This show isn't actually good and people are just memeing it right?

This show isn't actually good and people are just memeing it right?

Other urls found in this thread:

watch it and form your own opinion

It's alright

It decent for youtubers i guess but yeah its pretty bad

That one cup sketch was pretty racist I'm surprised it was allowed on tv

Also Charles calling the black man cutout a "chigger"

Edgy indeed

Did anyone ever order the How to Bomb the U.S. Govt book? I heard he never shipped them out

they shipped recently. its ok, about what you would expect from a meme book.

that was a dark white man

That Sam Hyde guy has been on Sup Forums for years and he shills this crap on here, he has managed to trick mindless memeboys into supporting him during that time.

It's pretty good if you have an actual brain and not conditioned by the liberal only laugh at fart jokes and people turning into pickles.

Found a copy on EBay

I always preferred their yt shit like mde whypz and the street fashion videos. The show was decent though, would've enjoyed more of it.

an overproduced waste of money. anything anarchic that you liked about sam's insane cryptofascist youtube videos is gone in these aimless, inert sketches. the ted talk is funny. it's surprising and fresh. world peace isn't. but that doesn't really matter. what matters is fuck sam hyde

Imagine watching sam hyde film himself being a weird, scary, insane dick to a buzzfeed reporter and then thinking it was a vast political conspiracy that a tv network wouldn't want to work with them. Imagine being a person in the real world who has any fragment of an idea of how the film and television industries work and also being swept up by Sup Forums posts all day into believing this shit. imagine wanting to be sam hyde so badly that when he didn't have a tv show anymore he acted like his human rights had been taken away. like an entitled fucking brat.

>It's pretty good if you have an actual brain and not conditioned by the liberal only laugh at fart jokes and people turning into pickles.

Sam Hyde is a man who sells videos of himself fiddling with old cell phones for $5 a month. The laughter is gone.

I agree. He had to have seen this coming with all the shit anyone can pull up about him online. He was lucky to have a show in the first place

imagine having your tv show taken down because of "ties" to the alt right

The alt right is gay and if you have "ties" to them in any way you deserve whatever happens to you

imagine having your tv show taken down because execs are scared that your show has ties to the alt right (even though it doesn't)

Oh come on man. His show aired right in the middle of the election and Sam's Twitter was a hive of edgy alt right Shillary memes during the whole debacle. If he wasn't apart of the alt right at all he did a bad job of showing it

>His show aired right in the middle of the election
and? don't the producers/execs/whatever decide when it airs?
>Sam's Twitter was a hive of edgy alt right Shillary memes during the whole debacle
what does that have to do with the show
any schoolboy can figure out that sam himself is connected to the alt right but his show on the other hand

you hate the show because you hate yourself

the show was apolitical retard. eric andre retweets SJW bullshit all the time does that make his show SJW?

imagine if the show wasn't cancelled, but it would be cancelled anyway because of your lust of barely-legal teenage poop-chutes.

if its barely-legal (which is still legal) why would it get cancelled?

but he's right, be honest, you hate the show because sam is a white nationalist and you're a nigger


You don't seem to understand how this whole contracted work thing operates. People get fired for what they post on social media all the time. That's why so many people go anonymous

Sam's online persona was toxic for a business to deal with. It was going to come around and fuck them eventually

It's a lame show, and the only people who like it are mentally unhinged NEETs who project themselves onto Sam.

Louis C.K. technically didn't do anything illegal either, and his movie basically got cancelled. Kevin Spacey was completely replaced in Ridley Scott's new movie months after filming and only a few weeks from release.

I mean, have you been paying any attention at all to the news coming out of Hollywood after what happened to Weinstein?

Sam got lucky if you ask me. Better to lose your show for being a sperg than a borderline pedo.

oh boy another thread from bitter pitters where they whinge about sam and insist that he totally isn't talented and better than every other hack working with adult swim

then why did they want 100 seasons
i don't understand why you won't believe that the studio execs pulled the show over non-existent political links
that's feminism for you

Everything I've seen from MDE is absolutely awful.

