don't know wtf EA did but I'll never forgive them
I replayed ME1 a dozen times and the first thing I always did was go rescue Liara. I think I actually really loved her lel
Too bad she was fucking autistic and annoying, thank god she finally normaled off and became an adult in 3
>there was some other person they fucked up too. Can't remember, but it had me pissed
its already a fucking movie. just replace the long gameplay sequences with shorter action sequences and it'd probably be long enough to turn into a short miniseries.
I don't think so, they're too big. ME1 and ME3 both have four distinct self-contained arcs, while ME2 is basically side story: the game. Also the shipping wars would never stop.
It works best in its medium. If you absolutely had to adapt it would be best done as a TV show. The first game in particular was blatantly in Trek and BSG style.
Fucking right. Damn, they did her so badly. She's another one they turned into an ugly unimportant side character.
They would have fucked up Tali if she didn't wear a mask all the time.
they did fuck Tali, just in the personality
Tali objectively has the best personality.
she was inexperienced in 1. she was almost child-like due to spending her whole life studying ruins in dark caves.
don't start on my liara dude i'll fucking pop a singularity over your head and fuck you up.
go let miranda sit on your face with that ridiculous plastic ass
I think they made her better and stronger. I hated hearing her talk in the first game, even though I took her on every mission. She used to sound like a loud stray cat.
I used to get angry that she was down there with that Irish cunt all day, probably slagging me off and cheating
thats because she's just ME1 Liara
>tfw kelly lapdance
i think if they followed along the first one pretty faithfully but then strayed from the source material for the next two
Tali started out as a spunky go getter, kind but a realist and ruthless when necessary. The games made her increasingly co-dependent and flagged her daddy issues hard.
Meanwhile Liara, who starts out as this way too clingy autist who thinks I want to bang her because i'm being nice, then loses her shit and turns into Shadow the Edgehog, until finally calming down and becoming a mature and confident adult by 3. Liara became increasingly bangable while Tali became decreasingly.
2 as a standalone or 1 and 3
There is no other options
No she's not, ME1 Liara is a submissive autist, Tali is more ruthless, snarky, and independent, and one of the only squadmates actually willing to argue with Shepard (everyone else is completely beta).
Real talk, you could cut out ME2 completely and plotwise basically nothing would change at all.
>Would you rather a boss fight?
I've not seen her in anything in a while, is Yvonne still castable as her character from ME2 with the fucked up face mapping? That'd be interesting to see
And yet its the only good game in the series
Who would play Miranda though? I can't think of a single actress who would suit the role.
Some weirdly hot big faced woman. Don't know who, but they're out there.
Minnie Driver.
>go let miranda sit on your face with that ridiculous plastic ass
Has the face, but far too old. Good one, though.
Yes, but only in a different timeline in which it was never a video game in the first place.
ME2 is objectively dogshit and only loved by plebs.
Why do people pretend ME1 is somehow a deep tactical game just because the combat is clunky?
And don't even try to pretend ME3 is good, I know you're just baiting.
ME2 was like LOTR2 for me. It wasn't as heavy and lore-driven as the first, but not at all-out and serious-mode as the 3rd. ME2 was a perfect mix of fun, story, gameplay and characters for me. It felt like a classic "getting the band together" story. Oh well, mate. At least you wont be telling me ME3 is the best....
It'd be a better TV series than Orville or STD, that's for damn fucking sure!
maybe the actress who voiced her and was modeled after?
the only thing i like in me2 were the robots
I've replayed all 3 games in the last couple of months, and each game has strenghts and weaknesses, but overall 1 was worst, and 2 was best. 3 has best gameplay, but towards ending game becomes a mess and that ending is pure crap
>Won't stop Shepard from revealing the evidence
>Won't stop Legion from sending her data and just passive-aggressively bitchs to Shepard
>Won't save her race from genocide and just jumps off a cliff
Beta as fuck
prince of persia was alright
>now go away Sup Forums
exact opposite for me. I thought 1 was the best, 3 was good but bad ending, and 2 was just a mess.
>Genociding the Quarians
The first one would make a great David Ayer film. Lot of the game takes place in seedy environments and theres a lot of focus on the theme on whether its better to follow the letter vs the spirit of the law
Second one could be done as a miniseries doesn't fit a movie structure and the third one would have to be a two parter directed by like Neil Blomkamp or something
The cast would mostly just be the same voice actors for the aliens and Shepard would be played by Matthew Fox
Pretty much, except 3 was bad all round.
2 is a clusterfuck. it both invalidates the first game, where reapers can't actually arrive any time soon since the plan failed and adds nothing but pointless retcons, dead-end plotpoints like Shepard dying and decisions to be invalidated in ME3.
Understandably it's enjoyed by people on a board for superhero movies.
Well Babylon 5 worked and that was pretty much the same thing.
Can I watch Babylon 5 without buying a hundred DVDs
>Tali kills herself if you side with the Geth
>Legion tries to kill you if you side with the Quarians
Throughout the entire war the Geth just wanted it more, gotta go with them
the citadel should've transformed into a giant fighting robot and you get to punch the reapers to death
everything's better with giant fighting robots
>Understandably it's enjoyed by people on a board for superhero movies
Ironically, you're the one who cares about overarching continuity more than the quality of the product.
its garbage and people love sexy garbage. you could make a mass effect movie, it wouldn’t sell only because fans who think it was a gud series to begin with would chimp
Writing is the quality of an RPG.
>except 3 was bad all round.
the only reason i like 3 was this level
i thought it was fucking epic. the noise the reaper made and the constant enemies made it intense imo. apart from that you're right it was stupid.
The only thing I can think of is Shannen Doherty.
It's super generic so yea it can work.
Good point, however
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.
So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.
No true blizzard and wow have more fans and the movie floped
Rhea Perlman?no,that would never work.
>just jumps off a cliff
You fucked up.
I was able to protect that smile.
>what shall we make tali look like?
>picks a random face off goggle
The quarians one problem compared to every other xeno was that they would not calm the fuck down about the geth. Ultimately neither deserved death but tbe quarians haven't spent 3 games trying to kill me every couple of hours.
are there people who willingly chose endings other than synthesis?
Alright let's bring it to the main screen. We want:
>main character with the last name She___
>space station where all the different aliens meet
>galactic space council
>a rogue human element who hates alien influence attempt to seize power
>an ancient dark evil that comes back to cleanse the galaxy
>a reptilian looking alien race angry at another race for destroying their society
>space relays to fast travel between systems
>at the end all the alien races come together in a giant fleet to defeat the dark evil with the help of a representative from another ancient civilization
That's always a weird feeling when porn artists were more creative about her face than the artists were who work on the actual game.
its extremely creepy and forced and unnatural. the reapers murdered countless organic life forms, ended countless galactic civilizations and did it mercilessly. Destroy with maximum resources and everyone saved is the only option nigger
Did they even need to anything that crazy?
Punching the regular Illusive Man in the face would have been satisfying