Circle (2015) and Exam (2009) are great movies that test the characters in interesting ways, without being too violent. Any similar movies?
Testing Movies
Cube is hella violent tho
i like all these movies even if they dont have good reviews
13 sins
would you rather
the divide
the killing room
nine dead
I liked that in the end the kid killed the single mother, and then the baby. Didn't expect it and it was pretty realistic.
Cool, I got a new tab open for all those movies. I'll first see which are on netflix, then try to whittle down what I want to see most. Thank you user
You will watch Would You Rather first because it's not bad and it has Jeffrey Motherfucking Combs.
I want a sequel with him too. It's an interesting concept
One came out recently called 'Infinity Chamber'.
>Locked up in an automated prison, Frank Lerner undergoes an interrogation process that forces him to relive the same day over and over. When a war erupts on the outside, he must find a way to escape from a computer system that won't let him go.
basically he's stuck in a room and has to bargain with the AI to let him out the whole movie.
It's meh that's only saved by Jeffrey Coombs and Ricky from TPB
Well well you psychic motherfucker user, looks like I'll be watching it. It's the only one on Canadian Netflix.
Exam is decent, even if the twist was kind of meh.
And Sasha Gray. Really what an all star cast.
spoilers ahead
Circle was a student level film at best (muh life boat ethics) and ruined anything it had going for it with that ayy lmao ending. the smartest thing it did was killing the burka chick immediately, because they knew they were too stupid to have to touch the subject.
Exam was legit one of the worst movies i've ever seen.
I enjoyed Circle for what it was. The film makers were also probably too stupid to know that babies in the womb clench their fist. would have made it a lot more interesting.
Really hated Exam.
Try Fermat's Room. Highly enjoyable in my opinion, one of the better testing/one room movies I've seen.
It chooses randomly when the votes are equal, correct? The guy definitely voted to kill the baby. If the baby somehow voted, he was just lucky enough to survive.
Silence of the Lambs
He is testing Clarice.
>hella violent tho
Kill yourself you little faggot
To be fair he was the smartest person in the entire game, he knew like the corporate douche and the random gangster that no matter what order they decide to kill people in it would just come down to the pregnant lady and the little girl. but he wasn't dumb enough to say it out right and so instead he kept quiet for as long as possible and then joined in with the group of white knights. he kind of deserved the victory.
lmao u mad? bitter beta mad? lmao
I fucking love this genre, but it's so hard to find good stuff.
Battle Royale is classic schlock.
Kaiji is great — possibly the best in the entire genre — and I would still recommend it to people who would normally avoid anime on principle, because it's just that good.
I can name a dozen decent survival game manga if anybody is interested in that weeb shit.
>The story tells of seven people that have been selected among several applicants for one final round to determine who will get an enviable, executive position for a mysterious corporation, Dekia. The seven applicants are submitted to a series of psychological tests - known as the "Grönholm Method" - that start eliminating the applicants one by one. It is warned at the beginning that one of the seven people is an employee of the corporation posing as an applicant to evaluate the others. As the applicants are discarded, the race for the position becomes more tense and sinister.
Pretty similar to the Exam, and there's no violance in it.
The 3% on Netflix.
But it's a South American show and the ending is extremely lackluster.
>Pretty similar
It sounds identical.
That is literally the exact plot of Exam.
It's from 2005 and based on some book. So if anything, the guys making Exam ripped it off
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