What is clearly WANTS to be is the execution/performances/aesthetic of Tim and Eric with Mister Metokur, Gavin McInnes, etc. alt-right bants, but it fails totally at both. The performances are shit (the main guy can't even keep a straight face at his own "jokes), there's clearly NO writing done at all (just improvisation from people who aren't good at it), and the "bants" is just a spurgy rehashing of Sup Forums's greatest hits, without any fluency let alone any wit.

Nobody cares if you post a bunch of sjw shit as long as it's nothing completely batshit, like the stuff Lena Dunham says where she makes an attempt to be progressive but she's so retarded it comes off as out of touch or almost offensive. But if you start posting a bunch of white identitarian Sup Forums shit it almost always makes people uncomfortable, especially anybody connected to you professionally or personally.

>show was apolitical
For the most part yes, but it was borderline. If you knew Sam and knew where he was coming from the politics revealed themselves

Yup, I went in expecting someone who made fun of the over-sensitivity of the left, but instead got a full-blown not-hiding-it-very-well racist and mysogynist.

This. Gavin legitimately has charisma and humor. I'd rather watch him over Sam acting like an unfunny autist.

It's like they're doing an amature-for-youtube shot-for-shot remake of a T&E sketch.

Inb4 marky posts 'that' deceptive image and uses Boston Ross as proof of her claims

I don't even think Sam is a huge right-winger at his core. He just saw an opportunity to viral market here in a niche without much competition, and tried taking that opportunity to ride on user to some-kind of career success. I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly hates his fanbase.

MDE is like if Tim and Eric got thrown into a blender with Jon Rafman, and then someone shit in the mix.

This isn't at all what Tim and Eric looks like. I think you're just parroting opinions in an attempt to fit in

>why did they want 100 seasons Probably because they didn't know who or what they were dealing with yet. Could you imagine 4 or 5 seasons of World Peace? Sam wouldve got pressured for ideas and wouldve had to cede soms creative control when Adult Swim brought on new writers just like with all their shows; for all we know Sam could've ended up ruining his own show from a clash between adult swim and his more insane ideas.

It was nice of them to give him a show for one season but Adult Swim was never the right place for Sam

Talk about denial. Sam did it bro, there is no evidence to contradict anything in that infograph Just accept the fact that Sam hypocritically uses his e-celeb status to take advance of dumb teen girls that don't know better.

Sam is and always has been a raging anti semite, which is why semites pulled his show

i like it and mde quite a bit and would admit at least 1/4 of the show is awful. for me there is enough big hits to forgive the misses

No it's actually good

Are you marky or the cuck boy who had a crush on her when Sam fucked her brains out? You're in the wrong place if you think Sup Forums is against having sex with underage girls

It's good but a little abstruse. I wish these guys would get it together and crowdfund a second season, would get funded in a week.

I agree that there are a LOT of opportunists milking the alt-right for cash/clicks, but watch this and tell me Sam isn't a straight-up un-ironic Sup Forumslock: (and disgusting human)

It was pretty funny and I don't regret watching it. Nothing amazing though.

>no reply

Ok, this video is mean spirited but it's still funny

fair enough but the point is white pride isn't something that should be toxic to business, i think that's one of the fundamental roots to who sam is as a comedian

It's up to you to morally/ethically justify what he did, I dont really care.

The point is that there isn't much of a counter argument that the whole thing is fake, and that it wouldn't sink his show if MDE never got cancelled for Sam's sperging. And that Sam isn't a hypocrite for engaging in that type of behavior.

It literally not like that at all. Find me a T&E sketch that actually looks like this. MDE's very old stuff sometimes has a T&E vibe, but World Peace has a style that's very much it's own. You're kind of a faggot

sam has talked about marky plenty if times, he never abused her, she gets perpetual nosebleeds, the texts are real though, he didnt want her to eat so he could do anal without getting poop on his dick

The only thing that could possibly be proof is the photo, everything else is complete bullshit. I guess Sam saying he's hearing jewish voices in "im hearing jewish voices and I like it" is proof he's actually hearing jewish voices. Considering you post this in every single mde thread I'd say you do care. Cuck BTFO

wouldnt be surprised if the guy insisting that MDE is a rip off of T&E is actually affiliated with T&E in some way

An Inconvenient Anime was the peak of Sam Hyde and MDE. Nothing they've done since has been that good

The problem is it's mean spirited and not funny.

This is how it's done: ,

incorrect, Rutgers is the real masterwork

If you didn't know Sup Forums existed, this shit wouldn't be funny. That's why the normies over at adult swim didn't get it.

You really don't belong here

yeah, that's why they intended to greenlight season 2 and even when that didn't work out attempted to buy MDE's ideas for their other shows

More like after filming "jews rock" the head honchos became suspicious about who he was, checked his old videos and realized he was overtly anti semitic

these people deserve to be bullied. i disagree by the way that video is pretty funny

Damn, twitter at it again. They suspended now the main MDE account and the bombstrap twitter too for some reason.


It's not very good

There were a couple of skits that made me laugh, but overall it was mediocre.

Yes, people are just memeing your stupid ass and nobody has ever fou d Sam Hyde's bullshit shenanigans remotely funny, even for a fucking moment. Now, fuck off and let that hobo fuck die in obscurity.

And yet I dont see you debunking any of it. If enough evidence accumulates you can pretty much deduce the likely truth.

this thread inspired me to rewatch on the as website. holy fuck, it is incredible, honestly.

was bombstrap charls? never knew about that one

Charls and Andrew Ruse

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tim Heidecker himself. Fuck you Tim.

you're clearly ignoring
saging this shit thread

But there is literally nothing wrong with this.

Im sorry but anal is inherently abusive and degenerate.

Again, nothing has been debunked so far.

>women brag about sleeping with him
lmao he’s the funniest president of all time, pretends to be himself constantly. writes fake letters, leaves fake voicemails

It reminds me a lot of their Absolute Vodka shorts

Yeah, except those are funny and inventive.

>make outrageous claim without any clear evidence

>Pretends the evidence doesn't exist

Sam even talks about it in this skit

My only conclusion is that you are a white-knighting retard. You probably even bought his book and ugly ass 40$ sweatshirt.

I don't know if I could really call one better than the other

Literally the same response in every thread, this is truly pathetic. I have absolutely no doubt that you were personal friends with marky and are personally offended that she friendzoned you while she went and had sex with Sam. Truly pathetic and I can only pity you so much before I start feeling disgust

The MDE skit is like the v.0.000003 of the T&E ones. Comparatively there are no jokes (besides the absurdist situation), there's no structure, the characters aren't developed, there's no arc.

The last act of the third one in particular is genius and perfectly executed.

I have one, but I preordered so idk if he sent the second run.

>Sidesteps the issue entirely
>Makes up complete unsubstantiated gibberish on the spot

Typical samshill.

>tips fedora

All I need to do is question you once and you post the exact same reply every. single. time. I don't know how you havent killed yourself out of shame yet

The show is memed.

I haven't heard of it outside Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

It's memed by racists and alt-righters mostly.

I didn't find it funny at all. It's definitely under absurdist humour.

Everyone thinks Tim got him cancelled, but they don't realize being an edgy faggot is risky, which is why he got canned.

I ordered the last run and I have mine

I see words but no debunking, no rebuttal, nothing, nada. There is a picture of them together, shirtless, in this very thread and you pretend it doesn't exist.

Is this the what it's like to exist in the Sam bubble? Completely deluded and blind to reality? Is this the secret to how he convinces you to empty your paycheck into his patreon account?

reddit the post

That's fair

I wholeheartedly believe he fucked marky, multiple times over an extended period. Im glad he did, because seeing your impotent rage on Sup Forums is a nice reminder that I'm not even nearly the most pathetic person on Sup Forums. 2 years of unbridled virgin rage at someone who stole your crush. Hilarious

What kind of paychecks are you getting?

Has no counter-arguments, the post.

This ugly loser stole your girl by doing nothing other than having an internet following. It's time for you to let go. I don't think you ever stood a chance of having sex with marky